Résidence senior

Présentation du projet


SPCME va construire pour vous suivant son savoir faire, 31 maisons à la norme handicapé, pour votre qualité de vie et en indépendance énergétique

SPCME va construire pour vous suivant son savoir faire, 31 maisons à la norme handicapé, pour votre qualité de vie et en indépendance énergétique, c'est-à-dire des maisons n'ayant pas besoin de chauffage ni de climatisation, dont les besoins sont couvert par la production d'électricité photovoltaïque pour les économies.

À 3 minutes du centre de MONCLAR DU QUERCY, découvrez le village seniors Les SENIORS DES TROIS LACS, un havre de paix en bordure du complexe ludique, exposé plein Sud.

MONCLAR accueille de nombreuses entreprises, commerces et services de proximité, marché hebdomadaire, salle des fêtes, Maison de la Culture, bibliothèque, ainsi que des équipements sportifs de qualité. Plusieurs associations (chasse, pèche, peinture, randonnée...) dynamisent également le quotidien des 1 900 habitants qui, dans un esprit de grande convivialité, entretiennent des liens chaleureux toute l'année. 
À 23 km de Montauban, 54 km de TOULOUSE et ALBI, embellie par la présence d'un plan d'eau et d'un grand parc aquatique.

Le village senior, des résidences modernes 

Les résidences seniors proposent un concept d'habitat clef en main pensé pour vous offrir plus qu'un logement traditionnel. Les résidences mettent à votre disposition un espace de vie adapté, très confortable et un environnement offrant convivialité et tranquillité. Vivre au village senior, c'est choisir la retraite qui vous ressemble tout en bénéficiant de nombreux avantages : charges optimisées par l'independence énergétique, activités et animations, terrasse, piscine, offre Privilège base de loisir, etc. 

Des logements confortables et équipés 

La résidence de Monclar est composée de 31 maisons de plain-pied du T3 au T4, avec un large choix de surfaces de 50 à 75 m2. Tous les logements sont accessibles aux personnes à mobilité réduite et bénéficient d'aménagements confortables : 

  • Cuisine meublée et équipée (plaques cuisson au gaz, hotte aspirante)
  • Salle d'eau ergonomique, avec douche de plain-pied
  • Dressing pratique, buanderie sur une sélection de logements
  • Volets roulants électriques
  • Terrasse donnant sur un jardin à usage privatif
  • Parking privatif - Possibilité de garage en plus 

Une résidence respectueuse de l'environnement et économique !

Vous pourrez l'acquérir pour vous ou pour un revenu ou défiscalisation avec : 

  • Loi Pinel
  • Statut LMNP 
  • Loi Censi-Bouvard 

À 3 minutes du centre de MONCLAR DU QUERCY, découvrez le village seniors Les SENIORS DES TROIS LACS, un havre de paix en bordure du complexe ludique, exposé plein Sud.

Présentation du projet
Unknown error type: [8] Undefined index: nb_pages on line 12 in file /var/www/vhosts/maison-ecologique-bois.com/httpdocs/modules/Pages/run/sommaire.php
myErrorHandler(#8#,#Undefined index: nb_pages#,#/var/www/vhosts/maison-ecologique-bois.com/httpdocs/modules/Pages/run/sommaire.php#,#12#,tableau 9#Array ( [action] => sommaire [afficher] => [retour] => Array ( [state] => 0 [template] => [templates] => Array ( ) [corps] => [donnees] => Array ( ) [javascript] => Array ( ) [notification] => [debug] => ) [tab] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => sommaire [admin] => [module] => Pages [id] => [query] => [titre] => residence-senior [lang] => en [params] => all ) [this] => Pages Object ( [_id_cat] => 0 [_id_page] => 16 [_sommaire] => 1 [_chapeau] => [_nom_rewrite] => residence-senior [_name] => Pages [_modules_root] => modules/Pages [_modulo] => Modulo Object ( [_dbConnexion] => sqlDB Object ( [_config:sqlDB:private] => Array ( [user] => maison-ecolo [pwd] => iR9&ni53H6mhu8^1 [db_name] => maison-ecolo [server] => localhost [type_db] => mysql ) [_pdo:sqlDB:private] => 1 [_handler:sqlDB:private] => PDO Object ( ) [_res:sqlDB:private] => PDOStatement Object ( [queryString] => SELECT id FROM mod_langues WHERE code_langue='en' ) [_req] => SELECT id FROM mod_langues WHERE code_langue='en' [_fetched:sqlDB:private] => [_curr_line:sqlDB:private] => 1 [_error:sqlDB:private] => errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] => [_ligne:errorClass:private] => [_objContext:errorClass:private] => [_message:errorClass:private] => ) ) [_modules] => Modules Object ( [_root_modules] => modules/ [_mods] => Array ( [0] => Actualites [1] => Agenda [2] => Annuaires [3] => Cartes [4] => Contact [5] => Droits [6] => FluxRSS [7] => Galeries [8] => Geographie [9] => Langs [10] => LiensRef [11] => Mailing [12] => Main [13] => Menu [14] => Pages [15] => Panneaux [16] => Partenaires [17] => Plans [18] => Prestations [19] => Produits [20] => Realisations [21] => Referencement [22] => ReseauxSociaux [23] => Slider [24] => Temoignages ) [_modulo] => Modulo Object *RECURSION* [_nb] => 25 [url_repo:Modules:private] => http://modulol.pyreweb.com/getamodule.php ) [_modules_charges] => Array ( [Main] => Main Object ( [_name] => Main [_modules_root] => modules/Main [_modulo] => Modulo Object *RECURSION* [_messenger] => Messenger Object ( [_index:Messenger:private] => Main ) [_errorer] => errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] => [_ligne:errorClass:private] => [_objContext:errorClass:private] => [_message:errorClass:private] => ) [_mustache] => Mustache_Engine Object ( [templates:Mustache_Engine:private] => Array ( [__Mustache_5f56c851127defa716be869a0b94aa85] => __Mustache_5f56c851127defa716be869a0b94aa85 Object ( [lambdaHelper:__Mustache_5f56c851127defa716be869a0b94aa85:private] => Mustache_LambdaHelper Object ( [mustache:Mustache_LambdaHelper:private] => Mustache_Engine Object *RECURSION* [context:Mustache_LambdaHelper:private] => Mustache_Context Object ( [stack:Mustache_Context:private] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [etapes] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [titre] => Général [lien] => Lien Object ( [_module] => Pages [_id] => 1 [_titre] => [_numpage] => [_objet] => categorie [_action] => [_type] => [_id2] => [_id3] => [_option] => [_param] => [_admin] => ) ) [1] => Array ( [titre] => Résidence senior [lien] => Lien Object ( [_module] => Pages [_id] => 16 [_titre] => [_numpage] => [_objet] => page [_action] => [_type] => [_id2] => [_id3] => [_option] => [_param] => [_admin] => ) [last] => 1 [first] => 1 ) ) ) ) [blockStack:Mustache_Context:private] => Array ( ) ) ) [mustache:protected] => Mustache_Engine Object *RECURSION* [strictCallables:protected] => ) ) [templateClassPrefix:Mustache_Engine:private] => __Mustache_ [cache:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Cache_NoopCache Object ( [logger:Mustache_Cache_AbstractCache:private] => ) [lambdaCache:Mustache_Engine:private] => [cacheLambdaTemplates:Mustache_Engine:private] => [loader:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Loader_StringLoader Object ( ) [partialsLoader:Mustache_Engine:private] => [helpers:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_HelperCollection Object ( [helpers:Mustache_HelperCollection:private] => Array ( ) ) [escape:Mustache_Engine:private] => [entityFlags:Mustache_Engine:private] => 2 [charset:Mustache_Engine:private] => UTF-8 [logger:Mustache_Engine:private] => [strictCallables:Mustache_Engine:private] => [pragmas:Mustache_Engine:private] => Array ( ) [tokenizer:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Tokenizer Object ( [state:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => 0 [tagType:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => / [buffer:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => [tokens:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 0 [value] => <nav id="bloc_ariane"> ) [1] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 1 [value] => <ol class="breadcrumb"> ) [2] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 2 [value] => <li> ) [3] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 3 [value] => <em>Vous êtes ici : </em> ) [4] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 4 [value] => <span itemscope itemtype="http://data-vocabulary.org/Breadcrumb"> ) [5] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 5 [value] => <a href="http://www.maison-ecologique-bois.com/" itemprop="url"><span itemprop="title">SPCME</span></a> ) [6] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 6 [value] => </span> ) [7] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 7 [value] => </li> ) [8] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 8 [value] => ) [9] => Array ( [type] => # [name] => etapes [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 8 [index] => 294 ) [10] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 8 [value] => ) [11] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 9 [value] => <li ) [12] => Array ( [type] => # [name] => last [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 9 [index] => 309 ) [13] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 9 [value] => class="active" ) [14] => Array ( [type] => / [name] => last [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 9 [index] => 324 ) [15] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 9 [value] => > ) [16] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 10 [value] => <span itemscope itemtype="http://data-vocabulary.org/Breadcrumb" itemprop="child"> ) [17] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 11 [value] => <a href=" ) [18] => Array ( [type] => _v [name] => lien [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 11 [index] => 442 ) [19] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 11 [value] => " itemprop="url"><span itemprop="title"> ) [20] => Array ( [type] => _v [name] => titre [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 11 [index] => 491 ) [21] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 11 [value] => </span></a> ) [22] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 12 [value] => </span> ) [23] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 13 [value] => </li> ) [24] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 14 [value] => ) [25] => Array ( [type] => / [name] => etapes [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 14 [index] => 524 ) [26] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 14 [value] => ) [27] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 15 [value] => </ol> ) [28] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 16 [value] => </nav> ) ) [seenTag:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => 526 [line:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => 16 [otag:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => {{ [ctag:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => }} [otagLen:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => 2 [ctagLen:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => 2 ) [parser:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Parser Object ( [lineNum:Mustache_Parser:private] => 16 [lineTokens:Mustache_Parser:private] => 0 [pragmas:Mustache_Parser:private] => Array ( ) [defaultPragmas:Mustache_Parser:private] => Array ( ) [pragmaFilters:Mustache_Parser:private] => [pragmaBlocks:Mustache_Parser:private] => ) [compiler:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Compiler Object ( [pragmas:Mustache_Compiler:private] => Array ( ) [defaultPragmas:Mustache_Compiler:private] => Array ( ) [sections:Mustache_Compiler:private] => Array ( [A779d0e8be975469e74058d6ae113a3d] => private function sectionA779d0e8be975469e74058d6ae113a3d(Mustache_Context $context, $indent, $value) { $buffer = ''; if (!is_string($value) && is_callable($value)) { $source = ' class="active"'; $result = call_user_func($value, $source, $this->lambdaHelper); if (strpos($result, '{{') === false) { $buffer .= $result; } else { $buffer .= $this->mustache ->loadLambda((string) $result) ->renderInternal($context); } } elseif (!empty($value)) { $values = $this->isIterable($value) ? $value : array($value); foreach ($values as $value) { $context->push($value); $buffer .= ' class="active"'; $context->pop(); } } return $buffer; } [C2e4c5434e2e39fe39a6c51bf35aa05a] => private function sectionC2e4c5434e2e39fe39a6c51bf35aa05a(Mustache_Context $context, $indent, $value) { $buffer = ''; if (!is_string($value) && is_callable($value)) { $source = ' <li{{#last}} class="active"{{/last}}> <span itemscope itemtype="http://data-vocabulary.org/Breadcrumb" itemprop="child"> <a href="{{lien}}" itemprop="url"><span itemprop="title">{{titre}}</span></a> </span> </li> '; $result = call_user_func($value, $source, $this->lambdaHelper); if (strpos($result, '{{') === false) { $buffer .= $result; } else { $buffer .= $this->mustache ->loadLambda((string) $result) ->renderInternal($context); } } elseif (!empty($value)) { $values = $this->isIterable($value) ? $value : array($value); foreach ($values as $value) { $context->push($value); $buffer .= $indent . ' <li'; // 'last' section $value = $context->find('last'); $buffer .= $this->sectionA779d0e8be975469e74058d6ae113a3d($context, $indent, $value); $buffer .= '> '; $buffer .= $indent . ' <span itemscope itemtype="http://data-vocabulary.org/Breadcrumb" itemprop="child"> '; $buffer .= $indent . ' <a href="'; $value = $this->resolveValue($context->find('lien'), $context, $indent); $buffer .= htmlspecialchars($value, 2, 'UTF-8'); $buffer .= '" itemprop="url"><span itemprop="title">'; $value = $this->resolveValue($context->find('titre'), $context, $indent); $buffer .= htmlspecialchars($value, 2, 'UTF-8'); $buffer .= '</span></a> '; $buffer .= $indent . ' </span> '; $buffer .= $indent . ' </li> '; $context->pop(); } } return $buffer; } ) [source:Mustache_Compiler:private] => <nav id="bloc_ariane"> <ol class="breadcrumb"> <li> <em>Vous êtes ici : </em> <span itemscope itemtype="http://data-vocabulary.org/Breadcrumb"> <a href="http://www.maison-ecologique-bois.com/" itemprop="url"><span itemprop="title">SPCME</span></a> </span> </li> {{#etapes}} <li{{#last}} class="active"{{/last}}> <span itemscope itemtype="http://data-vocabulary.org/Breadcrumb" itemprop="child"> <a href="{{lien}}" itemprop="url"><span itemprop="title">{{titre}}</span></a> </span> </li> {{/etapes}} </ol> </nav> [indentNextLine:Mustache_Compiler:private] => [customEscape:Mustache_Compiler:private] => [entityFlags:Mustache_Compiler:private] => 2 [charset:Mustache_Compiler:private] => UTF-8 [strictCallables:Mustache_Compiler:private] => ) ) [tab_run] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => redirections [admin] => [module] => Main ) [1] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => front [admin] => [module] => Main ) [2] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => parse_mustaches [admin] => [module] => Main [moustache] => front [params_run] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => affiche [admin] => [module] => Pages [id] => [query] => [titre] => residence-senior [lang] => en ) ) [3] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => parse_mustaches [admin] => [module] => Main [moustache] => haut [params_run] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => affiche [admin] => [module] => Pages [id] => [query] => [titre] => residence-senior [lang] => en ) ) [4] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => parse_mustaches [admin] => [module] => Main [moustache] => bas [params_run] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => affiche [admin] => [module] => Pages [id] => [query] => [titre] => residence-senior [lang] => en ) ) [5] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => parse_mustaches [admin] => [module] => Main [moustache] => scripts [params_run] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => affiche [admin] => [module] => Pages [id] => [query] => [titre] => residence-senior [lang] => en ) ) ) [template] => archic [_template] => archic [template_admin] => archic [tab_lang] => Array ( [_LAST_ACCESS] => Derniers accès ) [_db] => sqlDB Object ( [_config:sqlDB:private] => Array ( [user] => maison-ecolo [pwd] => iR9&ni53H6mhu8^1 [db_name] => maison-ecolo [server] => localhost [type_db] => mysql ) [_pdo:sqlDB:private] => 1 [_handler:sqlDB:private] => PDO Object ( ) [_res:sqlDB:private] => [_req] => [_fetched:sqlDB:private] => [_curr_line:sqlDB:private] => 0 [_error:sqlDB:private] => errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] => [_ligne:errorClass:private] => [_objContext:errorClass:private] => [_message:errorClass:private] => ) ) [_use_bdd] => 1 [_title] => [_ariane] => [_titre] => [_h1] => [_description] => [_keywords] => [_template_admin] => archic [_template_admin_admin] => [_responsive] => 1 [_responsive_admin] => [_auto_scroll] => 1 [_auto_scroll_admin] => [_annee_creation_site] => 2015 [_annee_creation_site_admin] => [_id_google_anaytics] => UA-53704286-21 [_id_google_anaytics_admin] => [_id_client_analytics] => 520640658396-ljfr1f1bh5hk9hq7uhtc15h2ud6bq8q3.apps.googleusercontent.com [_id_client_analytics_admin] => [_limite_derniers_acces] => 10 [_limite_derniers_acces_admin] => [primary_params] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => redirections [admin] => [module] => Main ) ) [Contact] => Contact Object ( [_name] => Contact [_modules_root] => modules/Contact [_modulo] => Modulo Object *RECURSION* [_messenger] => Messenger Object ( [_index:Messenger:private] => Contact ) [_errorer] => errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] => [_ligne:errorClass:private] => [_objContext:errorClass:private] => [_message:errorClass:private] => ) [_mustache] => Mustache_Engine Object ( [templates:Mustache_Engine:private] => Array ( ) [templateClassPrefix:Mustache_Engine:private] => __Mustache_ [cache:Mustache_Engine:private] => [lambdaCache:Mustache_Engine:private] => [cacheLambdaTemplates:Mustache_Engine:private] => [loader:Mustache_Engine:private] => [partialsLoader:Mustache_Engine:private] => [helpers:Mustache_Engine:private] => [escape:Mustache_Engine:private] => [entityFlags:Mustache_Engine:private] => 2 [charset:Mustache_Engine:private] => UTF-8 [logger:Mustache_Engine:private] => [strictCallables:Mustache_Engine:private] => [pragmas:Mustache_Engine:private] => Array ( ) [tokenizer:Mustache_Engine:private] => [parser:Mustache_Engine:private] => [compiler:Mustache_Engine:private] => ) [tab_run] => Array ( ) [template] => archic [_template] => archic [template_admin] => archic [tab_lang] => Array ( [META_DESC_DEFAUT_CONTACT] => Nous contacter [TITRE_PAGE_CONTACT] => Nous contacter [PAGE_VIDE_CONTACT] => Aucune formulaire n'est disponible. [MESSAGE_INTROUVABLE_CONTACT] => Attention ! La page demandée est introuvable ou n'existe pas. [LIEN_RETOUR_FORMULAIRE] => <a href="./fr/contact/">Retour au formulaire de contact</a> [ERREUR_FLOOD] => Le nombre d'envoi de messages est limité sur une courte période (protection anti-flood) :<br /><br />Vous devez patienter avant de tenter d'envoyer un nouveau message. [ERREUR_CAPTCHA] => Notre système anti-robot a arrêté le traitement de ce formulaire. Veuillez recommencer. [ERREUR_FORMULAIRE] => Une erreur est survenue lors du traitement de votre demande.<br />Merci de réessayer plus tard ou d'écrire directement à <a href="mailto:contact@maison-ecologique-bois.com">contact@maison-ecologique-bois.com</a> [CONTACT_INTRO] => Pour toute demande de renseignements remplissez le formulaire de contact; Nous vous répondrons dans les meilleurs délais. [CHAMPS_OBLIGATOIRES] => Les champs marqués d'une <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-asterisk"></span> doivent être renseignés. [LABEL_TEL] => Téléphone [LABEL_FAX] => Fax [LABEL_MOB] => Mobile [LABEL_MEL] => Courriel [LABEL_WEB] => Web [LABEL_CIVILITE] => Civilité [LABEL_NOM] => Nom [LABEL_PRENOM] => Prénom [LABEL_SOCIETE] => Société [LABEL_ADRESSE] => Adresse [LABEL_CODE_POSTAL] => Code postal [LABEL_VILLE] => Ville [LABEL_MESSAGE] => Votre message [LABEL_ENVOYER] => Envoyer [MESSAGE_ENVOYE] => Votre message a bien été envoyé et sera traité dans les meilleurs délais. [TITLE_MENTIONS_LEGALES] => Mentions légales [H1_MENTIONS_LEGALES] => Mentions légales du site SPCME [TITRE_MENTIONS_LEGALES] => Mentions légales ) [_db] => sqlDB Object ( [_config:sqlDB:private] => Array ( [user] => maison-ecolo [pwd] => iR9&ni53H6mhu8^1 [db_name] => maison-ecolo [server] => localhost [type_db] => mysql ) [_pdo:sqlDB:private] => 1 [_handler:sqlDB:private] => PDO Object ( ) [_res:sqlDB:private] => [_req] => [_fetched:sqlDB:private] => [_curr_line:sqlDB:private] => 0 [_error:sqlDB:private] => errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] => [_ligne:errorClass:private] => [_objContext:errorClass:private] => [_message:errorClass:private] => ) ) [_use_bdd] => 1 [_title] => Nous contacter [_ariane] => Nous contacter [_titre] => Nous contacter [_h1] => Nous contacter [_description] => Nous contacter [_keywords] => Nous contacter [_rep_images] => ../images/interface/ [_rep_images_admin] => [__STRUCTURE] => SPCME [__STRUCTURE_admin] => [__SITE_URL] => maison-bois-economique.com [__SITE_URL_admin] => [__URL] => http://www.maison-ecologique-bois.com [__URL_admin] => [__SITE_NOM] => SPCME [__SITE_NOM_admin] => [__SIRET] => 5307343000001 [__SIRET_admin] => [__ADRESSE] => 7 route de Pinas [__ADRESSE_admin] => [__CODE_POSTAL] => 31580 [__CODE_POSTAL_admin] => [__VILLE] => BOUDRAC [__VILLE_admin] => [__TEL] => 05 61 88 95 38 [__TEL_admin] => [__FAX] => [__FAX_admin] => [__PORTABLE] => [__PORTABLE_admin] => [__EMAIL] => contact@maison-ecologique-bois.com [__EMAIL_admin] => [__REGION] => Midi-Pyrénées [__REGION_admin] => [__PAYS] => France [__PAYS_admin] => [__LAT] => 0 [__LAT_admin] => [__LONG] => 0 [__LONG_admin] => [_chps_civilite] => 1 [_chps_civilite_admin] => [_chps_nom] => 1 [_chps_nom_admin] => [_chps_prenom] => 1 [_chps_prenom_admin] => [_chps_societe] => 1 [_chps_societe_admin] => [_chps_adresse] => 1 [_chps_adresse_admin] => [_chps_cp] => 1 [_chps_cp_admin] => [_chps_ville] => 1 [_chps_ville_admin] => [_chps_mail] => 1 [_chps_mail_admin] => [_chps_tel] => 1 [_chps_tel_admin] => [_chps_fax] => 1 [_chps_fax_admin] => [_chps_mobile] => 1 [_chps_mobile_admin] => [_template_admin] => archic ) [Pages] => Pages Object *RECURSION* [Droits] => Droits Object ( [_name] => Droits [_modules_root] => modules/Droits [_modulo] => Modulo Object *RECURSION* [_messenger] => Messenger Object ( [_index:Messenger:private] => Droits ) [_errorer] => errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] => [_ligne:errorClass:private] => [_objContext:errorClass:private] => [_message:errorClass:private] => ) [_mustache] => Mustache_Engine Object ( [templates:Mustache_Engine:private] => Array ( ) [templateClassPrefix:Mustache_Engine:private] => __Mustache_ [cache:Mustache_Engine:private] => [lambdaCache:Mustache_Engine:private] => [cacheLambdaTemplates:Mustache_Engine:private] => [loader:Mustache_Engine:private] => [partialsLoader:Mustache_Engine:private] => [helpers:Mustache_Engine:private] => [escape:Mustache_Engine:private] => [entityFlags:Mustache_Engine:private] => 2 [charset:Mustache_Engine:private] => UTF-8 [logger:Mustache_Engine:private] => [strictCallables:Mustache_Engine:private] => [pragmas:Mustache_Engine:private] => Array ( ) [tokenizer:Mustache_Engine:private] => [parser:Mustache_Engine:private] => [compiler:Mustache_Engine:private] => ) [tab_run] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => ariane [admin] => [module] => Pages [id] => [query] => [titre] => residence-senior [lang] => en [params] => all ) [1] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => h1 [admin] => [module] => Pages [id] => [query] => [titre] => residence-senior [lang] => en [params] => all ) [2] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => affiche [admin] => [module] => Pages [id] => [query] => [titre] => residence-senior [lang] => en [params] => all ) ) [template] => archic [_template] => archic [template_admin] => archic [tab_lang] => Array ( ) [_db] => sqlDB Object ( [_config:sqlDB:private] => Array ( [user] => maison-ecolo [pwd] => iR9&ni53H6mhu8^1 [db_name] => maison-ecolo [server] => localhost [type_db] => mysql ) [_pdo:sqlDB:private] => 1 [_handler:sqlDB:private] => PDO Object ( ) [_res:sqlDB:private] => PDOStatement Object ( [queryString] => SHOW TABLES LIKE 'mod_droits_acces' ) [_req] => SHOW TABLES LIKE 'mod_droits_acces' [_fetched:sqlDB:private] => [_curr_line:sqlDB:private] => 0 [_error:sqlDB:private] => errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] => [_ligne:errorClass:private] => [_objContext:errorClass:private] => [_message:errorClass:private] => ) ) [_use_bdd] => 1 [_title] => [_ariane] => [_titre] => [_h1] => [_description] => [_keywords] => [_id_groupe_visiteurs] => 4 [_id_groupe_visiteurs_admin] => [_template_admin] => archic [primary_params] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => ariane [admin] => [module] => Pages [id] => [query] => [titre] => residence-senior [lang] => en [params] => all ) ) ) [_modules_root] => modules/ [_chaines] => chaines Object ( ) [_horloge] => horloge Object ( [_format] => [_tab] => Array ( [seconds] => 51 [minutes] => 28 [hours] => 12 [mday] => 13 [wday] => 4 [mon] => 2 [year] => 2025 [yday] => 43 [weekday] => Thursday [month] => February [0] => 1739446131 ) [_tab_jour] => Array ( [0] => Dimanche [1] => Lundi [2] => Mardi [3] => Mercredi [4] => Jeudi [5] => Vendredi [6] => Samedi ) [_tab_mois] => Array ( [0] => Msgn° [1] => Janvier [2] => Février [3] => Mars [4] => Avril [5] => Mai [6] => Juin [7] => Juillet [8] => Août [9] => Septembre [10] => Octobre [11] => Novembre [12] => Décembre ) [_datetime] => [format] => d/m/Y H:i:s ) [_lien] => Lien Object ( [_module] => [_id] => [_titre] => [_numpage] => [_objet] => [_action] => [_type] => [_id2] => [_id3] => [_option] => [_param] => [_admin] => ) ) [_messenger] => Messenger Object ( [_index:Messenger:private] => Pages ) [_errorer] => errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] => [_ligne:errorClass:private] => [_objContext:errorClass:private] => [_message:errorClass:private] => ) [_mustache] => Mustache_Engine Object ( [templates:Mustache_Engine:private] => Array ( ) [templateClassPrefix:Mustache_Engine:private] => __Mustache_ [cache:Mustache_Engine:private] => [lambdaCache:Mustache_Engine:private] => [cacheLambdaTemplates:Mustache_Engine:private] => [loader:Mustache_Engine:private] => [partialsLoader:Mustache_Engine:private] => [helpers:Mustache_Engine:private] => [escape:Mustache_Engine:private] => [entityFlags:Mustache_Engine:private] => 2 [charset:Mustache_Engine:private] => UTF-8 [logger:Mustache_Engine:private] => [strictCallables:Mustache_Engine:private] => [pragmas:Mustache_Engine:private] => Array ( ) [tokenizer:Mustache_Engine:private] => [parser:Mustache_Engine:private] => [compiler:Mustache_Engine:private] => ) [tab_run] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [titre] => residence-senior ) [1] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => description [admin] => [module] => Pages [titre] => residence-senior ) [2] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => ariane [admin] => [module] => Pages [id] => [query] => [titre] => residence-senior [lang] => en [params] => all ) [3] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => ariane [admin] => [module] => Pages [id] => [query] => [titre] => residence-senior [lang] => en [params] => all ) [4] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => h1 [admin] => [module] => Pages [id] => [query] => [titre] => residence-senior [lang] => en [params] => all ) [5] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => h1 [admin] => [module] => Pages [id] => [query] => [titre] => residence-senior [lang] => en [params] => all ) [6] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => affiche [admin] => [module] => Pages [id] => [query] => [titre] => residence-senior [lang] => en [params] => all ) [7] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => affiche [admin] => [module] => Pages [id] => [query] => [titre] => residence-senior [lang] => en [params] => all ) ) [template] => archic [_template] => archic [template_admin] => archic [tab_lang] => Array ( [META_DESC_DEFAUT] => Page dynamique [Metadesc] => Page dynamique [TITRE_PAGE_INTROUVABLE] => Page introuvable ! [titre_page] => Page introuvable ! [PAGE_VIDE] => Cette page ne comporte aucun contenu. [PAGE_INTROUVABLE] => Attention ! La page demandée est introuvable ou n'existe pas. [CHAINE_RETOUR_ACCUEIL] => Attention ! La page demandée est introuvable ou n'existe pas.<br /><a href="http://www.maison-ecologique-bois.com/" title="Retour a l'accueil">Retour &agrave; l'accueil</a> [SOMMAIRE] => Sommaire [PAGE_PRECEDENTE] => Page précédente [PAGE_SUIVANTE] => Page suivante [PAGER_STRING] => Page {current_page} sur {max_page} ) [_db] => sqlDB Object ( [_config:sqlDB:private] => Array ( [user] => maison-ecolo [pwd] => iR9&ni53H6mhu8^1 [db_name] => maison-ecolo [server] => localhost [type_db] => mysql ) [_pdo:sqlDB:private] => 1 [_handler:sqlDB:private] => PDO Object ( ) [_res:sqlDB:private] => PDOStatement Object ( [queryString] => SHOW TABLES LIKE 'mod_pages_contenu' ) [_req] => SHOW TABLES LIKE 'mod_pages_contenu' [_fetched:sqlDB:private] => [_curr_line:sqlDB:private] => 0 [_error:sqlDB:private] => errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] => [_ligne:errorClass:private] => [_objContext:errorClass:private] => [_message:errorClass:private] => ) ) [_use_bdd] => 1 [_title] => Résidence senior [_ariane] => Résidence senior [_titre] => Page introuvable ! [_h1] => Résidence senior [_description] => SPCME va construire pour vous suivant son savoir faire, 31 maisons à la norme handicapé, pour votre qualité de vie et en indépendance énergétique, c'est-à-dire des maisons n'ayant pas besoin de chauffage ni de climatisation, dont les besoins sont couvert par la production d'électricité photovoltaïque pour les économies. [_keywords] => Page dynamique [_template_admin] => archic [_rep_images] => images/pages/ [_rep_images_admin] => [_mini_lg_max] => 400 [_mini_lg_max_admin] => [_mini_ht_max] => 300 [_mini_ht_max_admin] => [_bandeau_lg_max] => 650 [_bandeau_lg_max_admin] => [_bandeau_ht_max] => 300 [_bandeau_ht_max_admin] => [_img_lg_max] => 1024 [_img_lg_max_admin] => [_img_ht_max] => 768 [_img_ht_max_admin] => [_nb_paragraphe_pages] => 50 [_nb_paragraphe_pages_admin] => [_action_Galerie] => affiche [_action_Galerie_admin] => [_action_CoreSlider] => slider [_action_CoreSlider_admin] => [_action_PrestationsCategorie] => affichecategorie [_action_PrestationsCategorie_admin] => [primary_params] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => description [admin] => [module] => Pages [titre] => residence-senior ) ) [file_path] => modules/Pages/run//sommaire.php [params] => Array ( [criteres] => Array ( [publie] => 1 ) ) [page] => Page Object ( [_table] => mod_pages [_req] => SELECT `id`, `id_langue`, `titre`, `rewrite`, `chapeau`, `title`, `ariane`, `description`, `keywords`, `date`, `sommaire`, `id_cat_parent`, `id_cat_menu`, `publie` FROM `mod_pages` WHERE (id_langue = 1 ) AND (id = 16 ) ORDER BY mod_pages.`id` ASC; [_objets] => Collection Object ( [_collection] => Array ( ) [_pointeur:protected] => 0 [_cle:protected] => id [courant] => ) [_maDB] => sqlDB Object ( [_config:sqlDB:private] => Array ( [user] => maison-ecolo [pwd] => iR9&ni53H6mhu8^1 [db_name] => maison-ecolo [server] => localhost [type_db] => mysql ) [_pdo:sqlDB:private] => 1 [_handler:sqlDB:private] => PDO Object ( ) [_res:sqlDB:private] => PDOStatement Object ( [queryString] => SELECT `id`, `id_langue`, `titre`, `rewrite`, `chapeau`, `title`, `ariane`, `description`, `keywords`, `date`, `sommaire`, `id_cat_parent`, `id_cat_menu`, `publie` FROM `mod_pages` WHERE (id_langue = 1 ) AND (id = 16 ) ORDER BY mod_pages.`id` ASC; ) [_req] => SELECT `id`, `id_langue`, `titre`, `rewrite`, `chapeau`, `title`, `ariane`, `description`, `keywords`, `date`, `sommaire`, `id_cat_parent`, `id_cat_menu`, `publie` FROM `mod_pages` WHERE (id_langue = 1 ) AND (id = 16 ) ORDER BY mod_pages.`id` ASC; [_fetched:sqlDB:private] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 16 [id_langue] => 1 [titre] => Résidence senior [rewrite] => residence-senior [chapeau] => [title] => Résidence senior [ariane] => [description] => SPCME va construire pour vous suivant son savoir faire, 31 maisons à la norme handicapé, pour votre qualité de vie et en indépendance énergétique, c'est-à-dire des maisons n'ayant pas besoin de chauffage ni de climatisation, dont les besoins sont couvert par la production d'électricité photovoltaïque pour les économies. [keywords] => [date] => 2019-08-23 [sommaire] => 1 [id_cat_parent] => 1 [id_cat_menu] => -1 [publie] => 1 ) ) [_curr_line:sqlDB:private] => -1 [_error:sqlDB:private] => errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] => [_ligne:errorClass:private] => [_objContext:errorClass:private] => [_message:errorClass:private] => ) ) [_champs_txt] => Array ( [id] => 16 [id_langue] => 1 [titre] => Résidence senior [rewrite] => residence-senior [chapeau] => [title] => Résidence senior [ariane] => [description] => SPCME va construire pour vous suivant son savoir faire, 31 maisons à la norme handicapé, pour votre qualité de vie et en indépendance énergétique, c'est-à-dire des maisons n'ayant pas besoin de chauffage ni de climatisation, dont les besoins sont couvert par la production d'électricité photovoltaïque pour les économies. [keywords] => [date] => 2019-08-23 [sommaire] => 1 [id_cat_parent] => 1 [id_cat_menu] => -1 [publie] => 1 ) [_champs_raw] => Array ( [id_langue] => 1 [sommaire] => 1 [id_cat_parent] => 1 [id_cat_menu] => -1 [publie] => 1 [id] => 16 [titre] => Résidence senior [rewrite] => residence-senior [chapeau] => [title] => Résidence senior [ariane] => [description] => SPCME va construire pour vous suivant son savoir faire, 31 maisons à la norme handicapé, pour votre qualité de vie et en indépendance énergétique, c'est-à-dire des maisons n'ayant pas besoin de chauffage ni de climatisation, dont les besoins sont couvert par la production d'électricité photovoltaïque pour les économies. [keywords] => [date] => 2019-08-23 ) [_repertoire_images] => [_repertoire_temp] => ) [pages] => Array ( [state] => 404 [template] => [templates] => Array ( ) [corps] => [donnees] => Array ( ) [javascript] => Array ( ) [notification] => [debug] => <pre><span><b>My WARNING</b> [512] l'action pages n'est pas implémentée pour le module Pages modules/Pages/run//pages.php on line 724 in file /var/www/vhosts/maison-ecologique-bois.com/httpdocs/core/module.class.php<br /> </span><traces style='display:none;'> run(#pages#,##) on line 66 in file /var/www/vhosts/maison-ecologique-bois.com/httpdocs/modules/Pages/Pages.module.class.php <span>objet</span> Pages<objet style='display:none;'>Pages Object ( [_id_cat] =&gt; 0 [_id_page] =&gt; 16 [_sommaire] =&gt; 1 [_chapeau] =&gt; [_nom_rewrite] =&gt; residence-senior [_name] =&gt; Pages [_modules_root] =&gt; modules/Pages [_modulo] =&gt; Modulo Object ( [_dbConnexion] =&gt; sqlDB Object ( [_config:sqlDB:private] =&gt; Array ( [user] =&gt; maison-ecolo [pwd] =&gt; iR9&amp;ni53H6mhu8^1 [db_name] =&gt; maison-ecolo [server] =&gt; localhost [type_db] =&gt; mysql ) [_pdo:sqlDB:private] =&gt; 1 [_handler:sqlDB:private] =&gt; PDO Object ( ) [_res:sqlDB:private] =&gt; PDOStatement Object ( [queryString] =&gt; SELECT id FROM mod_langues WHERE code_langue='en' ) [_req] =&gt; SELECT id FROM mod_langues WHERE code_langue='en' [_fetched:sqlDB:private] =&gt; [_curr_line:sqlDB:private] =&gt; 1 [_error:sqlDB:private] =&gt; errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_ligne:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_objContext:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_message:errorClass:private] =&gt; ) ) [_modules] =&gt; Modules Object ( [_root_modules] =&gt; modules/ [_mods] =&gt; Array ( [0] =&gt; Actualites [1] =&gt; Agenda [2] =&gt; Annuaires [3] =&gt; Cartes [4] =&gt; Contact [5] =&gt; Droits [6] =&gt; FluxRSS [7] =&gt; Galeries [8] =&gt; Geographie [9] =&gt; Langs [10] =&gt; LiensRef [11] =&gt; Mailing [12] =&gt; Main [13] =&gt; Menu [14] =&gt; Pages [15] =&gt; Panneaux [16] =&gt; Partenaires [17] =&gt; Plans [18] =&gt; Prestations [19] =&gt; Produits [20] =&gt; Realisations [21] =&gt; Referencement [22] =&gt; ReseauxSociaux [23] =&gt; Slider [24] =&gt; Temoignages ) [_modulo] =&gt; Modulo Object *RECURSION* [_nb] =&gt; 25 [url_repo:Modules:private] =&gt; http://modulol.pyreweb.com/getamodule.php ) [_modules_charges] =&gt; Array ( [Main] =&gt; Main Object ( [_name] =&gt; Main [_modules_root] =&gt; modules/Main [_modulo] =&gt; Modulo Object *RECURSION* [_messenger] =&gt; Messenger Object ( [_index:Messenger:private] =&gt; Main ) [_errorer] =&gt; errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_ligne:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_objContext:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_message:errorClass:private] =&gt; ) [_mustache] =&gt; Mustache_Engine Object ( [templates:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Array ( [__Mustache_5f56c851127defa716be869a0b94aa85] =&gt; __Mustache_5f56c851127defa716be869a0b94aa85 Object ( [lambdaHelper:__Mustache_5f56c851127defa716be869a0b94aa85:private] =&gt; Mustache_LambdaHelper Object ( [mustache:Mustache_LambdaHelper:private] =&gt; Mustache_Engine Object *RECURSION* [context:Mustache_LambdaHelper:private] =&gt; Mustache_Context Object ( [stack:Mustache_Context:private] =&gt; Array ( [0] =&gt; Array ( [etapes] =&gt; Array ( [0] =&gt; Array ( [titre] =&gt; G&eacute;n&eacute;ral [lien] =&gt; Lien Object ( [_module] =&gt; Pages [_id] =&gt; 1 [_titre] =&gt; [_numpage] =&gt; [_objet] =&gt; categorie [_action] =&gt; [_type] =&gt; [_id2] =&gt; [_id3] =&gt; [_option] =&gt; [_param] =&gt; [_admin] =&gt; ) ) [1] =&gt; Array ( [titre] =&gt; R&eacute;sidence senior [lien] =&gt; Lien Object ( [_module] =&gt; Pages [_id] =&gt; 16 [_titre] =&gt; [_numpage] =&gt; [_objet] =&gt; page [_action] =&gt; [_type] =&gt; [_id2] =&gt; [_id3] =&gt; [_option] =&gt; [_param] =&gt; [_admin] =&gt; ) [last] =&gt; 1 [first] =&gt; 1 ) ) ) ) [blockStack:Mustache_Context:private] =&gt; Array ( ) ) ) [mustache:protected] =&gt; Mustache_Engine Object *RECURSION* [strictCallables:protected] =&gt; ) ) [templateClassPrefix:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; __Mustache_ [cache:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Mustache_Cache_NoopCache Object ( [logger:Mustache_Cache_AbstractCache:private] =&gt; ) [lambdaCache:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [cacheLambdaTemplates:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [loader:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Mustache_Loader_StringLoader Object ( ) [partialsLoader:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [helpers:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Mustache_HelperCollection Object ( [helpers:Mustache_HelperCollection:private] =&gt; Array ( ) ) [escape:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [entityFlags:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; 2 [charset:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; UTF-8 [logger:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [strictCallables:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [pragmas:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Array ( ) [tokenizer:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Mustache_Tokenizer Object ( [state:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] =&gt; 0 [tagType:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] =&gt; / [buffer:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] =&gt; [tokens:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] =&gt; Array ( [0] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 0 [value] =&gt; &lt;nav id=&quot;bloc_ariane&quot;&gt; ) [1] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 1 [value] =&gt; &lt;ol class=&quot;breadcrumb&quot;&gt; ) [2] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 2 [value] =&gt; &lt;li&gt; ) [3] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 3 [value] =&gt; &lt;em&gt;Vous &ecirc;tes ici : &lt;/em&gt; ) [4] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 4 [value] =&gt; &lt;span itemscope itemtype=&quot;http://data-vocabulary.org/Breadcrumb&quot;&gt; ) [5] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 5 [value] =&gt; &lt;a href=&quot;http://www.maison-ecologique-bois.com/&quot; itemprop=&quot;url&quot;&gt;&lt;span itemprop=&quot;title&quot;&gt;SPCME&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/a&gt; ) [6] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 6 [value] =&gt; &lt;/span&gt; ) [7] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 7 [value] =&gt; &lt;/li&gt; ) [8] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 8 [value] =&gt; ) [9] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; # [name] =&gt; etapes [otag] =&gt; {{ [ctag] =&gt; }} [line] =&gt; 8 [index] =&gt; 294 ) [10] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 8 [value] =&gt; ) [11] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 9 [value] =&gt; &lt;li ) [12] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; # [name] =&gt; last [otag] =&gt; {{ [ctag] =&gt; }} [line] =&gt; 9 [index] =&gt; 309 ) [13] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 9 [value] =&gt; class=&quot;active&quot; ) [14] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; / [name] =&gt; last [otag] =&gt; {{ [ctag] =&gt; }} [line] =&gt; 9 [index] =&gt; 324 ) [15] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 9 [value] =&gt; &gt; ) [16] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 10 [value] =&gt; &lt;span itemscope itemtype=&quot;http://data-vocabulary.org/Breadcrumb&quot; itemprop=&quot;child&quot;&gt; ) [17] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 11 [value] =&gt; &lt;a href=&quot; ) [18] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _v [name] =&gt; lien [otag] =&gt; {{ [ctag] =&gt; }} [line] =&gt; 11 [index] =&gt; 442 ) [19] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 11 [value] =&gt; &quot; itemprop=&quot;url&quot;&gt;&lt;span itemprop=&quot;title&quot;&gt; ) [20] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _v [name] =&gt; titre [otag] =&gt; {{ [ctag] =&gt; }} [line] =&gt; 11 [index] =&gt; 491 ) [21] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 11 [value] =&gt; &lt;/span&gt;&lt;/a&gt; ) [22] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 12 [value] =&gt; &lt;/span&gt; ) [23] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 13 [value] =&gt; &lt;/li&gt; ) [24] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 14 [value] =&gt; ) [25] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; / [name] =&gt; etapes [otag] =&gt; {{ [ctag] =&gt; }} [line] =&gt; 14 [index] =&gt; 524 ) [26] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 14 [value] =&gt; ) [27] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 15 [value] =&gt; &lt;/ol&gt; ) [28] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 16 [value] =&gt; &lt;/nav&gt; ) ) [seenTag:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] =&gt; 526 [line:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] =&gt; 16 [otag:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] =&gt; {{ [ctag:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] =&gt; }} [otagLen:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] =&gt; 2 [ctagLen:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] =&gt; 2 ) [parser:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Mustache_Parser Object ( [lineNum:Mustache_Parser:private] =&gt; 16 [lineTokens:Mustache_Parser:private] =&gt; 0 [pragmas:Mustache_Parser:private] =&gt; Array ( ) [defaultPragmas:Mustache_Parser:private] =&gt; Array ( ) [pragmaFilters:Mustache_Parser:private] =&gt; [pragmaBlocks:Mustache_Parser:private] =&gt; ) [compiler:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Mustache_Compiler Object ( [pragmas:Mustache_Compiler:private] =&gt; Array ( ) [defaultPragmas:Mustache_Compiler:private] =&gt; Array ( ) [sections:Mustache_Compiler:private] =&gt; Array ( [A779d0e8be975469e74058d6ae113a3d] =&gt; private function sectionA779d0e8be975469e74058d6ae113a3d(Mustache_Context $context, $indent, $value) { $buffer = ''; if (!is_string($value) &amp;&amp; is_callable($value)) { $source = ' class=&quot;active&quot;'; $result = call_user_func($value, $source, $this-&gt;lambdaHelper); if (strpos($result, '{{') === false) { $buffer .= $result; } else { $buffer .= $this-&gt;mustache -&gt;loadLambda((string) $result) -&gt;renderInternal($context); } } elseif (!empty($value)) { $values = $this-&gt;isIterable($value) ? $value : array($value); foreach ($values as $value) { $context-&gt;push($value); $buffer .= ' class=&quot;active&quot;'; $context-&gt;pop(); } } return $buffer; } [C2e4c5434e2e39fe39a6c51bf35aa05a] =&gt; private function sectionC2e4c5434e2e39fe39a6c51bf35aa05a(Mustache_Context $context, $indent, $value) { $buffer = ''; if (!is_string($value) &amp;&amp; is_callable($value)) { $source = ' &lt;li{{#last}} class=&quot;active&quot;{{/last}}&gt; &lt;span itemscope itemtype=&quot;http://data-vocabulary.org/Breadcrumb&quot; itemprop=&quot;child&quot;&gt; &lt;a href=&quot;{{lien}}&quot; itemprop=&quot;url&quot;&gt;&lt;span itemprop=&quot;title&quot;&gt;{{titre}}&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/a&gt; &lt;/span&gt; &lt;/li&gt; '; $result = call_user_func($value, $source, $this-&gt;lambdaHelper); if (strpos($result, '{{') === false) { $buffer .= $result; } else { $buffer .= $this-&gt;mustache -&gt;loadLambda((string) $result) -&gt;renderInternal($context); } } elseif (!empty($value)) { $values = $this-&gt;isIterable($value) ? $value : array($value); foreach ($values as $value) { $context-&gt;push($value); $buffer .= $indent . ' &lt;li'; // 'last' section $value = $context-&gt;find('last'); $buffer .= $this-&gt;sectionA779d0e8be975469e74058d6ae113a3d($context, $indent, $value); $buffer .= '&gt; '; $buffer .= $indent . ' &lt;span itemscope itemtype=&quot;http://data-vocabulary.org/Breadcrumb&quot; itemprop=&quot;child&quot;&gt; '; $buffer .= $indent . ' &lt;a href=&quot;'; $value = $this-&gt;resolveValue($context-&gt;find('lien'), $context, $indent); $buffer .= htmlspecialchars($value, 2, 'UTF-8'); $buffer .= '&quot; itemprop=&quot;url&quot;&gt;&lt;span itemprop=&quot;title&quot;&gt;'; $value = $this-&gt;resolveValue($context-&gt;find('titre'), $context, $indent); $buffer .= htmlspecialchars($value, 2, 'UTF-8'); $buffer .= '&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/a&gt; '; $buffer .= $indent . ' &lt;/span&gt; '; $buffer .= $indent . ' &lt;/li&gt; '; $context-&gt;pop(); } } return $buffer; } ) [source:Mustache_Compiler:private] =&gt; &lt;nav id=&quot;bloc_ariane&quot;&gt; &lt;ol class=&quot;breadcrumb&quot;&gt; &lt;li&gt; &lt;em&gt;Vous &ecirc;tes ici : &lt;/em&gt; &lt;span itemscope itemtype=&quot;http://data-vocabulary.org/Breadcrumb&quot;&gt; &lt;a href=&quot;http://www.maison-ecologique-bois.com/&quot; itemprop=&quot;url&quot;&gt;&lt;span itemprop=&quot;title&quot;&gt;SPCME&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/a&gt; &lt;/span&gt; &lt;/li&gt; {{#etapes}} &lt;li{{#last}} class=&quot;active&quot;{{/last}}&gt; &lt;span itemscope itemtype=&quot;http://data-vocabulary.org/Breadcrumb&quot; itemprop=&quot;child&quot;&gt; &lt;a href=&quot;{{lien}}&quot; itemprop=&quot;url&quot;&gt;&lt;span itemprop=&quot;title&quot;&gt;{{titre}}&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/a&gt; &lt;/span&gt; &lt;/li&gt; {{/etapes}} &lt;/ol&gt; &lt;/nav&gt; [indentNextLine:Mustache_Compiler:private] =&gt; [customEscape:Mustache_Compiler:private] =&gt; [entityFlags:Mustache_Compiler:private] =&gt; 2 [charset:Mustache_Compiler:private] =&gt; UTF-8 [strictCallables:Mustache_Compiler:private] =&gt; ) ) [tab_run] =&gt; Array ( [0] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; redirections [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Main ) [1] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; front [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Main ) [2] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; parse_mustaches [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Main [moustache] =&gt; front [params_run] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; affiche [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; [query] =&gt; [titre] =&gt; residence-senior [lang] =&gt; en ) ) [3] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; parse_mustaches [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Main [moustache] =&gt; haut [params_run] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; affiche [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; [query] =&gt; [titre] =&gt; residence-senior [lang] =&gt; en ) ) [4] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; parse_mustaches [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Main [moustache] =&gt; bas [params_run] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; affiche [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; [query] =&gt; [titre] =&gt; residence-senior [lang] =&gt; en ) ) [5] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; parse_mustaches [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Main [moustache] =&gt; scripts [params_run] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; affiche [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; [query] =&gt; [titre] =&gt; residence-senior [lang] =&gt; en ) ) ) [template] =&gt; archic [_template] =&gt; archic [template_admin] =&gt; archic [tab_lang] =&gt; Array ( [_LAST_ACCESS] =&gt; Derniers acc&egrave;s ) [_db] =&gt; sqlDB Object ( [_config:sqlDB:private] =&gt; Array ( [user] =&gt; maison-ecolo [pwd] =&gt; iR9&amp;ni53H6mhu8^1 [db_name] =&gt; maison-ecolo [server] =&gt; localhost [type_db] =&gt; mysql ) [_pdo:sqlDB:private] =&gt; 1 [_handler:sqlDB:private] =&gt; PDO Object ( ) [_res:sqlDB:private] =&gt; [_req] =&gt; [_fetched:sqlDB:private] =&gt; [_curr_line:sqlDB:private] =&gt; 0 [_error:sqlDB:private] =&gt; errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_ligne:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_objContext:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_message:errorClass:private] =&gt; ) ) [_use_bdd] =&gt; 1 [_title] =&gt; [_ariane] =&gt; [_titre] =&gt; [_h1] =&gt; [_description] =&gt; [_keywords] =&gt; [_template_admin] =&gt; archic [_template_admin_admin] =&gt; [_responsive] =&gt; 1 [_responsive_admin] =&gt; [_auto_scroll] =&gt; 1 [_auto_scroll_admin] =&gt; [_annee_creation_site] =&gt; 2015 [_annee_creation_site_admin] =&gt; [_id_google_anaytics] =&gt; UA-53704286-21 [_id_google_anaytics_admin] =&gt; [_id_client_analytics] =&gt; 520640658396-ljfr1f1bh5hk9hq7uhtc15h2ud6bq8q3.apps.googleusercontent.com [_id_client_analytics_admin] =&gt; [_limite_derniers_acces] =&gt; 10 [_limite_derniers_acces_admin] =&gt; [primary_params] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; redirections [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Main ) ) [Contact] =&gt; Contact Object ( [_name] =&gt; Contact [_modules_root] =&gt; modules/Contact [_modulo] =&gt; Modulo Object *RECURSION* [_messenger] =&gt; Messenger Object ( [_index:Messenger:private] =&gt; Contact ) [_errorer] =&gt; errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_ligne:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_objContext:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_message:errorClass:private] =&gt; ) [_mustache] =&gt; Mustache_Engine Object ( [templates:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Array ( ) [templateClassPrefix:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; __Mustache_ [cache:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [lambdaCache:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [cacheLambdaTemplates:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [loader:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [partialsLoader:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [helpers:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [escape:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [entityFlags:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; 2 [charset:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; UTF-8 [logger:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [strictCallables:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [pragmas:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Array ( ) [tokenizer:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [parser:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [compiler:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; ) [tab_run] =&gt; Array ( ) [template] =&gt; archic [_template] =&gt; archic [template_admin] =&gt; archic [tab_lang] =&gt; Array ( [META_DESC_DEFAUT_CONTACT] =&gt; Nous contacter [TITRE_PAGE_CONTACT] =&gt; Nous contacter [PAGE_VIDE_CONTACT] =&gt; Aucune formulaire n'est disponible. [MESSAGE_INTROUVABLE_CONTACT] =&gt; Attention ! La page demand&eacute;e est introuvable ou n'existe pas. [LIEN_RETOUR_FORMULAIRE] =&gt; &lt;a href=&quot;./fr/contact/&quot;&gt;Retour au formulaire de contact&lt;/a&gt; [ERREUR_FLOOD] =&gt; Le nombre d'envoi de messages est limit&eacute; sur une courte p&eacute;riode (protection anti-flood) :&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Vous devez patienter avant de tenter d'envoyer un nouveau message. [ERREUR_CAPTCHA] =&gt; Notre syst&egrave;me anti-robot a arr&ecirc;t&eacute; le traitement de ce formulaire. Veuillez recommencer. [ERREUR_FORMULAIRE] =&gt; Une erreur est survenue lors du traitement de votre demande.&lt;br /&gt;Merci de r&eacute;essayer plus tard ou d'&eacute;crire directement &agrave; &lt;a href=&quot;mailto:contact@maison-ecologique-bois.com&quot;&gt;contact@maison-ecologique-bois.com&lt;/a&gt; [CONTACT_INTRO] =&gt; Pour toute demande de renseignements remplissez le formulaire de contact; Nous vous r&eacute;pondrons dans les meilleurs d&eacute;lais. [CHAMPS_OBLIGATOIRES] =&gt; Les champs marqu&eacute;s d'une &lt;span class=&quot;glyphicon glyphicon-asterisk&quot;&gt;&lt;/span&gt; doivent &ecirc;tre renseign&eacute;s. [LABEL_TEL] =&gt; T&eacute;l&eacute;phone [LABEL_FAX] =&gt; Fax [LABEL_MOB] =&gt; Mobile [LABEL_MEL] =&gt; Courriel [LABEL_WEB] =&gt; Web [LABEL_CIVILITE] =&gt; Civilit&eacute; [LABEL_NOM] =&gt; Nom [LABEL_PRENOM] =&gt; Pr&eacute;nom [LABEL_SOCIETE] =&gt; Soci&eacute;t&eacute; [LABEL_ADRESSE] =&gt; Adresse [LABEL_CODE_POSTAL] =&gt; Code postal [LABEL_VILLE] =&gt; Ville [LABEL_MESSAGE] =&gt; Votre message [LABEL_ENVOYER] =&gt; Envoyer [MESSAGE_ENVOYE] =&gt; Votre message a bien &eacute;t&eacute; envoy&eacute; et sera trait&eacute; dans les meilleurs d&eacute;lais. [TITLE_MENTIONS_LEGALES] =&gt; Mentions l&eacute;gales [H1_MENTIONS_LEGALES] =&gt; Mentions l&eacute;gales du site SPCME [TITRE_MENTIONS_LEGALES] =&gt; Mentions l&eacute;gales ) [_db] =&gt; sqlDB Object ( [_config:sqlDB:private] =&gt; Array ( [user] =&gt; maison-ecolo [pwd] =&gt; iR9&amp;ni53H6mhu8^1 [db_name] =&gt; maison-ecolo [server] =&gt; localhost [type_db] =&gt; mysql ) [_pdo:sqlDB:private] =&gt; 1 [_handler:sqlDB:private] =&gt; PDO Object ( ) [_res:sqlDB:private] =&gt; [_req] =&gt; [_fetched:sqlDB:private] =&gt; [_curr_line:sqlDB:private] =&gt; 0 [_error:sqlDB:private] =&gt; errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_ligne:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_objContext:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_message:errorClass:private] =&gt; ) ) [_use_bdd] =&gt; 1 [_title] =&gt; Nous contacter [_ariane] =&gt; Nous contacter [_titre] =&gt; Nous contacter [_h1] =&gt; Nous contacter [_description] =&gt; Nous contacter [_keywords] =&gt; Nous contacter [_rep_images] =&gt; ../images/interface/ [_rep_images_admin] =&gt; [__STRUCTURE] =&gt; SPCME [__STRUCTURE_admin] =&gt; [__SITE_URL] =&gt; maison-bois-economique.com [__SITE_URL_admin] =&gt; [__URL] =&gt; http://www.maison-ecologique-bois.com [__URL_admin] =&gt; [__SITE_NOM] =&gt; SPCME [__SITE_NOM_admin] =&gt; [__SIRET] =&gt; 5307343000001 [__SIRET_admin] =&gt; [__ADRESSE] =&gt; 7 route de Pinas [__ADRESSE_admin] =&gt; [__CODE_POSTAL] =&gt; 31580 [__CODE_POSTAL_admin] =&gt; [__VILLE] =&gt; BOUDRAC [__VILLE_admin] =&gt; [__TEL] =&gt; 05 61 88 95 38 [__TEL_admin] =&gt; [__FAX] =&gt; [__FAX_admin] =&gt; [__PORTABLE] =&gt; [__PORTABLE_admin] =&gt; [__EMAIL] =&gt; contact@maison-ecologique-bois.com [__EMAIL_admin] =&gt; [__REGION] =&gt; Midi-Pyr&eacute;n&eacute;es [__REGION_admin] =&gt; [__PAYS] =&gt; France [__PAYS_admin] =&gt; [__LAT] =&gt; 0 [__LAT_admin] =&gt; [__LONG] =&gt; 0 [__LONG_admin] =&gt; [_chps_civilite] =&gt; 1 [_chps_civilite_admin] =&gt; [_chps_nom] =&gt; 1 [_chps_nom_admin] =&gt; [_chps_prenom] =&gt; 1 [_chps_prenom_admin] =&gt; [_chps_societe] =&gt; 1 [_chps_societe_admin] =&gt; [_chps_adresse] =&gt; 1 [_chps_adresse_admin] =&gt; [_chps_cp] =&gt; 1 [_chps_cp_admin] =&gt; [_chps_ville] =&gt; 1 [_chps_ville_admin] =&gt; [_chps_mail] =&gt; 1 [_chps_mail_admin] =&gt; [_chps_tel] =&gt; 1 [_chps_tel_admin] =&gt; [_chps_fax] =&gt; 1 [_chps_fax_admin] =&gt; [_chps_mobile] =&gt; 1 [_chps_mobile_admin] =&gt; [_template_admin] =&gt; archic ) [Pages] =&gt; Pages Object *RECURSION* [Droits] =&gt; Droits Object ( [_name] =&gt; Droits [_modules_root] =&gt; modules/Droits [_modulo] =&gt; Modulo Object *RECURSION* [_messenger] =&gt; Messenger Object ( [_index:Messenger:private] =&gt; Droits ) [_errorer] =&gt; errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_ligne:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_objContext:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_message:errorClass:private] =&gt; ) [_mustache] =&gt; Mustache_Engine Object ( [templates:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Array ( ) [templateClassPrefix:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; __Mustache_ [cache:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [lambdaCache:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [cacheLambdaTemplates:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [loader:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [partialsLoader:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [helpers:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [escape:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [entityFlags:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; 2 [charset:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; UTF-8 [logger:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [strictCallables:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [pragmas:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Array ( ) [tokenizer:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [parser:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [compiler:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; ) [tab_run] =&gt; Array ( [0] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; ariane [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; [query] =&gt; [titre] =&gt; residence-senior [lang] =&gt; en [params] =&gt; all ) [1] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; h1 [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; [query] =&gt; [titre] =&gt; residence-senior [lang] =&gt; en [params] =&gt; all ) [2] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; affiche [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; [query] =&gt; [titre] =&gt; residence-senior [lang] =&gt; en [params] =&gt; all ) ) [template] =&gt; archic [_template] =&gt; archic [template_admin] =&gt; archic [tab_lang] =&gt; Array ( ) [_db] =&gt; sqlDB Object ( [_config:sqlDB:private] =&gt; Array ( [user] =&gt; maison-ecolo [pwd] =&gt; iR9&amp;ni53H6mhu8^1 [db_name] =&gt; maison-ecolo [server] =&gt; localhost [type_db] =&gt; mysql ) [_pdo:sqlDB:private] =&gt; 1 [_handler:sqlDB:private] =&gt; PDO Object ( ) [_res:sqlDB:private] =&gt; PDOStatement Object ( [queryString] =&gt; SHOW TABLES LIKE 'mod_droits_acces' ) [_req] =&gt; SHOW TABLES LIKE 'mod_droits_acces' [_fetched:sqlDB:private] =&gt; [_curr_line:sqlDB:private] =&gt; 0 [_error:sqlDB:private] =&gt; errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_ligne:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_objContext:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_message:errorClass:private] =&gt; ) ) [_use_bdd] =&gt; 1 [_title] =&gt; [_ariane] =&gt; [_titre] =&gt; [_h1] =&gt; [_description] =&gt; [_keywords] =&gt; [_id_groupe_visiteurs] =&gt; 4 [_id_groupe_visiteurs_admin] =&gt; [_template_admin] =&gt; archic [primary_params] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; ariane [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; [query] =&gt; [titre] =&gt; residence-senior [lang] =&gt; en [params] =&gt; all ) ) ) [_modules_root] =&gt; modules/ [_chaines] =&gt; chaines Object ( ) [_horloge] =&gt; horloge Object ( [_format] =&gt; [_tab] =&gt; Array ( [seconds] =&gt; 51 [minutes] =&gt; 28 [hours] =&gt; 12 [mday] =&gt; 13 [wday] =&gt; 4 [mon] =&gt; 2 [year] =&gt; 2025 [yday] =&gt; 43 [weekday] =&gt; Thursday [month] =&gt; February [0] =&gt; 1739446131 ) [_tab_jour] =&gt; Array ( [0] =&gt; Dimanche [1] =&gt; Lundi [2] =&gt; Mardi [3] =&gt; Mercredi [4] =&gt; Jeudi [5] =&gt; Vendredi [6] =&gt; Samedi ) [_tab_mois] =&gt; Array ( [0] =&gt; Msgn&deg; [1] =&gt; Janvier [2] =&gt; F&eacute;vrier [3] =&gt; Mars [4] =&gt; Avril [5] =&gt; Mai [6] =&gt; Juin [7] =&gt; Juillet [8] =&gt; Ao&ucirc;t [9] =&gt; Septembre [10] =&gt; Octobre [11] =&gt; Novembre [12] =&gt; D&eacute;cembre ) [_datetime] =&gt; [format] =&gt; d/m/Y H:i:s ) [_lien] =&gt; Lien Object ( [_module] =&gt; [_id] =&gt; [_titre] =&gt; [_numpage] =&gt; [_objet] =&gt; [_action] =&gt; [_type] =&gt; [_id2] =&gt; [_id3] =&gt; [_option] =&gt; [_param] =&gt; [_admin] =&gt; ) ) [_messenger] =&gt; Messenger Object ( [_index:Messenger:private] =&gt; Pages ) [_errorer] =&gt; errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_ligne:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_objContext:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_message:errorClass:private] =&gt; ) [_mustache] =&gt; Mustache_Engine Object ( [templates:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Array ( ) [templateClassPrefix:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; __Mustache_ [cache:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [lambdaCache:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [cacheLambdaTemplates:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [loader:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [partialsLoader:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [helpers:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [escape:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [entityFlags:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; 2 [charset:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; UTF-8 [logger:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [strictCallables:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [pragmas:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Array ( ) [tokenizer:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [parser:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [compiler:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; ) [tab_run] =&gt; Array ( [0] =&gt; Array ( [titre] =&gt; residence-senior ) [1] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; description [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [titre] =&gt; residence-senior ) [2] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; ariane [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; [query] =&gt; [titre] =&gt; residence-senior [lang] =&gt; en [params] =&gt; all ) [3] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; ariane [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; [query] =&gt; [titre] =&gt; residence-senior [lang] =&gt; en [params] =&gt; all ) [4] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; h1 [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; [query] =&gt; [titre] =&gt; residence-senior [lang] =&gt; en [params] =&gt; all ) [5] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; h1 [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; [query] =&gt; [titre] =&gt; residence-senior [lang] =&gt; en [params] =&gt; all ) [6] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; affiche [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; [query] =&gt; [titre] =&gt; residence-senior [lang] =&gt; en [params] =&gt; all ) [7] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; affiche [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; [query] =&gt; [titre] =&gt; residence-senior [lang] =&gt; en [params] =&gt; all ) ) [template] =&gt; archic [_template] =&gt; archic [template_admin] =&gt; archic [tab_lang] =&gt; Array ( [META_DESC_DEFAUT] =&gt; Page dynamique [Metadesc] =&gt; Page dynamique [TITRE_PAGE_INTROUVABLE] =&gt; Page introuvable ! [titre_page] =&gt; Page introuvable ! [PAGE_VIDE] =&gt; Cette page ne comporte aucun contenu. [PAGE_INTROUVABLE] =&gt; Attention ! La page demand&eacute;e est introuvable ou n'existe pas. [CHAINE_RETOUR_ACCUEIL] =&gt; Attention ! La page demand&eacute;e est introuvable ou n'existe pas.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;a href=&quot;http://www.maison-ecologique-bois.com/&quot; title=&quot;Retour a l'accueil&quot;&gt;Retour &amp;agrave; l'accueil&lt;/a&gt; [SOMMAIRE] =&gt; Sommaire [PAGE_PRECEDENTE] =&gt; Page pr&eacute;c&eacute;dente [PAGE_SUIVANTE] =&gt; Page suivante [PAGER_STRING] =&gt; Page {current_page} sur {max_page} ) [_db] =&gt; sqlDB Object ( [_config:sqlDB:private] =&gt; Array ( [user] =&gt; maison-ecolo [pwd] =&gt; iR9&amp;ni53H6mhu8^1 [db_name] =&gt; maison-ecolo [server] =&gt; localhost [type_db] =&gt; mysql ) [_pdo:sqlDB:private] =&gt; 1 [_handler:sqlDB:private] =&gt; PDO Object ( ) [_res:sqlDB:private] =&gt; PDOStatement Object ( [queryString] =&gt; SHOW TABLES LIKE 'mod_pages_contenu' ) [_req] =&gt; SHOW TABLES LIKE 'mod_pages_contenu' [_fetched:sqlDB:private] =&gt; [_curr_line:sqlDB:private] =&gt; 0 [_error:sqlDB:private] =&gt; errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_ligne:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_objContext:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_message:errorClass:private] =&gt; ) ) [_use_bdd] =&gt; 1 [_title] =&gt; R&eacute;sidence senior [_ariane] =&gt; R&eacute;sidence senior [_titre] =&gt; Page introuvable ! [_h1] =&gt; R&eacute;sidence senior [_description] =&gt; SPCME va construire pour vous suivant son savoir faire, 31 maisons &agrave;&nbsp;la norme handicap&eacute;, pour votre qualit&eacute; de vie et en ind&eacute;pendance &eacute;nerg&eacute;tique, c'est-&agrave;-dire des maisons n'ayant pas besoin de chauffage ni de climatisation, dont les besoins sont couvert par la production d'&eacute;lectricit&eacute; photovolta&iuml;que pour les &eacute;conomies. [_keywords] =&gt; Page dynamique [_template_admin] =&gt; archic [_rep_images] =&gt; images/pages/ [_rep_images_admin] =&gt; [_mini_lg_max] =&gt; 400 [_mini_lg_max_admin] =&gt; [_mini_ht_max] =&gt; 300 [_mini_ht_max_admin] =&gt; [_bandeau_lg_max] =&gt; 650 [_bandeau_lg_max_admin] =&gt; [_bandeau_ht_max] =&gt; 300 [_bandeau_ht_max_admin] =&gt; [_img_lg_max] =&gt; 1024 [_img_lg_max_admin] =&gt; [_img_ht_max] =&gt; 768 [_img_ht_max_admin] =&gt; [_nb_paragraphe_pages] =&gt; 50 [_nb_paragraphe_pages_admin] =&gt; [_action_Galerie] =&gt; affiche [_action_Galerie_admin] =&gt; [_action_CoreSlider] =&gt; slider [_action_CoreSlider_admin] =&gt; [_action_PrestationsCategorie] =&gt; affichecategorie [_action_PrestationsCategorie_admin] =&gt; [primary_params] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; description [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [titre] =&gt; residence-senior ) ) </objet> run(#pages#,##) on line 11 in file /var/www/vhosts/maison-ecologique-bois.com/httpdocs/modules/Pages/run/sommaire.php <span>objet</span> Pages<objet style='display:none;'>Pages Object ( [_id_cat] =&gt; 0 [_id_page] =&gt; 16 [_sommaire] =&gt; 1 [_chapeau] =&gt; [_nom_rewrite] =&gt; residence-senior [_name] =&gt; Pages [_modules_root] =&gt; modules/Pages [_modulo] =&gt; Modulo Object ( [_dbConnexion] =&gt; sqlDB Object ( [_config:sqlDB:private] =&gt; Array ( [user] =&gt; maison-ecolo [pwd] =&gt; iR9&amp;ni53H6mhu8^1 [db_name] =&gt; maison-ecolo [server] =&gt; localhost [type_db] =&gt; mysql ) [_pdo:sqlDB:private] =&gt; 1 [_handler:sqlDB:private] =&gt; PDO Object ( ) [_res:sqlDB:private] =&gt; PDOStatement Object ( [queryString] =&gt; SELECT id FROM mod_langues WHERE code_langue='en' ) [_req] =&gt; SELECT id FROM mod_langues WHERE code_langue='en' [_fetched:sqlDB:private] =&gt; [_curr_line:sqlDB:private] =&gt; 1 [_error:sqlDB:private] =&gt; errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_ligne:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_objContext:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_message:errorClass:private] =&gt; ) ) [_modules] =&gt; Modules Object ( [_root_modules] =&gt; modules/ [_mods] =&gt; Array ( [0] =&gt; Actualites [1] =&gt; Agenda [2] =&gt; Annuaires [3] =&gt; Cartes [4] =&gt; Contact [5] =&gt; Droits [6] =&gt; FluxRSS [7] =&gt; Galeries [8] =&gt; Geographie [9] =&gt; Langs [10] =&gt; LiensRef [11] =&gt; Mailing [12] =&gt; Main [13] =&gt; Menu [14] =&gt; Pages [15] =&gt; Panneaux [16] =&gt; Partenaires [17] =&gt; Plans [18] =&gt; Prestations [19] =&gt; Produits [20] =&gt; Realisations [21] =&gt; Referencement [22] =&gt; ReseauxSociaux [23] =&gt; Slider [24] =&gt; Temoignages ) [_modulo] =&gt; Modulo Object *RECURSION* [_nb] =&gt; 25 [url_repo:Modules:private] =&gt; http://modulol.pyreweb.com/getamodule.php ) [_modules_charges] =&gt; Array ( [Main] =&gt; Main Object ( [_name] =&gt; Main [_modules_root] =&gt; modules/Main [_modulo] =&gt; Modulo Object *RECURSION* [_messenger] =&gt; Messenger Object ( [_index:Messenger:private] =&gt; Main ) [_errorer] =&gt; errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_ligne:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_objContext:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_message:errorClass:private] =&gt; ) [_mustache] =&gt; Mustache_Engine Object ( [templates:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Array ( [__Mustache_5f56c851127defa716be869a0b94aa85] =&gt; __Mustache_5f56c851127defa716be869a0b94aa85 Object ( [lambdaHelper:__Mustache_5f56c851127defa716be869a0b94aa85:private] =&gt; Mustache_LambdaHelper Object ( [mustache:Mustache_LambdaHelper:private] =&gt; Mustache_Engine Object *RECURSION* [context:Mustache_LambdaHelper:private] =&gt; Mustache_Context Object ( [stack:Mustache_Context:private] =&gt; Array ( [0] =&gt; Array ( [etapes] =&gt; Array ( [0] =&gt; Array ( [titre] =&gt; G&eacute;n&eacute;ral [lien] =&gt; Lien Object ( [_module] =&gt; Pages [_id] =&gt; 1 [_titre] =&gt; [_numpage] =&gt; [_objet] =&gt; categorie [_action] =&gt; [_type] =&gt; [_id2] =&gt; [_id3] =&gt; [_option] =&gt; [_param] =&gt; [_admin] =&gt; ) ) [1] =&gt; Array ( [titre] =&gt; R&eacute;sidence senior [lien] =&gt; Lien Object ( [_module] =&gt; Pages [_id] =&gt; 16 [_titre] =&gt; [_numpage] =&gt; [_objet] =&gt; page [_action] =&gt; [_type] =&gt; [_id2] =&gt; [_id3] =&gt; [_option] =&gt; [_param] =&gt; [_admin] =&gt; ) [last] =&gt; 1 [first] =&gt; 1 ) ) ) ) [blockStack:Mustache_Context:private] =&gt; Array ( ) ) ) [mustache:protected] =&gt; Mustache_Engine Object *RECURSION* [strictCallables:protected] =&gt; ) ) [templateClassPrefix:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; __Mustache_ [cache:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Mustache_Cache_NoopCache Object ( [logger:Mustache_Cache_AbstractCache:private] =&gt; ) [lambdaCache:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [cacheLambdaTemplates:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [loader:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Mustache_Loader_StringLoader Object ( ) [partialsLoader:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [helpers:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Mustache_HelperCollection Object ( [helpers:Mustache_HelperCollection:private] =&gt; Array ( ) ) [escape:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [entityFlags:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; 2 [charset:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; UTF-8 [logger:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [strictCallables:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [pragmas:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Array ( ) [tokenizer:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Mustache_Tokenizer Object ( [state:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] =&gt; 0 [tagType:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] =&gt; / [buffer:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] =&gt; [tokens:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] =&gt; Array ( [0] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 0 [value] =&gt; &lt;nav id=&quot;bloc_ariane&quot;&gt; ) [1] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 1 [value] =&gt; &lt;ol class=&quot;breadcrumb&quot;&gt; ) [2] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 2 [value] =&gt; &lt;li&gt; ) [3] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 3 [value] =&gt; &lt;em&gt;Vous &ecirc;tes ici : &lt;/em&gt; ) [4] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 4 [value] =&gt; &lt;span itemscope itemtype=&quot;http://data-vocabulary.org/Breadcrumb&quot;&gt; ) [5] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 5 [value] =&gt; &lt;a href=&quot;http://www.maison-ecologique-bois.com/&quot; itemprop=&quot;url&quot;&gt;&lt;span itemprop=&quot;title&quot;&gt;SPCME&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/a&gt; ) [6] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 6 [value] =&gt; &lt;/span&gt; ) [7] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 7 [value] =&gt; &lt;/li&gt; ) [8] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 8 [value] =&gt; ) [9] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; # [name] =&gt; etapes [otag] =&gt; {{ [ctag] =&gt; }} [line] =&gt; 8 [index] =&gt; 294 ) [10] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 8 [value] =&gt; ) [11] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 9 [value] =&gt; &lt;li ) [12] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; # [name] =&gt; last [otag] =&gt; {{ [ctag] =&gt; }} [line] =&gt; 9 [index] =&gt; 309 ) [13] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 9 [value] =&gt; class=&quot;active&quot; ) [14] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; / [name] =&gt; last [otag] =&gt; {{ [ctag] =&gt; }} [line] =&gt; 9 [index] =&gt; 324 ) [15] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 9 [value] =&gt; &gt; ) [16] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 10 [value] =&gt; &lt;span itemscope itemtype=&quot;http://data-vocabulary.org/Breadcrumb&quot; itemprop=&quot;child&quot;&gt; ) [17] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 11 [value] =&gt; &lt;a href=&quot; ) [18] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _v [name] =&gt; lien [otag] =&gt; {{ [ctag] =&gt; }} [line] =&gt; 11 [index] =&gt; 442 ) [19] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 11 [value] =&gt; &quot; itemprop=&quot;url&quot;&gt;&lt;span itemprop=&quot;title&quot;&gt; ) [20] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _v [name] =&gt; titre [otag] =&gt; {{ [ctag] =&gt; }} [line] =&gt; 11 [index] =&gt; 491 ) [21] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 11 [value] =&gt; &lt;/span&gt;&lt;/a&gt; ) [22] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 12 [value] =&gt; &lt;/span&gt; ) [23] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 13 [value] =&gt; &lt;/li&gt; ) [24] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 14 [value] =&gt; ) [25] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; / [name] =&gt; etapes [otag] =&gt; {{ [ctag] =&gt; }} [line] =&gt; 14 [index] =&gt; 524 ) [26] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 14 [value] =&gt; ) [27] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 15 [value] =&gt; &lt;/ol&gt; ) [28] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 16 [value] =&gt; &lt;/nav&gt; ) ) [seenTag:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] =&gt; 526 [line:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] =&gt; 16 [otag:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] =&gt; {{ [ctag:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] =&gt; }} [otagLen:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] =&gt; 2 [ctagLen:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] =&gt; 2 ) [parser:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Mustache_Parser Object ( [lineNum:Mustache_Parser:private] =&gt; 16 [lineTokens:Mustache_Parser:private] =&gt; 0 [pragmas:Mustache_Parser:private] =&gt; Array ( ) [defaultPragmas:Mustache_Parser:private] =&gt; Array ( ) [pragmaFilters:Mustache_Parser:private] =&gt; [pragmaBlocks:Mustache_Parser:private] =&gt; ) [compiler:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Mustache_Compiler Object ( [pragmas:Mustache_Compiler:private] =&gt; Array ( ) [defaultPragmas:Mustache_Compiler:private] =&gt; Array ( ) [sections:Mustache_Compiler:private] =&gt; Array ( [A779d0e8be975469e74058d6ae113a3d] =&gt; private function sectionA779d0e8be975469e74058d6ae113a3d(Mustache_Context $context, $indent, $value) { $buffer = ''; if (!is_string($value) &amp;&amp; is_callable($value)) { $source = ' class=&quot;active&quot;'; $result = call_user_func($value, $source, $this-&gt;lambdaHelper); if (strpos($result, '{{') === false) { $buffer .= $result; } else { $buffer .= $this-&gt;mustache -&gt;loadLambda((string) $result) -&gt;renderInternal($context); } } elseif (!empty($value)) { $values = $this-&gt;isIterable($value) ? $value : array($value); foreach ($values as $value) { $context-&gt;push($value); $buffer .= ' class=&quot;active&quot;'; $context-&gt;pop(); } } return $buffer; } [C2e4c5434e2e39fe39a6c51bf35aa05a] =&gt; private function sectionC2e4c5434e2e39fe39a6c51bf35aa05a(Mustache_Context $context, $indent, $value) { $buffer = ''; if (!is_string($value) &amp;&amp; is_callable($value)) { $source = ' &lt;li{{#last}} class=&quot;active&quot;{{/last}}&gt; &lt;span itemscope itemtype=&quot;http://data-vocabulary.org/Breadcrumb&quot; itemprop=&quot;child&quot;&gt; &lt;a href=&quot;{{lien}}&quot; itemprop=&quot;url&quot;&gt;&lt;span itemprop=&quot;title&quot;&gt;{{titre}}&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/a&gt; &lt;/span&gt; &lt;/li&gt; '; $result = call_user_func($value, $source, $this-&gt;lambdaHelper); if (strpos($result, '{{') === false) { $buffer .= $result; } else { $buffer .= $this-&gt;mustache -&gt;loadLambda((string) $result) -&gt;renderInternal($context); } } elseif (!empty($value)) { $values = $this-&gt;isIterable($value) ? $value : array($value); foreach ($values as $value) { $context-&gt;push($value); $buffer .= $indent . ' &lt;li'; // 'last' section $value = $context-&gt;find('last'); $buffer .= $this-&gt;sectionA779d0e8be975469e74058d6ae113a3d($context, $indent, $value); $buffer .= '&gt; '; $buffer .= $indent . ' &lt;span itemscope itemtype=&quot;http://data-vocabulary.org/Breadcrumb&quot; itemprop=&quot;child&quot;&gt; '; $buffer .= $indent . ' &lt;a href=&quot;'; $value = $this-&gt;resolveValue($context-&gt;find('lien'), $context, $indent); $buffer .= htmlspecialchars($value, 2, 'UTF-8'); $buffer .= '&quot; itemprop=&quot;url&quot;&gt;&lt;span itemprop=&quot;title&quot;&gt;'; $value = $this-&gt;resolveValue($context-&gt;find('titre'), $context, $indent); $buffer .= htmlspecialchars($value, 2, 'UTF-8'); $buffer .= '&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/a&gt; '; $buffer .= $indent . ' &lt;/span&gt; '; $buffer .= $indent . ' &lt;/li&gt; '; $context-&gt;pop(); } } return $buffer; } ) [source:Mustache_Compiler:private] =&gt; &lt;nav id=&quot;bloc_ariane&quot;&gt; &lt;ol class=&quot;breadcrumb&quot;&gt; &lt;li&gt; &lt;em&gt;Vous &ecirc;tes ici : &lt;/em&gt; &lt;span itemscope itemtype=&quot;http://data-vocabulary.org/Breadcrumb&quot;&gt; &lt;a href=&quot;http://www.maison-ecologique-bois.com/&quot; itemprop=&quot;url&quot;&gt;&lt;span itemprop=&quot;title&quot;&gt;SPCME&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/a&gt; &lt;/span&gt; &lt;/li&gt; {{#etapes}} &lt;li{{#last}} class=&quot;active&quot;{{/last}}&gt; &lt;span itemscope itemtype=&quot;http://data-vocabulary.org/Breadcrumb&quot; itemprop=&quot;child&quot;&gt; &lt;a href=&quot;{{lien}}&quot; itemprop=&quot;url&quot;&gt;&lt;span itemprop=&quot;title&quot;&gt;{{titre}}&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/a&gt; &lt;/span&gt; &lt;/li&gt; {{/etapes}} &lt;/ol&gt; &lt;/nav&gt; [indentNextLine:Mustache_Compiler:private] =&gt; [customEscape:Mustache_Compiler:private] =&gt; [entityFlags:Mustache_Compiler:private] =&gt; 2 [charset:Mustache_Compiler:private] =&gt; UTF-8 [strictCallables:Mustache_Compiler:private] =&gt; ) ) [tab_run] =&gt; Array ( [0] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; redirections [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Main ) [1] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; front [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Main ) [2] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; parse_mustaches [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Main [moustache] =&gt; front [params_run] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; affiche [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; [query] =&gt; [titre] =&gt; residence-senior [lang] =&gt; en ) ) [3] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; parse_mustaches [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Main [moustache] =&gt; haut [params_run] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; affiche [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; [query] =&gt; [titre] =&gt; residence-senior [lang] =&gt; en ) ) [4] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; parse_mustaches [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Main [moustache] =&gt; bas [params_run] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; affiche [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; [query] =&gt; [titre] =&gt; residence-senior [lang] =&gt; en ) ) [5] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; parse_mustaches [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Main [moustache] =&gt; scripts [params_run] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; affiche [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; [query] =&gt; [titre] =&gt; residence-senior [lang] =&gt; en ) ) ) [template] =&gt; archic [_template] =&gt; archic [template_admin] =&gt; archic [tab_lang] =&gt; Array ( [_LAST_ACCESS] =&gt; Derniers acc&egrave;s ) [_db] =&gt; sqlDB Object ( [_config:sqlDB:private] =&gt; Array ( [user] =&gt; maison-ecolo [pwd] =&gt; iR9&amp;ni53H6mhu8^1 [db_name] =&gt; maison-ecolo [server] =&gt; localhost [type_db] =&gt; mysql ) [_pdo:sqlDB:private] =&gt; 1 [_handler:sqlDB:private] =&gt; PDO Object ( ) [_res:sqlDB:private] =&gt; [_req] =&gt; [_fetched:sqlDB:private] =&gt; [_curr_line:sqlDB:private] =&gt; 0 [_error:sqlDB:private] =&gt; errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_ligne:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_objContext:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_message:errorClass:private] =&gt; ) ) [_use_bdd] =&gt; 1 [_title] =&gt; [_ariane] =&gt; [_titre] =&gt; [_h1] =&gt; [_description] =&gt; [_keywords] =&gt; [_template_admin] =&gt; archic [_template_admin_admin] =&gt; [_responsive] =&gt; 1 [_responsive_admin] =&gt; [_auto_scroll] =&gt; 1 [_auto_scroll_admin] =&gt; [_annee_creation_site] =&gt; 2015 [_annee_creation_site_admin] =&gt; [_id_google_anaytics] =&gt; UA-53704286-21 [_id_google_anaytics_admin] =&gt; [_id_client_analytics] =&gt; 520640658396-ljfr1f1bh5hk9hq7uhtc15h2ud6bq8q3.apps.googleusercontent.com [_id_client_analytics_admin] =&gt; [_limite_derniers_acces] =&gt; 10 [_limite_derniers_acces_admin] =&gt; [primary_params] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; redirections [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Main ) ) [Contact] =&gt; Contact Object ( [_name] =&gt; Contact [_modules_root] =&gt; modules/Contact [_modulo] =&gt; Modulo Object *RECURSION* [_messenger] =&gt; Messenger Object ( [_index:Messenger:private] =&gt; Contact ) [_errorer] =&gt; errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_ligne:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_objContext:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_message:errorClass:private] =&gt; ) [_mustache] =&gt; Mustache_Engine Object ( [templates:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Array ( ) [templateClassPrefix:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; __Mustache_ [cache:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [lambdaCache:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [cacheLambdaTemplates:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [loader:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [partialsLoader:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [helpers:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [escape:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [entityFlags:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; 2 [charset:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; UTF-8 [logger:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [strictCallables:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [pragmas:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Array ( ) [tokenizer:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [parser:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [compiler:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; ) [tab_run] =&gt; Array ( ) [template] =&gt; archic [_template] =&gt; archic [template_admin] =&gt; archic [tab_lang] =&gt; Array ( [META_DESC_DEFAUT_CONTACT] =&gt; Nous contacter [TITRE_PAGE_CONTACT] =&gt; Nous contacter [PAGE_VIDE_CONTACT] =&gt; Aucune formulaire n'est disponible. [MESSAGE_INTROUVABLE_CONTACT] =&gt; Attention ! La page demand&eacute;e est introuvable ou n'existe pas. [LIEN_RETOUR_FORMULAIRE] =&gt; &lt;a href=&quot;./fr/contact/&quot;&gt;Retour au formulaire de contact&lt;/a&gt; [ERREUR_FLOOD] =&gt; Le nombre d'envoi de messages est limit&eacute; sur une courte p&eacute;riode (protection anti-flood) :&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Vous devez patienter avant de tenter d'envoyer un nouveau message. [ERREUR_CAPTCHA] =&gt; Notre syst&egrave;me anti-robot a arr&ecirc;t&eacute; le traitement de ce formulaire. Veuillez recommencer. [ERREUR_FORMULAIRE] =&gt; Une erreur est survenue lors du traitement de votre demande.&lt;br /&gt;Merci de r&eacute;essayer plus tard ou d'&eacute;crire directement &agrave; &lt;a href=&quot;mailto:contact@maison-ecologique-bois.com&quot;&gt;contact@maison-ecologique-bois.com&lt;/a&gt; [CONTACT_INTRO] =&gt; Pour toute demande de renseignements remplissez le formulaire de contact; Nous vous r&eacute;pondrons dans les meilleurs d&eacute;lais. [CHAMPS_OBLIGATOIRES] =&gt; Les champs marqu&eacute;s d'une &lt;span class=&quot;glyphicon glyphicon-asterisk&quot;&gt;&lt;/span&gt; doivent &ecirc;tre renseign&eacute;s. [LABEL_TEL] =&gt; T&eacute;l&eacute;phone [LABEL_FAX] =&gt; Fax [LABEL_MOB] =&gt; Mobile [LABEL_MEL] =&gt; Courriel [LABEL_WEB] =&gt; Web [LABEL_CIVILITE] =&gt; Civilit&eacute; [LABEL_NOM] =&gt; Nom [LABEL_PRENOM] =&gt; Pr&eacute;nom [LABEL_SOCIETE] =&gt; Soci&eacute;t&eacute; [LABEL_ADRESSE] =&gt; Adresse [LABEL_CODE_POSTAL] =&gt; Code postal [LABEL_VILLE] =&gt; Ville [LABEL_MESSAGE] =&gt; Votre message [LABEL_ENVOYER] =&gt; Envoyer [MESSAGE_ENVOYE] =&gt; Votre message a bien &eacute;t&eacute; envoy&eacute; et sera trait&eacute; dans les meilleurs d&eacute;lais. [TITLE_MENTIONS_LEGALES] =&gt; Mentions l&eacute;gales [H1_MENTIONS_LEGALES] =&gt; Mentions l&eacute;gales du site SPCME [TITRE_MENTIONS_LEGALES] =&gt; Mentions l&eacute;gales ) [_db] =&gt; sqlDB Object ( [_config:sqlDB:private] =&gt; Array ( [user] =&gt; maison-ecolo [pwd] =&gt; iR9&amp;ni53H6mhu8^1 [db_name] =&gt; maison-ecolo [server] =&gt; localhost [type_db] =&gt; mysql ) [_pdo:sqlDB:private] =&gt; 1 [_handler:sqlDB:private] =&gt; PDO Object ( ) [_res:sqlDB:private] =&gt; [_req] =&gt; [_fetched:sqlDB:private] =&gt; [_curr_line:sqlDB:private] =&gt; 0 [_error:sqlDB:private] =&gt; errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_ligne:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_objContext:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_message:errorClass:private] =&gt; ) ) [_use_bdd] =&gt; 1 [_title] =&gt; Nous contacter [_ariane] =&gt; Nous contacter [_titre] =&gt; Nous contacter [_h1] =&gt; Nous contacter [_description] =&gt; Nous contacter [_keywords] =&gt; Nous contacter [_rep_images] =&gt; ../images/interface/ [_rep_images_admin] =&gt; [__STRUCTURE] =&gt; SPCME [__STRUCTURE_admin] =&gt; [__SITE_URL] =&gt; maison-bois-economique.com [__SITE_URL_admin] =&gt; [__URL] =&gt; http://www.maison-ecologique-bois.com [__URL_admin] =&gt; [__SITE_NOM] =&gt; SPCME [__SITE_NOM_admin] =&gt; [__SIRET] =&gt; 5307343000001 [__SIRET_admin] =&gt; [__ADRESSE] =&gt; 7 route de Pinas [__ADRESSE_admin] =&gt; [__CODE_POSTAL] =&gt; 31580 [__CODE_POSTAL_admin] =&gt; [__VILLE] =&gt; BOUDRAC [__VILLE_admin] =&gt; [__TEL] =&gt; 05 61 88 95 38 [__TEL_admin] =&gt; [__FAX] =&gt; [__FAX_admin] =&gt; [__PORTABLE] =&gt; [__PORTABLE_admin] =&gt; [__EMAIL] =&gt; contact@maison-ecologique-bois.com [__EMAIL_admin] =&gt; [__REGION] =&gt; Midi-Pyr&eacute;n&eacute;es [__REGION_admin] =&gt; [__PAYS] =&gt; France [__PAYS_admin] =&gt; [__LAT] =&gt; 0 [__LAT_admin] =&gt; [__LONG] =&gt; 0 [__LONG_admin] =&gt; [_chps_civilite] =&gt; 1 [_chps_civilite_admin] =&gt; [_chps_nom] =&gt; 1 [_chps_nom_admin] =&gt; [_chps_prenom] =&gt; 1 [_chps_prenom_admin] =&gt; [_chps_societe] =&gt; 1 [_chps_societe_admin] =&gt; [_chps_adresse] =&gt; 1 [_chps_adresse_admin] =&gt; [_chps_cp] =&gt; 1 [_chps_cp_admin] =&gt; [_chps_ville] =&gt; 1 [_chps_ville_admin] =&gt; [_chps_mail] =&gt; 1 [_chps_mail_admin] =&gt; [_chps_tel] =&gt; 1 [_chps_tel_admin] =&gt; [_chps_fax] =&gt; 1 [_chps_fax_admin] =&gt; [_chps_mobile] =&gt; 1 [_chps_mobile_admin] =&gt; [_template_admin] =&gt; archic ) [Pages] =&gt; Pages Object *RECURSION* [Droits] =&gt; Droits Object ( [_name] =&gt; Droits [_modules_root] =&gt; modules/Droits [_modulo] =&gt; Modulo Object *RECURSION* [_messenger] =&gt; Messenger Object ( [_index:Messenger:private] =&gt; Droits ) [_errorer] =&gt; errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_ligne:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_objContext:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_message:errorClass:private] =&gt; ) [_mustache] =&gt; Mustache_Engine Object ( [templates:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Array ( ) [templateClassPrefix:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; __Mustache_ [cache:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [lambdaCache:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [cacheLambdaTemplates:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [loader:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [partialsLoader:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [helpers:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [escape:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [entityFlags:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; 2 [charset:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; UTF-8 [logger:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [strictCallables:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [pragmas:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Array ( ) [tokenizer:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [parser:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [compiler:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; ) [tab_run] =&gt; Array ( [0] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; ariane [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; [query] =&gt; [titre] =&gt; residence-senior [lang] =&gt; en [params] =&gt; all ) [1] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; h1 [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; [query] =&gt; [titre] =&gt; residence-senior [lang] =&gt; en [params] =&gt; all ) [2] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; affiche [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; [query] =&gt; [titre] =&gt; residence-senior [lang] =&gt; en [params] =&gt; all ) ) [template] =&gt; archic [_template] =&gt; archic [template_admin] =&gt; archic [tab_lang] =&gt; Array ( ) [_db] =&gt; sqlDB Object ( [_config:sqlDB:private] =&gt; Array ( [user] =&gt; maison-ecolo [pwd] =&gt; iR9&amp;ni53H6mhu8^1 [db_name] =&gt; maison-ecolo [server] =&gt; localhost [type_db] =&gt; mysql ) [_pdo:sqlDB:private] =&gt; 1 [_handler:sqlDB:private] =&gt; PDO Object ( ) [_res:sqlDB:private] =&gt; PDOStatement Object ( [queryString] =&gt; SHOW TABLES LIKE 'mod_droits_acces' ) [_req] =&gt; SHOW TABLES LIKE 'mod_droits_acces' [_fetched:sqlDB:private] =&gt; [_curr_line:sqlDB:private] =&gt; 0 [_error:sqlDB:private] =&gt; errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_ligne:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_objContext:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_message:errorClass:private] =&gt; ) ) [_use_bdd] =&gt; 1 [_title] =&gt; [_ariane] =&gt; [_titre] =&gt; [_h1] =&gt; [_description] =&gt; [_keywords] =&gt; [_id_groupe_visiteurs] =&gt; 4 [_id_groupe_visiteurs_admin] =&gt; [_template_admin] =&gt; archic [primary_params] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; ariane [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; [query] =&gt; [titre] =&gt; residence-senior [lang] =&gt; en [params] =&gt; all ) ) ) [_modules_root] =&gt; modules/ [_chaines] =&gt; chaines Object ( ) [_horloge] =&gt; horloge Object ( [_format] =&gt; [_tab] =&gt; Array ( [seconds] =&gt; 51 [minutes] =&gt; 28 [hours] =&gt; 12 [mday] =&gt; 13 [wday] =&gt; 4 [mon] =&gt; 2 [year] =&gt; 2025 [yday] =&gt; 43 [weekday] =&gt; Thursday [month] =&gt; February [0] =&gt; 1739446131 ) [_tab_jour] =&gt; Array ( [0] =&gt; Dimanche [1] =&gt; Lundi [2] =&gt; Mardi [3] =&gt; Mercredi [4] =&gt; Jeudi [5] =&gt; Vendredi [6] =&gt; Samedi ) [_tab_mois] =&gt; Array ( [0] =&gt; Msgn&deg; [1] =&gt; Janvier [2] =&gt; F&eacute;vrier [3] =&gt; Mars [4] =&gt; Avril [5] =&gt; Mai [6] =&gt; Juin [7] =&gt; Juillet [8] =&gt; Ao&ucirc;t [9] =&gt; Septembre [10] =&gt; Octobre [11] =&gt; Novembre [12] =&gt; D&eacute;cembre ) [_datetime] =&gt; [format] =&gt; d/m/Y H:i:s ) [_lien] =&gt; Lien Object ( [_module] =&gt; [_id] =&gt; [_titre] =&gt; [_numpage] =&gt; [_objet] =&gt; [_action] =&gt; [_type] =&gt; [_id2] =&gt; [_id3] =&gt; [_option] =&gt; [_param] =&gt; [_admin] =&gt; ) ) [_messenger] =&gt; Messenger Object ( [_index:Messenger:private] =&gt; Pages ) [_errorer] =&gt; errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_ligne:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_objContext:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_message:errorClass:private] =&gt; ) [_mustache] =&gt; Mustache_Engine Object ( [templates:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Array ( ) [templateClassPrefix:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; __Mustache_ [cache:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [lambdaCache:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [cacheLambdaTemplates:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [loader:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [partialsLoader:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [helpers:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [escape:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [entityFlags:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; 2 [charset:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; UTF-8 [logger:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [strictCallables:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [pragmas:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Array ( ) [tokenizer:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [parser:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [compiler:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; ) [tab_run] =&gt; Array ( [0] =&gt; Array ( [titre] =&gt; residence-senior ) [1] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; description [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [titre] =&gt; residence-senior ) [2] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; ariane [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; [query] =&gt; [titre] =&gt; residence-senior [lang] =&gt; en [params] =&gt; all ) [3] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; ariane [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; [query] =&gt; [titre] =&gt; residence-senior [lang] =&gt; en [params] =&gt; all ) [4] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; h1 [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; [query] =&gt; [titre] =&gt; residence-senior [lang] =&gt; en [params] =&gt; all ) [5] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; h1 [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; [query] =&gt; [titre] =&gt; residence-senior [lang] =&gt; en [params] =&gt; all ) [6] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; affiche [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; [query] =&gt; [titre] =&gt; residence-senior [lang] =&gt; en [params] =&gt; all ) [7] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; affiche [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; [query] =&gt; [titre] =&gt; residence-senior [lang] =&gt; en [params] =&gt; all ) ) [template] =&gt; archic [_template] =&gt; archic [template_admin] =&gt; archic [tab_lang] =&gt; Array ( [META_DESC_DEFAUT] =&gt; Page dynamique [Metadesc] =&gt; Page dynamique [TITRE_PAGE_INTROUVABLE] =&gt; Page introuvable ! [titre_page] =&gt; Page introuvable ! [PAGE_VIDE] =&gt; Cette page ne comporte aucun contenu. [PAGE_INTROUVABLE] =&gt; Attention ! La page demand&eacute;e est introuvable ou n'existe pas. [CHAINE_RETOUR_ACCUEIL] =&gt; Attention ! La page demand&eacute;e est introuvable ou n'existe pas.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;a href=&quot;http://www.maison-ecologique-bois.com/&quot; title=&quot;Retour a l'accueil&quot;&gt;Retour &amp;agrave; l'accueil&lt;/a&gt; [SOMMAIRE] =&gt; Sommaire [PAGE_PRECEDENTE] =&gt; Page pr&eacute;c&eacute;dente [PAGE_SUIVANTE] =&gt; Page suivante [PAGER_STRING] =&gt; Page {current_page} sur {max_page} ) [_db] =&gt; sqlDB Object ( [_config:sqlDB:private] =&gt; Array ( [user] =&gt; maison-ecolo [pwd] =&gt; iR9&amp;ni53H6mhu8^1 [db_name] =&gt; maison-ecolo [server] =&gt; localhost [type_db] =&gt; mysql ) [_pdo:sqlDB:private] =&gt; 1 [_handler:sqlDB:private] =&gt; PDO Object ( ) [_res:sqlDB:private] =&gt; PDOStatement Object ( [queryString] =&gt; SHOW TABLES LIKE 'mod_pages_contenu' ) [_req] =&gt; SHOW TABLES LIKE 'mod_pages_contenu' [_fetched:sqlDB:private] =&gt; [_curr_line:sqlDB:private] =&gt; 0 [_error:sqlDB:private] =&gt; errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_ligne:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_objContext:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_message:errorClass:private] =&gt; ) ) [_use_bdd] =&gt; 1 [_title] =&gt; R&eacute;sidence senior [_ariane] =&gt; R&eacute;sidence senior [_titre] =&gt; Page introuvable ! [_h1] =&gt; R&eacute;sidence senior [_description] =&gt; SPCME va construire pour vous suivant son savoir faire, 31 maisons &agrave;&nbsp;la norme handicap&eacute;, pour votre qualit&eacute; de vie et en ind&eacute;pendance &eacute;nerg&eacute;tique, c'est-&agrave;-dire des maisons n'ayant pas besoin de chauffage ni de climatisation, dont les besoins sont couvert par la production d'&eacute;lectricit&eacute; photovolta&iuml;que pour les &eacute;conomies. [_keywords] =&gt; Page dynamique [_template_admin] =&gt; archic [_rep_images] =&gt; images/pages/ [_rep_images_admin] =&gt; [_mini_lg_max] =&gt; 400 [_mini_lg_max_admin] =&gt; [_mini_ht_max] =&gt; 300 [_mini_ht_max_admin] =&gt; [_bandeau_lg_max] =&gt; 650 [_bandeau_lg_max_admin] =&gt; [_bandeau_ht_max] =&gt; 300 [_bandeau_ht_max_admin] =&gt; [_img_lg_max] =&gt; 1024 [_img_lg_max_admin] =&gt; [_img_ht_max] =&gt; 768 [_img_ht_max_admin] =&gt; [_nb_paragraphe_pages] =&gt; 50 [_nb_paragraphe_pages_admin] =&gt; [_action_Galerie] =&gt; affiche [_action_Galerie_admin] =&gt; [_action_CoreSlider] =&gt; slider [_action_CoreSlider_admin] =&gt; [_action_PrestationsCategorie] =&gt; affichecategorie [_action_PrestationsCategorie_admin] =&gt; [primary_params] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; description [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [titre] =&gt; residence-senior ) ) </objet> include(#/var/www/vhosts/maison-ecologique-bois.com/httpdocs/modules/Pages/run/sommaire.php#) on line 697 in file /var/www/vhosts/maison-ecologique-bois.com/httpdocs/core/module.class.php run(#sommaire#,##) on line 66 in file /var/www/vhosts/maison-ecologique-bois.com/httpdocs/modules/Pages/Pages.module.class.php <span>objet</span> Pages<objet style='display:none;'>Pages Object ( [_id_cat] =&gt; 0 [_id_page] =&gt; 16 [_sommaire] =&gt; 1 [_chapeau] =&gt; [_nom_rewrite] =&gt; residence-senior [_name] =&gt; Pages [_modules_root] =&gt; modules/Pages [_modulo] =&gt; Modulo Object ( [_dbConnexion] =&gt; sqlDB Object ( [_config:sqlDB:private] =&gt; Array ( [user] =&gt; maison-ecolo [pwd] =&gt; iR9&amp;ni53H6mhu8^1 [db_name] =&gt; maison-ecolo [server] =&gt; localhost [type_db] =&gt; mysql ) [_pdo:sqlDB:private] =&gt; 1 [_handler:sqlDB:private] =&gt; PDO Object ( ) [_res:sqlDB:private] =&gt; PDOStatement Object ( [queryString] =&gt; SELECT id FROM mod_langues WHERE code_langue='en' ) [_req] =&gt; SELECT id FROM mod_langues WHERE code_langue='en' [_fetched:sqlDB:private] =&gt; [_curr_line:sqlDB:private] =&gt; 1 [_error:sqlDB:private] =&gt; errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_ligne:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_objContext:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_message:errorClass:private] =&gt; ) ) [_modules] =&gt; Modules Object ( [_root_modules] =&gt; modules/ [_mods] =&gt; Array ( [0] =&gt; Actualites [1] =&gt; Agenda [2] =&gt; Annuaires [3] =&gt; Cartes [4] =&gt; Contact [5] =&gt; Droits [6] =&gt; FluxRSS [7] =&gt; Galeries [8] =&gt; Geographie [9] =&gt; Langs [10] =&gt; LiensRef [11] =&gt; Mailing [12] =&gt; Main [13] =&gt; Menu [14] =&gt; Pages [15] =&gt; Panneaux [16] =&gt; Partenaires [17] =&gt; Plans [18] =&gt; Prestations [19] =&gt; Produits [20] =&gt; Realisations [21] =&gt; Referencement [22] =&gt; ReseauxSociaux [23] =&gt; Slider [24] =&gt; Temoignages ) [_modulo] =&gt; Modulo Object *RECURSION* [_nb] =&gt; 25 [url_repo:Modules:private] =&gt; http://modulol.pyreweb.com/getamodule.php ) [_modules_charges] =&gt; Array ( [Main] =&gt; Main Object ( [_name] =&gt; Main [_modules_root] =&gt; modules/Main [_modulo] =&gt; Modulo Object *RECURSION* [_messenger] =&gt; Messenger Object ( [_index:Messenger:private] =&gt; Main ) [_errorer] =&gt; errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_ligne:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_objContext:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_message:errorClass:private] =&gt; ) [_mustache] =&gt; Mustache_Engine Object ( [templates:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Array ( [__Mustache_5f56c851127defa716be869a0b94aa85] =&gt; __Mustache_5f56c851127defa716be869a0b94aa85 Object ( [lambdaHelper:__Mustache_5f56c851127defa716be869a0b94aa85:private] =&gt; Mustache_LambdaHelper Object ( [mustache:Mustache_LambdaHelper:private] =&gt; Mustache_Engine Object *RECURSION* [context:Mustache_LambdaHelper:private] =&gt; Mustache_Context Object ( [stack:Mustache_Context:private] =&gt; Array ( [0] =&gt; Array ( [etapes] =&gt; Array ( [0] =&gt; Array ( [titre] =&gt; G&eacute;n&eacute;ral [lien] =&gt; Lien Object ( [_module] =&gt; Pages [_id] =&gt; 1 [_titre] =&gt; [_numpage] =&gt; [_objet] =&gt; categorie [_action] =&gt; [_type] =&gt; [_id2] =&gt; [_id3] =&gt; [_option] =&gt; [_param] =&gt; [_admin] =&gt; ) ) [1] =&gt; Array ( [titre] =&gt; R&eacute;sidence senior [lien] =&gt; Lien Object ( [_module] =&gt; Pages [_id] =&gt; 16 [_titre] =&gt; [_numpage] =&gt; [_objet] =&gt; page [_action] =&gt; [_type] =&gt; [_id2] =&gt; [_id3] =&gt; [_option] =&gt; [_param] =&gt; [_admin] =&gt; ) [last] =&gt; 1 [first] =&gt; 1 ) ) ) ) [blockStack:Mustache_Context:private] =&gt; Array ( ) ) ) [mustache:protected] =&gt; Mustache_Engine Object *RECURSION* [strictCallables:protected] =&gt; ) ) [templateClassPrefix:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; __Mustache_ [cache:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Mustache_Cache_NoopCache Object ( [logger:Mustache_Cache_AbstractCache:private] =&gt; ) [lambdaCache:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [cacheLambdaTemplates:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [loader:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Mustache_Loader_StringLoader Object ( ) [partialsLoader:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [helpers:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Mustache_HelperCollection Object ( [helpers:Mustache_HelperCollection:private] =&gt; Array ( ) ) [escape:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [entityFlags:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; 2 [charset:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; UTF-8 [logger:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [strictCallables:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [pragmas:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Array ( ) [tokenizer:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Mustache_Tokenizer Object ( [state:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] =&gt; 0 [tagType:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] =&gt; / [buffer:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] =&gt; [tokens:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] =&gt; Array ( [0] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 0 [value] =&gt; &lt;nav id=&quot;bloc_ariane&quot;&gt; ) [1] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 1 [value] =&gt; &lt;ol class=&quot;breadcrumb&quot;&gt; ) [2] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 2 [value] =&gt; &lt;li&gt; ) [3] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 3 [value] =&gt; &lt;em&gt;Vous &ecirc;tes ici : &lt;/em&gt; ) [4] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 4 [value] =&gt; &lt;span itemscope itemtype=&quot;http://data-vocabulary.org/Breadcrumb&quot;&gt; ) [5] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 5 [value] =&gt; &lt;a href=&quot;http://www.maison-ecologique-bois.com/&quot; itemprop=&quot;url&quot;&gt;&lt;span itemprop=&quot;title&quot;&gt;SPCME&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/a&gt; ) [6] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 6 [value] =&gt; &lt;/span&gt; ) [7] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 7 [value] =&gt; &lt;/li&gt; ) [8] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 8 [value] =&gt; ) [9] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; # [name] =&gt; etapes [otag] =&gt; {{ [ctag] =&gt; }} [line] =&gt; 8 [index] =&gt; 294 ) [10] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 8 [value] =&gt; ) [11] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 9 [value] =&gt; &lt;li ) [12] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; # [name] =&gt; last [otag] =&gt; {{ [ctag] =&gt; }} [line] =&gt; 9 [index] =&gt; 309 ) [13] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 9 [value] =&gt; class=&quot;active&quot; ) [14] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; / [name] =&gt; last [otag] =&gt; {{ [ctag] =&gt; }} [line] =&gt; 9 [index] =&gt; 324 ) [15] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 9 [value] =&gt; &gt; ) [16] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 10 [value] =&gt; &lt;span itemscope itemtype=&quot;http://data-vocabulary.org/Breadcrumb&quot; itemprop=&quot;child&quot;&gt; ) [17] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 11 [value] =&gt; &lt;a href=&quot; ) [18] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _v [name] =&gt; lien [otag] =&gt; {{ [ctag] =&gt; }} [line] =&gt; 11 [index] =&gt; 442 ) [19] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 11 [value] =&gt; &quot; itemprop=&quot;url&quot;&gt;&lt;span itemprop=&quot;title&quot;&gt; ) [20] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _v [name] =&gt; titre [otag] =&gt; {{ [ctag] =&gt; }} [line] =&gt; 11 [index] =&gt; 491 ) [21] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 11 [value] =&gt; &lt;/span&gt;&lt;/a&gt; ) [22] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 12 [value] =&gt; &lt;/span&gt; ) [23] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 13 [value] =&gt; &lt;/li&gt; ) [24] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 14 [value] =&gt; ) [25] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; / [name] =&gt; etapes [otag] =&gt; {{ [ctag] =&gt; }} [line] =&gt; 14 [index] =&gt; 524 ) [26] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 14 [value] =&gt; ) [27] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 15 [value] =&gt; &lt;/ol&gt; ) [28] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 16 [value] =&gt; &lt;/nav&gt; ) ) [seenTag:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] =&gt; 526 [line:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] =&gt; 16 [otag:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] =&gt; {{ [ctag:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] =&gt; }} [otagLen:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] =&gt; 2 [ctagLen:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] =&gt; 2 ) [parser:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Mustache_Parser Object ( [lineNum:Mustache_Parser:private] =&gt; 16 [lineTokens:Mustache_Parser:private] =&gt; 0 [pragmas:Mustache_Parser:private] =&gt; Array ( ) [defaultPragmas:Mustache_Parser:private] =&gt; Array ( ) [pragmaFilters:Mustache_Parser:private] =&gt; [pragmaBlocks:Mustache_Parser:private] =&gt; ) [compiler:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Mustache_Compiler Object ( [pragmas:Mustache_Compiler:private] =&gt; Array ( ) [defaultPragmas:Mustache_Compiler:private] =&gt; Array ( ) [sections:Mustache_Compiler:private] =&gt; Array ( [A779d0e8be975469e74058d6ae113a3d] =&gt; private function sectionA779d0e8be975469e74058d6ae113a3d(Mustache_Context $context, $indent, $value) { $buffer = ''; if (!is_string($value) &amp;&amp; is_callable($value)) { $source = ' class=&quot;active&quot;'; $result = call_user_func($value, $source, $this-&gt;lambdaHelper); if (strpos($result, '{{') === false) { $buffer .= $result; } else { $buffer .= $this-&gt;mustache -&gt;loadLambda((string) $result) -&gt;renderInternal($context); } } elseif (!empty($value)) { $values = $this-&gt;isIterable($value) ? $value : array($value); foreach ($values as $value) { $context-&gt;push($value); $buffer .= ' class=&quot;active&quot;'; $context-&gt;pop(); } } return $buffer; } [C2e4c5434e2e39fe39a6c51bf35aa05a] =&gt; private function sectionC2e4c5434e2e39fe39a6c51bf35aa05a(Mustache_Context $context, $indent, $value) { $buffer = ''; if (!is_string($value) &amp;&amp; is_callable($value)) { $source = ' &lt;li{{#last}} class=&quot;active&quot;{{/last}}&gt; &lt;span itemscope itemtype=&quot;http://data-vocabulary.org/Breadcrumb&quot; itemprop=&quot;child&quot;&gt; &lt;a href=&quot;{{lien}}&quot; itemprop=&quot;url&quot;&gt;&lt;span itemprop=&quot;title&quot;&gt;{{titre}}&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/a&gt; &lt;/span&gt; &lt;/li&gt; '; $result = call_user_func($value, $source, $this-&gt;lambdaHelper); if (strpos($result, '{{') === false) { $buffer .= $result; } else { $buffer .= $this-&gt;mustache -&gt;loadLambda((string) $result) -&gt;renderInternal($context); } } elseif (!empty($value)) { $values = $this-&gt;isIterable($value) ? $value : array($value); foreach ($values as $value) { $context-&gt;push($value); $buffer .= $indent . ' &lt;li'; // 'last' section $value = $context-&gt;find('last'); $buffer .= $this-&gt;sectionA779d0e8be975469e74058d6ae113a3d($context, $indent, $value); $buffer .= '&gt; '; $buffer .= $indent . ' &lt;span itemscope itemtype=&quot;http://data-vocabulary.org/Breadcrumb&quot; itemprop=&quot;child&quot;&gt; '; $buffer .= $indent . ' &lt;a href=&quot;'; $value = $this-&gt;resolveValue($context-&gt;find('lien'), $context, $indent); $buffer .= htmlspecialchars($value, 2, 'UTF-8'); $buffer .= '&quot; itemprop=&quot;url&quot;&gt;&lt;span itemprop=&quot;title&quot;&gt;'; $value = $this-&gt;resolveValue($context-&gt;find('titre'), $context, $indent); $buffer .= htmlspecialchars($value, 2, 'UTF-8'); $buffer .= '&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/a&gt; '; $buffer .= $indent . ' &lt;/span&gt; '; $buffer .= $indent . ' &lt;/li&gt; '; $context-&gt;pop(); } } return $buffer; } ) [source:Mustache_Compiler:private] =&gt; &lt;nav id=&quot;bloc_ariane&quot;&gt; &lt;ol class=&quot;breadcrumb&quot;&gt; &lt;li&gt; &lt;em&gt;Vous &ecirc;tes ici : &lt;/em&gt; &lt;span itemscope itemtype=&quot;http://data-vocabulary.org/Breadcrumb&quot;&gt; &lt;a href=&quot;http://www.maison-ecologique-bois.com/&quot; itemprop=&quot;url&quot;&gt;&lt;span itemprop=&quot;title&quot;&gt;SPCME&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/a&gt; &lt;/span&gt; &lt;/li&gt; {{#etapes}} &lt;li{{#last}} class=&quot;active&quot;{{/last}}&gt; &lt;span itemscope itemtype=&quot;http://data-vocabulary.org/Breadcrumb&quot; itemprop=&quot;child&quot;&gt; &lt;a href=&quot;{{lien}}&quot; itemprop=&quot;url&quot;&gt;&lt;span itemprop=&quot;title&quot;&gt;{{titre}}&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/a&gt; &lt;/span&gt; &lt;/li&gt; {{/etapes}} &lt;/ol&gt; &lt;/nav&gt; [indentNextLine:Mustache_Compiler:private] =&gt; [customEscape:Mustache_Compiler:private] =&gt; [entityFlags:Mustache_Compiler:private] =&gt; 2 [charset:Mustache_Compiler:private] =&gt; UTF-8 [strictCallables:Mustache_Compiler:private] =&gt; ) ) [tab_run] =&gt; Array ( [0] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; redirections [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Main ) [1] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; front [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Main ) [2] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; parse_mustaches [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Main [moustache] =&gt; front [params_run] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; affiche [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; [query] =&gt; [titre] =&gt; residence-senior [lang] =&gt; en ) ) [3] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; parse_mustaches [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Main [moustache] =&gt; haut [params_run] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; affiche [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; [query] =&gt; [titre] =&gt; residence-senior [lang] =&gt; en ) ) [4] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; parse_mustaches [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Main [moustache] =&gt; bas [params_run] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; affiche [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; [query] =&gt; [titre] =&gt; residence-senior [lang] =&gt; en ) ) [5] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; parse_mustaches [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Main [moustache] =&gt; scripts [params_run] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; affiche [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; [query] =&gt; [titre] =&gt; residence-senior [lang] =&gt; en ) ) ) [template] =&gt; archic [_template] =&gt; archic [template_admin] =&gt; archic [tab_lang] =&gt; Array ( [_LAST_ACCESS] =&gt; Derniers acc&egrave;s ) [_db] =&gt; sqlDB Object ( [_config:sqlDB:private] =&gt; Array ( [user] =&gt; maison-ecolo [pwd] =&gt; iR9&amp;ni53H6mhu8^1 [db_name] =&gt; maison-ecolo [server] =&gt; localhost [type_db] =&gt; mysql ) [_pdo:sqlDB:private] =&gt; 1 [_handler:sqlDB:private] =&gt; PDO Object ( ) [_res:sqlDB:private] =&gt; [_req] =&gt; [_fetched:sqlDB:private] =&gt; [_curr_line:sqlDB:private] =&gt; 0 [_error:sqlDB:private] =&gt; errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_ligne:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_objContext:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_message:errorClass:private] =&gt; ) ) [_use_bdd] =&gt; 1 [_title] =&gt; [_ariane] =&gt; [_titre] =&gt; [_h1] =&gt; [_description] =&gt; [_keywords] =&gt; [_template_admin] =&gt; archic [_template_admin_admin] =&gt; [_responsive] =&gt; 1 [_responsive_admin] =&gt; [_auto_scroll] =&gt; 1 [_auto_scroll_admin] =&gt; [_annee_creation_site] =&gt; 2015 [_annee_creation_site_admin] =&gt; [_id_google_anaytics] =&gt; UA-53704286-21 [_id_google_anaytics_admin] =&gt; [_id_client_analytics] =&gt; 520640658396-ljfr1f1bh5hk9hq7uhtc15h2ud6bq8q3.apps.googleusercontent.com [_id_client_analytics_admin] =&gt; [_limite_derniers_acces] =&gt; 10 [_limite_derniers_acces_admin] =&gt; [primary_params] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; redirections [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Main ) ) [Contact] =&gt; Contact Object ( [_name] =&gt; Contact [_modules_root] =&gt; modules/Contact [_modulo] =&gt; Modulo Object *RECURSION* [_messenger] =&gt; Messenger Object ( [_index:Messenger:private] =&gt; Contact ) [_errorer] =&gt; errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_ligne:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_objContext:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_message:errorClass:private] =&gt; ) [_mustache] =&gt; Mustache_Engine Object ( [templates:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Array ( ) [templateClassPrefix:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; __Mustache_ [cache:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [lambdaCache:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [cacheLambdaTemplates:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [loader:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [partialsLoader:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [helpers:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [escape:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [entityFlags:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; 2 [charset:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; UTF-8 [logger:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [strictCallables:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [pragmas:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Array ( ) [tokenizer:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [parser:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [compiler:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; ) [tab_run] =&gt; Array ( ) [template] =&gt; archic [_template] =&gt; archic [template_admin] =&gt; archic [tab_lang] =&gt; Array ( [META_DESC_DEFAUT_CONTACT] =&gt; Nous contacter [TITRE_PAGE_CONTACT] =&gt; Nous contacter [PAGE_VIDE_CONTACT] =&gt; Aucune formulaire n'est disponible. [MESSAGE_INTROUVABLE_CONTACT] =&gt; Attention ! La page demand&eacute;e est introuvable ou n'existe pas. [LIEN_RETOUR_FORMULAIRE] =&gt; &lt;a href=&quot;./fr/contact/&quot;&gt;Retour au formulaire de contact&lt;/a&gt; [ERREUR_FLOOD] =&gt; Le nombre d'envoi de messages est limit&eacute; sur une courte p&eacute;riode (protection anti-flood) :&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Vous devez patienter avant de tenter d'envoyer un nouveau message. [ERREUR_CAPTCHA] =&gt; Notre syst&egrave;me anti-robot a arr&ecirc;t&eacute; le traitement de ce formulaire. Veuillez recommencer. [ERREUR_FORMULAIRE] =&gt; Une erreur est survenue lors du traitement de votre demande.&lt;br /&gt;Merci de r&eacute;essayer plus tard ou d'&eacute;crire directement &agrave; &lt;a href=&quot;mailto:contact@maison-ecologique-bois.com&quot;&gt;contact@maison-ecologique-bois.com&lt;/a&gt; [CONTACT_INTRO] =&gt; Pour toute demande de renseignements remplissez le formulaire de contact; Nous vous r&eacute;pondrons dans les meilleurs d&eacute;lais. [CHAMPS_OBLIGATOIRES] =&gt; Les champs marqu&eacute;s d'une &lt;span class=&quot;glyphicon glyphicon-asterisk&quot;&gt;&lt;/span&gt; doivent &ecirc;tre renseign&eacute;s. [LABEL_TEL] =&gt; T&eacute;l&eacute;phone [LABEL_FAX] =&gt; Fax [LABEL_MOB] =&gt; Mobile [LABEL_MEL] =&gt; Courriel [LABEL_WEB] =&gt; Web [LABEL_CIVILITE] =&gt; Civilit&eacute; [LABEL_NOM] =&gt; Nom [LABEL_PRENOM] =&gt; Pr&eacute;nom [LABEL_SOCIETE] =&gt; Soci&eacute;t&eacute; [LABEL_ADRESSE] =&gt; Adresse [LABEL_CODE_POSTAL] =&gt; Code postal [LABEL_VILLE] =&gt; Ville [LABEL_MESSAGE] =&gt; Votre message [LABEL_ENVOYER] =&gt; Envoyer [MESSAGE_ENVOYE] =&gt; Votre message a bien &eacute;t&eacute; envoy&eacute; et sera trait&eacute; dans les meilleurs d&eacute;lais. [TITLE_MENTIONS_LEGALES] =&gt; Mentions l&eacute;gales [H1_MENTIONS_LEGALES] =&gt; Mentions l&eacute;gales du site SPCME [TITRE_MENTIONS_LEGALES] =&gt; Mentions l&eacute;gales ) [_db] =&gt; sqlDB Object ( [_config:sqlDB:private] =&gt; Array ( [user] =&gt; maison-ecolo [pwd] =&gt; iR9&amp;ni53H6mhu8^1 [db_name] =&gt; maison-ecolo [server] =&gt; localhost [type_db] =&gt; mysql ) [_pdo:sqlDB:private] =&gt; 1 [_handler:sqlDB:private] =&gt; PDO Object ( ) [_res:sqlDB:private] =&gt; [_req] =&gt; [_fetched:sqlDB:private] =&gt; [_curr_line:sqlDB:private] =&gt; 0 [_error:sqlDB:private] =&gt; errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_ligne:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_objContext:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_message:errorClass:private] =&gt; ) ) [_use_bdd] =&gt; 1 [_title] =&gt; Nous contacter [_ariane] =&gt; Nous contacter [_titre] =&gt; Nous contacter [_h1] =&gt; Nous contacter [_description] =&gt; Nous contacter [_keywords] =&gt; Nous contacter [_rep_images] =&gt; ../images/interface/ [_rep_images_admin] =&gt; [__STRUCTURE] =&gt; SPCME [__STRUCTURE_admin] =&gt; [__SITE_URL] =&gt; maison-bois-economique.com [__SITE_URL_admin] =&gt; [__URL] =&gt; http://www.maison-ecologique-bois.com [__URL_admin] =&gt; [__SITE_NOM] =&gt; SPCME [__SITE_NOM_admin] =&gt; [__SIRET] =&gt; 5307343000001 [__SIRET_admin] =&gt; [__ADRESSE] =&gt; 7 route de Pinas [__ADRESSE_admin] =&gt; [__CODE_POSTAL] =&gt; 31580 [__CODE_POSTAL_admin] =&gt; [__VILLE] =&gt; BOUDRAC [__VILLE_admin] =&gt; [__TEL] =&gt; 05 61 88 95 38 [__TEL_admin] =&gt; [__FAX] =&gt; [__FAX_admin] =&gt; [__PORTABLE] =&gt; [__PORTABLE_admin] =&gt; [__EMAIL] =&gt; contact@maison-ecologique-bois.com [__EMAIL_admin] =&gt; [__REGION] =&gt; Midi-Pyr&eacute;n&eacute;es [__REGION_admin] =&gt; [__PAYS] =&gt; France [__PAYS_admin] =&gt; [__LAT] =&gt; 0 [__LAT_admin] =&gt; [__LONG] =&gt; 0 [__LONG_admin] =&gt; [_chps_civilite] =&gt; 1 [_chps_civilite_admin] =&gt; [_chps_nom] =&gt; 1 [_chps_nom_admin] =&gt; [_chps_prenom] =&gt; 1 [_chps_prenom_admin] =&gt; [_chps_societe] =&gt; 1 [_chps_societe_admin] =&gt; [_chps_adresse] =&gt; 1 [_chps_adresse_admin] =&gt; [_chps_cp] =&gt; 1 [_chps_cp_admin] =&gt; [_chps_ville] =&gt; 1 [_chps_ville_admin] =&gt; [_chps_mail] =&gt; 1 [_chps_mail_admin] =&gt; [_chps_tel] =&gt; 1 [_chps_tel_admin] =&gt; [_chps_fax] =&gt; 1 [_chps_fax_admin] =&gt; [_chps_mobile] =&gt; 1 [_chps_mobile_admin] =&gt; [_template_admin] =&gt; archic ) [Pages] =&gt; Pages Object *RECURSION* [Droits] =&gt; Droits Object ( [_name] =&gt; Droits [_modules_root] =&gt; modules/Droits [_modulo] =&gt; Modulo Object *RECURSION* [_messenger] =&gt; Messenger Object ( [_index:Messenger:private] =&gt; Droits ) [_errorer] =&gt; errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_ligne:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_objContext:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_message:errorClass:private] =&gt; ) [_mustache] =&gt; Mustache_Engine Object ( [templates:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Array ( ) [templateClassPrefix:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; __Mustache_ [cache:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [lambdaCache:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [cacheLambdaTemplates:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [loader:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [partialsLoader:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [helpers:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [escape:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [entityFlags:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; 2 [charset:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; UTF-8 [logger:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [strictCallables:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [pragmas:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Array ( ) [tokenizer:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [parser:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [compiler:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; ) [tab_run] =&gt; Array ( [0] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; ariane [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; [query] =&gt; [titre] =&gt; residence-senior [lang] =&gt; en [params] =&gt; all ) [1] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; h1 [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; [query] =&gt; [titre] =&gt; residence-senior [lang] =&gt; en [params] =&gt; all ) [2] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; affiche [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; [query] =&gt; [titre] =&gt; residence-senior [lang] =&gt; en [params] =&gt; all ) ) [template] =&gt; archic [_template] =&gt; archic [template_admin] =&gt; archic [tab_lang] =&gt; Array ( ) [_db] =&gt; sqlDB Object ( [_config:sqlDB:private] =&gt; Array ( [user] =&gt; maison-ecolo [pwd] =&gt; iR9&amp;ni53H6mhu8^1 [db_name] =&gt; maison-ecolo [server] =&gt; localhost [type_db] =&gt; mysql ) [_pdo:sqlDB:private] =&gt; 1 [_handler:sqlDB:private] =&gt; PDO Object ( ) [_res:sqlDB:private] =&gt; PDOStatement Object ( [queryString] =&gt; SHOW TABLES LIKE 'mod_droits_acces' ) [_req] =&gt; SHOW TABLES LIKE 'mod_droits_acces' [_fetched:sqlDB:private] =&gt; [_curr_line:sqlDB:private] =&gt; 0 [_error:sqlDB:private] =&gt; errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_ligne:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_objContext:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_message:errorClass:private] =&gt; ) ) [_use_bdd] =&gt; 1 [_title] =&gt; [_ariane] =&gt; [_titre] =&gt; [_h1] =&gt; [_description] =&gt; [_keywords] =&gt; [_id_groupe_visiteurs] =&gt; 4 [_id_groupe_visiteurs_admin] =&gt; [_template_admin] =&gt; archic [primary_params] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; ariane [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; [query] =&gt; [titre] =&gt; residence-senior [lang] =&gt; en [params] =&gt; all ) ) ) [_modules_root] =&gt; modules/ [_chaines] =&gt; chaines Object ( ) [_horloge] =&gt; horloge Object ( [_format] =&gt; [_tab] =&gt; Array ( [seconds] =&gt; 51 [minutes] =&gt; 28 [hours] =&gt; 12 [mday] =&gt; 13 [wday] =&gt; 4 [mon] =&gt; 2 [year] =&gt; 2025 [yday] =&gt; 43 [weekday] =&gt; Thursday [month] =&gt; February [0] =&gt; 1739446131 ) [_tab_jour] =&gt; Array ( [0] =&gt; Dimanche [1] =&gt; Lundi [2] =&gt; Mardi [3] =&gt; Mercredi [4] =&gt; Jeudi [5] =&gt; Vendredi [6] =&gt; Samedi ) [_tab_mois] =&gt; Array ( [0] =&gt; Msgn&deg; [1] =&gt; Janvier [2] =&gt; F&eacute;vrier [3] =&gt; Mars [4] =&gt; Avril [5] =&gt; Mai [6] =&gt; Juin [7] =&gt; Juillet [8] =&gt; Ao&ucirc;t [9] =&gt; Septembre [10] =&gt; Octobre [11] =&gt; Novembre [12] =&gt; D&eacute;cembre ) [_datetime] =&gt; [format] =&gt; d/m/Y H:i:s ) [_lien] =&gt; Lien Object ( [_module] =&gt; [_id] =&gt; [_titre] =&gt; [_numpage] =&gt; [_objet] =&gt; [_action] =&gt; [_type] =&gt; [_id2] =&gt; [_id3] =&gt; [_option] =&gt; [_param] =&gt; [_admin] =&gt; ) ) [_messenger] =&gt; Messenger Object ( [_index:Messenger:private] =&gt; Pages ) [_errorer] =&gt; errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_ligne:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_objContext:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_message:errorClass:private] =&gt; ) [_mustache] =&gt; Mustache_Engine Object ( [templates:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Array ( ) [templateClassPrefix:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; __Mustache_ [cache:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [lambdaCache:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [cacheLambdaTemplates:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [loader:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [partialsLoader:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [helpers:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [escape:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [entityFlags:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; 2 [charset:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; UTF-8 [logger:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [strictCallables:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [pragmas:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Array ( ) [tokenizer:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [parser:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [compiler:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; ) [tab_run] =&gt; Array ( [0] =&gt; Array ( [titre] =&gt; residence-senior ) [1] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; description [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [titre] =&gt; residence-senior ) [2] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; ariane [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; [query] =&gt; [titre] =&gt; residence-senior [lang] =&gt; en [params] =&gt; all ) [3] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; ariane [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; [query] =&gt; [titre] =&gt; residence-senior [lang] =&gt; en [params] =&gt; all ) [4] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; h1 [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; [query] =&gt; [titre] =&gt; residence-senior [lang] =&gt; en [params] =&gt; all ) [5] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; h1 [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; [query] =&gt; [titre] =&gt; residence-senior [lang] =&gt; en [params] =&gt; all ) [6] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; affiche [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; [query] =&gt; [titre] =&gt; residence-senior [lang] =&gt; en [params] =&gt; all ) [7] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; affiche [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; [query] =&gt; [titre] =&gt; residence-senior [lang] =&gt; en [params] =&gt; all ) ) [template] =&gt; archic [_template] =&gt; archic [template_admin] =&gt; archic [tab_lang] =&gt; Array ( [META_DESC_DEFAUT] =&gt; Page dynamique [Metadesc] =&gt; Page dynamique [TITRE_PAGE_INTROUVABLE] =&gt; Page introuvable ! [titre_page] =&gt; Page introuvable ! [PAGE_VIDE] =&gt; Cette page ne comporte aucun contenu. [PAGE_INTROUVABLE] =&gt; Attention ! La page demand&eacute;e est introuvable ou n'existe pas. [CHAINE_RETOUR_ACCUEIL] =&gt; Attention ! La page demand&eacute;e est introuvable ou n'existe pas.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;a href=&quot;http://www.maison-ecologique-bois.com/&quot; title=&quot;Retour a l'accueil&quot;&gt;Retour &amp;agrave; l'accueil&lt;/a&gt; [SOMMAIRE] =&gt; Sommaire [PAGE_PRECEDENTE] =&gt; Page pr&eacute;c&eacute;dente [PAGE_SUIVANTE] =&gt; Page suivante [PAGER_STRING] =&gt; Page {current_page} sur {max_page} ) [_db] =&gt; sqlDB Object ( [_config:sqlDB:private] =&gt; Array ( [user] =&gt; maison-ecolo [pwd] =&gt; iR9&amp;ni53H6mhu8^1 [db_name] =&gt; maison-ecolo [server] =&gt; localhost [type_db] =&gt; mysql ) [_pdo:sqlDB:private] =&gt; 1 [_handler:sqlDB:private] =&gt; PDO Object ( ) [_res:sqlDB:private] =&gt; PDOStatement Object ( [queryString] =&gt; SHOW TABLES LIKE 'mod_pages_contenu' ) [_req] =&gt; SHOW TABLES LIKE 'mod_pages_contenu' [_fetched:sqlDB:private] =&gt; [_curr_line:sqlDB:private] =&gt; 0 [_error:sqlDB:private] =&gt; errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_ligne:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_objContext:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_message:errorClass:private] =&gt; ) ) [_use_bdd] =&gt; 1 [_title] =&gt; R&eacute;sidence senior [_ariane] =&gt; R&eacute;sidence senior [_titre] =&gt; Page introuvable ! [_h1] =&gt; R&eacute;sidence senior [_description] =&gt; SPCME va construire pour vous suivant son savoir faire, 31 maisons &agrave;&nbsp;la norme handicap&eacute;, pour votre qualit&eacute; de vie et en ind&eacute;pendance &eacute;nerg&eacute;tique, c'est-&agrave;-dire des maisons n'ayant pas besoin de chauffage ni de climatisation, dont les besoins sont couvert par la production d'&eacute;lectricit&eacute; photovolta&iuml;que pour les &eacute;conomies. [_keywords] =&gt; Page dynamique [_template_admin] =&gt; archic [_rep_images] =&gt; images/pages/ [_rep_images_admin] =&gt; [_mini_lg_max] =&gt; 400 [_mini_lg_max_admin] =&gt; [_mini_ht_max] =&gt; 300 [_mini_ht_max_admin] =&gt; [_bandeau_lg_max] =&gt; 650 [_bandeau_lg_max_admin] =&gt; [_bandeau_ht_max] =&gt; 300 [_bandeau_ht_max_admin] =&gt; [_img_lg_max] =&gt; 1024 [_img_lg_max_admin] =&gt; [_img_ht_max] =&gt; 768 [_img_ht_max_admin] =&gt; [_nb_paragraphe_pages] =&gt; 50 [_nb_paragraphe_pages_admin] =&gt; [_action_Galerie] =&gt; affiche [_action_Galerie_admin] =&gt; [_action_CoreSlider] =&gt; slider [_action_CoreSlider_admin] =&gt; [_action_PrestationsCategorie] =&gt; affichecategorie [_action_PrestationsCategorie_admin] =&gt; [primary_params] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; description [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [titre] =&gt; residence-senior ) ) </objet> run(#sommaire#,##) on line 809 in file /var/www/vhosts/maison-ecologique-bois.com/httpdocs/core/module.class.php <span>objet</span> Pages<objet style='display:none;'>Pages Object ( [_id_cat] =&gt; 0 [_id_page] =&gt; 16 [_sommaire] =&gt; 1 [_chapeau] =&gt; [_nom_rewrite] =&gt; residence-senior [_name] =&gt; Pages [_modules_root] =&gt; modules/Pages [_modulo] =&gt; Modulo Object ( [_dbConnexion] =&gt; sqlDB Object ( [_config:sqlDB:private] =&gt; Array ( [user] =&gt; maison-ecolo [pwd] =&gt; iR9&amp;ni53H6mhu8^1 [db_name] =&gt; maison-ecolo [server] =&gt; localhost [type_db] =&gt; mysql ) [_pdo:sqlDB:private] =&gt; 1 [_handler:sqlDB:private] =&gt; PDO Object ( ) [_res:sqlDB:private] =&gt; PDOStatement Object ( [queryString] =&gt; SELECT id FROM mod_langues WHERE code_langue='en' ) [_req] =&gt; SELECT id FROM mod_langues WHERE code_langue='en' [_fetched:sqlDB:private] =&gt; [_curr_line:sqlDB:private] =&gt; 1 [_error:sqlDB:private] =&gt; errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_ligne:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_objContext:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_message:errorClass:private] =&gt; ) ) [_modules] =&gt; Modules Object ( [_root_modules] =&gt; modules/ [_mods] =&gt; Array ( [0] =&gt; Actualites [1] =&gt; Agenda [2] =&gt; Annuaires [3] =&gt; Cartes [4] =&gt; Contact [5] =&gt; Droits [6] =&gt; FluxRSS [7] =&gt; Galeries [8] =&gt; Geographie [9] =&gt; Langs [10] =&gt; LiensRef [11] =&gt; Mailing [12] =&gt; Main [13] =&gt; Menu [14] =&gt; Pages [15] =&gt; Panneaux [16] =&gt; Partenaires [17] =&gt; Plans [18] =&gt; Prestations [19] =&gt; Produits [20] =&gt; Realisations [21] =&gt; Referencement [22] =&gt; ReseauxSociaux [23] =&gt; Slider [24] =&gt; Temoignages ) [_modulo] =&gt; Modulo Object *RECURSION* [_nb] =&gt; 25 [url_repo:Modules:private] =&gt; http://modulol.pyreweb.com/getamodule.php ) [_modules_charges] =&gt; Array ( [Main] =&gt; Main Object ( [_name] =&gt; Main [_modules_root] =&gt; modules/Main [_modulo] =&gt; Modulo Object *RECURSION* [_messenger] =&gt; Messenger Object ( [_index:Messenger:private] =&gt; Main ) [_errorer] =&gt; errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_ligne:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_objContext:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_message:errorClass:private] =&gt; ) [_mustache] =&gt; Mustache_Engine Object ( [templates:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Array ( [__Mustache_5f56c851127defa716be869a0b94aa85] =&gt; __Mustache_5f56c851127defa716be869a0b94aa85 Object ( [lambdaHelper:__Mustache_5f56c851127defa716be869a0b94aa85:private] =&gt; Mustache_LambdaHelper Object ( [mustache:Mustache_LambdaHelper:private] =&gt; Mustache_Engine Object *RECURSION* [context:Mustache_LambdaHelper:private] =&gt; Mustache_Context Object ( [stack:Mustache_Context:private] =&gt; Array ( [0] =&gt; Array ( [etapes] =&gt; Array ( [0] =&gt; Array ( [titre] =&gt; G&eacute;n&eacute;ral [lien] =&gt; Lien Object ( [_module] =&gt; Pages [_id] =&gt; 1 [_titre] =&gt; [_numpage] =&gt; [_objet] =&gt; categorie [_action] =&gt; [_type] =&gt; [_id2] =&gt; [_id3] =&gt; [_option] =&gt; [_param] =&gt; [_admin] =&gt; ) ) [1] =&gt; Array ( [titre] =&gt; R&eacute;sidence senior [lien] =&gt; Lien Object ( [_module] =&gt; Pages [_id] =&gt; 16 [_titre] =&gt; [_numpage] =&gt; [_objet] =&gt; page [_action] =&gt; [_type] =&gt; [_id2] =&gt; [_id3] =&gt; [_option] =&gt; [_param] =&gt; [_admin] =&gt; ) [last] =&gt; 1 [first] =&gt; 1 ) ) ) ) [blockStack:Mustache_Context:private] =&gt; Array ( ) ) ) [mustache:protected] =&gt; Mustache_Engine Object *RECURSION* [strictCallables:protected] =&gt; ) ) [templateClassPrefix:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; __Mustache_ [cache:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Mustache_Cache_NoopCache Object ( [logger:Mustache_Cache_AbstractCache:private] =&gt; ) [lambdaCache:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [cacheLambdaTemplates:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [loader:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Mustache_Loader_StringLoader Object ( ) [partialsLoader:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [helpers:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Mustache_HelperCollection Object ( [helpers:Mustache_HelperCollection:private] =&gt; Array ( ) ) [escape:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [entityFlags:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; 2 [charset:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; UTF-8 [logger:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [strictCallables:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [pragmas:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Array ( ) [tokenizer:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Mustache_Tokenizer Object ( [state:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] =&gt; 0 [tagType:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] =&gt; / [buffer:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] =&gt; [tokens:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] =&gt; Array ( [0] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 0 [value] =&gt; &lt;nav id=&quot;bloc_ariane&quot;&gt; ) [1] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 1 [value] =&gt; &lt;ol class=&quot;breadcrumb&quot;&gt; ) [2] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 2 [value] =&gt; &lt;li&gt; ) [3] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 3 [value] =&gt; &lt;em&gt;Vous &ecirc;tes ici : &lt;/em&gt; ) [4] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 4 [value] =&gt; &lt;span itemscope itemtype=&quot;http://data-vocabulary.org/Breadcrumb&quot;&gt; ) [5] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 5 [value] =&gt; &lt;a href=&quot;http://www.maison-ecologique-bois.com/&quot; itemprop=&quot;url&quot;&gt;&lt;span itemprop=&quot;title&quot;&gt;SPCME&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/a&gt; ) [6] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 6 [value] =&gt; &lt;/span&gt; ) [7] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 7 [value] =&gt; &lt;/li&gt; ) [8] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 8 [value] =&gt; ) [9] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; # [name] =&gt; etapes [otag] =&gt; {{ [ctag] =&gt; }} [line] =&gt; 8 [index] =&gt; 294 ) [10] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 8 [value] =&gt; ) [11] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 9 [value] =&gt; &lt;li ) [12] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; # [name] =&gt; last [otag] =&gt; {{ [ctag] =&gt; }} [line] =&gt; 9 [index] =&gt; 309 ) [13] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 9 [value] =&gt; class=&quot;active&quot; ) [14] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; / [name] =&gt; last [otag] =&gt; {{ [ctag] =&gt; }} [line] =&gt; 9 [index] =&gt; 324 ) [15] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 9 [value] =&gt; &gt; ) [16] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 10 [value] =&gt; &lt;span itemscope itemtype=&quot;http://data-vocabulary.org/Breadcrumb&quot; itemprop=&quot;child&quot;&gt; ) [17] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 11 [value] =&gt; &lt;a href=&quot; ) [18] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _v [name] =&gt; lien [otag] =&gt; {{ [ctag] =&gt; }} [line] =&gt; 11 [index] =&gt; 442 ) [19] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 11 [value] =&gt; &quot; itemprop=&quot;url&quot;&gt;&lt;span itemprop=&quot;title&quot;&gt; ) [20] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _v [name] =&gt; titre [otag] =&gt; {{ [ctag] =&gt; }} [line] =&gt; 11 [index] =&gt; 491 ) [21] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 11 [value] =&gt; &lt;/span&gt;&lt;/a&gt; ) [22] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 12 [value] =&gt; &lt;/span&gt; ) [23] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 13 [value] =&gt; &lt;/li&gt; ) [24] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 14 [value] =&gt; ) [25] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; / [name] =&gt; etapes [otag] =&gt; {{ [ctag] =&gt; }} [line] =&gt; 14 [index] =&gt; 524 ) [26] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 14 [value] =&gt; ) [27] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 15 [value] =&gt; &lt;/ol&gt; ) [28] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 16 [value] =&gt; &lt;/nav&gt; ) ) [seenTag:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] =&gt; 526 [line:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] =&gt; 16 [otag:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] =&gt; {{ [ctag:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] =&gt; }} [otagLen:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] =&gt; 2 [ctagLen:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] =&gt; 2 ) [parser:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Mustache_Parser Object ( [lineNum:Mustache_Parser:private] =&gt; 16 [lineTokens:Mustache_Parser:private] =&gt; 0 [pragmas:Mustache_Parser:private] =&gt; Array ( ) [defaultPragmas:Mustache_Parser:private] =&gt; Array ( ) [pragmaFilters:Mustache_Parser:private] =&gt; [pragmaBlocks:Mustache_Parser:private] =&gt; ) [compiler:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Mustache_Compiler Object ( [pragmas:Mustache_Compiler:private] =&gt; Array ( ) [defaultPragmas:Mustache_Compiler:private] =&gt; Array ( ) [sections:Mustache_Compiler:private] =&gt; Array ( [A779d0e8be975469e74058d6ae113a3d] =&gt; private function sectionA779d0e8be975469e74058d6ae113a3d(Mustache_Context $context, $indent, $value) { $buffer = ''; if (!is_string($value) &amp;&amp; is_callable($value)) { $source = ' class=&quot;active&quot;'; $result = call_user_func($value, $source, $this-&gt;lambdaHelper); if (strpos($result, '{{') === false) { $buffer .= $result; } else { $buffer .= $this-&gt;mustache -&gt;loadLambda((string) $result) -&gt;renderInternal($context); } } elseif (!empty($value)) { $values = $this-&gt;isIterable($value) ? $value : array($value); foreach ($values as $value) { $context-&gt;push($value); $buffer .= ' class=&quot;active&quot;'; $context-&gt;pop(); } } return $buffer; } [C2e4c5434e2e39fe39a6c51bf35aa05a] =&gt; private function sectionC2e4c5434e2e39fe39a6c51bf35aa05a(Mustache_Context $context, $indent, $value) { $buffer = ''; if (!is_string($value) &amp;&amp; is_callable($value)) { $source = ' &lt;li{{#last}} class=&quot;active&quot;{{/last}}&gt; &lt;span itemscope itemtype=&quot;http://data-vocabulary.org/Breadcrumb&quot; itemprop=&quot;child&quot;&gt; &lt;a href=&quot;{{lien}}&quot; itemprop=&quot;url&quot;&gt;&lt;span itemprop=&quot;title&quot;&gt;{{titre}}&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/a&gt; &lt;/span&gt; &lt;/li&gt; '; $result = call_user_func($value, $source, $this-&gt;lambdaHelper); if (strpos($result, '{{') === false) { $buffer .= $result; } else { $buffer .= $this-&gt;mustache -&gt;loadLambda((string) $result) -&gt;renderInternal($context); } } elseif (!empty($value)) { $values = $this-&gt;isIterable($value) ? $value : array($value); foreach ($values as $value) { $context-&gt;push($value); $buffer .= $indent . ' &lt;li'; // 'last' section $value = $context-&gt;find('last'); $buffer .= $this-&gt;sectionA779d0e8be975469e74058d6ae113a3d($context, $indent, $value); $buffer .= '&gt; '; $buffer .= $indent . ' &lt;span itemscope itemtype=&quot;http://data-vocabulary.org/Breadcrumb&quot; itemprop=&quot;child&quot;&gt; '; $buffer .= $indent . ' &lt;a href=&quot;'; $value = $this-&gt;resolveValue($context-&gt;find('lien'), $context, $indent); $buffer .= htmlspecialchars($value, 2, 'UTF-8'); $buffer .= '&quot; itemprop=&quot;url&quot;&gt;&lt;span itemprop=&quot;title&quot;&gt;'; $value = $this-&gt;resolveValue($context-&gt;find('titre'), $context, $indent); $buffer .= htmlspecialchars($value, 2, 'UTF-8'); $buffer .= '&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/a&gt; '; $buffer .= $indent . ' &lt;/span&gt; '; $buffer .= $indent . ' &lt;/li&gt; '; $context-&gt;pop(); } } return $buffer; } ) [source:Mustache_Compiler:private] =&gt; &lt;nav id=&quot;bloc_ariane&quot;&gt; &lt;ol class=&quot;breadcrumb&quot;&gt; &lt;li&gt; &lt;em&gt;Vous &ecirc;tes ici : &lt;/em&gt; &lt;span itemscope itemtype=&quot;http://data-vocabulary.org/Breadcrumb&quot;&gt; &lt;a href=&quot;http://www.maison-ecologique-bois.com/&quot; itemprop=&quot;url&quot;&gt;&lt;span itemprop=&quot;title&quot;&gt;SPCME&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/a&gt; &lt;/span&gt; &lt;/li&gt; {{#etapes}} &lt;li{{#last}} class=&quot;active&quot;{{/last}}&gt; &lt;span itemscope itemtype=&quot;http://data-vocabulary.org/Breadcrumb&quot; itemprop=&quot;child&quot;&gt; &lt;a href=&quot;{{lien}}&quot; itemprop=&quot;url&quot;&gt;&lt;span itemprop=&quot;title&quot;&gt;{{titre}}&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/a&gt; &lt;/span&gt; &lt;/li&gt; {{/etapes}} &lt;/ol&gt; &lt;/nav&gt; [indentNextLine:Mustache_Compiler:private] =&gt; [customEscape:Mustache_Compiler:private] =&gt; [entityFlags:Mustache_Compiler:private] =&gt; 2 [charset:Mustache_Compiler:private] =&gt; UTF-8 [strictCallables:Mustache_Compiler:private] =&gt; ) ) [tab_run] =&gt; Array ( [0] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; redirections [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Main ) [1] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; front [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Main ) [2] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; parse_mustaches [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Main [moustache] =&gt; front [params_run] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; affiche [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; [query] =&gt; [titre] =&gt; residence-senior [lang] =&gt; en ) ) [3] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; parse_mustaches [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Main [moustache] =&gt; haut [params_run] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; affiche [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; [query] =&gt; [titre] =&gt; residence-senior [lang] =&gt; en ) ) [4] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; parse_mustaches [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Main [moustache] =&gt; bas [params_run] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; affiche [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; [query] =&gt; [titre] =&gt; residence-senior [lang] =&gt; en ) ) [5] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; parse_mustaches [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Main [moustache] =&gt; scripts [params_run] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; affiche [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; [query] =&gt; [titre] =&gt; residence-senior [lang] =&gt; en ) ) ) [template] =&gt; archic [_template] =&gt; archic [template_admin] =&gt; archic [tab_lang] =&gt; Array ( [_LAST_ACCESS] =&gt; Derniers acc&egrave;s ) [_db] =&gt; sqlDB Object ( [_config:sqlDB:private] =&gt; Array ( [user] =&gt; maison-ecolo [pwd] =&gt; iR9&amp;ni53H6mhu8^1 [db_name] =&gt; maison-ecolo [server] =&gt; localhost [type_db] =&gt; mysql ) [_pdo:sqlDB:private] =&gt; 1 [_handler:sqlDB:private] =&gt; PDO Object ( ) [_res:sqlDB:private] =&gt; [_req] =&gt; [_fetched:sqlDB:private] =&gt; [_curr_line:sqlDB:private] =&gt; 0 [_error:sqlDB:private] =&gt; errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_ligne:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_objContext:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_message:errorClass:private] =&gt; ) ) [_use_bdd] =&gt; 1 [_title] =&gt; [_ariane] =&gt; [_titre] =&gt; [_h1] =&gt; [_description] =&gt; [_keywords] =&gt; [_template_admin] =&gt; archic [_template_admin_admin] =&gt; [_responsive] =&gt; 1 [_responsive_admin] =&gt; [_auto_scroll] =&gt; 1 [_auto_scroll_admin] =&gt; [_annee_creation_site] =&gt; 2015 [_annee_creation_site_admin] =&gt; [_id_google_anaytics] =&gt; UA-53704286-21 [_id_google_anaytics_admin] =&gt; [_id_client_analytics] =&gt; 520640658396-ljfr1f1bh5hk9hq7uhtc15h2ud6bq8q3.apps.googleusercontent.com [_id_client_analytics_admin] =&gt; [_limite_derniers_acces] =&gt; 10 [_limite_derniers_acces_admin] =&gt; [primary_params] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; redirections [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Main ) ) [Contact] =&gt; Contact Object ( [_name] =&gt; Contact [_modules_root] =&gt; modules/Contact [_modulo] =&gt; Modulo Object *RECURSION* [_messenger] =&gt; Messenger Object ( [_index:Messenger:private] =&gt; Contact ) [_errorer] =&gt; errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_ligne:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_objContext:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_message:errorClass:private] =&gt; ) [_mustache] =&gt; Mustache_Engine Object ( [templates:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Array ( ) [templateClassPrefix:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; __Mustache_ [cache:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [lambdaCache:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [cacheLambdaTemplates:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [loader:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [partialsLoader:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [helpers:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [escape:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [entityFlags:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; 2 [charset:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; UTF-8 [logger:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [strictCallables:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [pragmas:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Array ( ) [tokenizer:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [parser:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [compiler:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; ) [tab_run] =&gt; Array ( ) [template] =&gt; archic [_template] =&gt; archic [template_admin] =&gt; archic [tab_lang] =&gt; Array ( [META_DESC_DEFAUT_CONTACT] =&gt; Nous contacter [TITRE_PAGE_CONTACT] =&gt; Nous contacter [PAGE_VIDE_CONTACT] =&gt; Aucune formulaire n'est disponible. [MESSAGE_INTROUVABLE_CONTACT] =&gt; Attention ! La page demand&eacute;e est introuvable ou n'existe pas. [LIEN_RETOUR_FORMULAIRE] =&gt; &lt;a href=&quot;./fr/contact/&quot;&gt;Retour au formulaire de contact&lt;/a&gt; [ERREUR_FLOOD] =&gt; Le nombre d'envoi de messages est limit&eacute; sur une courte p&eacute;riode (protection anti-flood) :&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Vous devez patienter avant de tenter d'envoyer un nouveau message. [ERREUR_CAPTCHA] =&gt; Notre syst&egrave;me anti-robot a arr&ecirc;t&eacute; le traitement de ce formulaire. Veuillez recommencer. [ERREUR_FORMULAIRE] =&gt; Une erreur est survenue lors du traitement de votre demande.&lt;br /&gt;Merci de r&eacute;essayer plus tard ou d'&eacute;crire directement &agrave; &lt;a href=&quot;mailto:contact@maison-ecologique-bois.com&quot;&gt;contact@maison-ecologique-bois.com&lt;/a&gt; [CONTACT_INTRO] =&gt; Pour toute demande de renseignements remplissez le formulaire de contact; Nous vous r&eacute;pondrons dans les meilleurs d&eacute;lais. [CHAMPS_OBLIGATOIRES] =&gt; Les champs marqu&eacute;s d'une &lt;span class=&quot;glyphicon glyphicon-asterisk&quot;&gt;&lt;/span&gt; doivent &ecirc;tre renseign&eacute;s. [LABEL_TEL] =&gt; T&eacute;l&eacute;phone [LABEL_FAX] =&gt; Fax [LABEL_MOB] =&gt; Mobile [LABEL_MEL] =&gt; Courriel [LABEL_WEB] =&gt; Web [LABEL_CIVILITE] =&gt; Civilit&eacute; [LABEL_NOM] =&gt; Nom [LABEL_PRENOM] =&gt; Pr&eacute;nom [LABEL_SOCIETE] =&gt; Soci&eacute;t&eacute; [LABEL_ADRESSE] =&gt; Adresse [LABEL_CODE_POSTAL] =&gt; Code postal [LABEL_VILLE] =&gt; Ville [LABEL_MESSAGE] =&gt; Votre message [LABEL_ENVOYER] =&gt; Envoyer [MESSAGE_ENVOYE] =&gt; Votre message a bien &eacute;t&eacute; envoy&eacute; et sera trait&eacute; dans les meilleurs d&eacute;lais. [TITLE_MENTIONS_LEGALES] =&gt; Mentions l&eacute;gales [H1_MENTIONS_LEGALES] =&gt; Mentions l&eacute;gales du site SPCME [TITRE_MENTIONS_LEGALES] =&gt; Mentions l&eacute;gales ) [_db] =&gt; sqlDB Object ( [_config:sqlDB:private] =&gt; Array ( [user] =&gt; maison-ecolo [pwd] =&gt; iR9&amp;ni53H6mhu8^1 [db_name] =&gt; maison-ecolo [server] =&gt; localhost [type_db] =&gt; mysql ) [_pdo:sqlDB:private] =&gt; 1 [_handler:sqlDB:private] =&gt; PDO Object ( ) [_res:sqlDB:private] =&gt; [_req] =&gt; [_fetched:sqlDB:private] =&gt; [_curr_line:sqlDB:private] =&gt; 0 [_error:sqlDB:private] =&gt; errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_ligne:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_objContext:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_message:errorClass:private] =&gt; ) ) [_use_bdd] =&gt; 1 [_title] =&gt; Nous contacter [_ariane] =&gt; Nous contacter [_titre] =&gt; Nous contacter [_h1] =&gt; Nous contacter [_description] =&gt; Nous contacter [_keywords] =&gt; Nous contacter [_rep_images] =&gt; ../images/interface/ [_rep_images_admin] =&gt; [__STRUCTURE] =&gt; SPCME [__STRUCTURE_admin] =&gt; [__SITE_URL] =&gt; maison-bois-economique.com [__SITE_URL_admin] =&gt; [__URL] =&gt; http://www.maison-ecologique-bois.com [__URL_admin] =&gt; [__SITE_NOM] =&gt; SPCME [__SITE_NOM_admin] =&gt; [__SIRET] =&gt; 5307343000001 [__SIRET_admin] =&gt; [__ADRESSE] =&gt; 7 route de Pinas [__ADRESSE_admin] =&gt; [__CODE_POSTAL] =&gt; 31580 [__CODE_POSTAL_admin] =&gt; [__VILLE] =&gt; BOUDRAC [__VILLE_admin] =&gt; [__TEL] =&gt; 05 61 88 95 38 [__TEL_admin] =&gt; [__FAX] =&gt; [__FAX_admin] =&gt; [__PORTABLE] =&gt; [__PORTABLE_admin] =&gt; [__EMAIL] =&gt; contact@maison-ecologique-bois.com [__EMAIL_admin] =&gt; [__REGION] =&gt; Midi-Pyr&eacute;n&eacute;es [__REGION_admin] =&gt; [__PAYS] =&gt; France [__PAYS_admin] =&gt; [__LAT] =&gt; 0 [__LAT_admin] =&gt; [__LONG] =&gt; 0 [__LONG_admin] =&gt; [_chps_civilite] =&gt; 1 [_chps_civilite_admin] =&gt; [_chps_nom] =&gt; 1 [_chps_nom_admin] =&gt; [_chps_prenom] =&gt; 1 [_chps_prenom_admin] =&gt; [_chps_societe] =&gt; 1 [_chps_societe_admin] =&gt; [_chps_adresse] =&gt; 1 [_chps_adresse_admin] =&gt; [_chps_cp] =&gt; 1 [_chps_cp_admin] =&gt; [_chps_ville] =&gt; 1 [_chps_ville_admin] =&gt; [_chps_mail] =&gt; 1 [_chps_mail_admin] =&gt; [_chps_tel] =&gt; 1 [_chps_tel_admin] =&gt; [_chps_fax] =&gt; 1 [_chps_fax_admin] =&gt; [_chps_mobile] =&gt; 1 [_chps_mobile_admin] =&gt; [_template_admin] =&gt; archic ) [Pages] =&gt; Pages Object *RECURSION* [Droits] =&gt; Droits Object ( [_name] =&gt; Droits [_modules_root] =&gt; modules/Droits [_modulo] =&gt; Modulo Object *RECURSION* [_messenger] =&gt; Messenger Object ( [_index:Messenger:private] =&gt; Droits ) [_errorer] =&gt; errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_ligne:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_objContext:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_message:errorClass:private] =&gt; ) [_mustache] =&gt; Mustache_Engine Object ( [templates:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Array ( ) [templateClassPrefix:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; __Mustache_ [cache:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [lambdaCache:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [cacheLambdaTemplates:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [loader:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [partialsLoader:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [helpers:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [escape:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [entityFlags:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; 2 [charset:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; UTF-8 [logger:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [strictCallables:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [pragmas:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Array ( ) [tokenizer:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [parser:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [compiler:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; ) [tab_run] =&gt; Array ( [0] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; ariane [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; [query] =&gt; [titre] =&gt; residence-senior [lang] =&gt; en [params] =&gt; all ) [1] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; h1 [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; [query] =&gt; [titre] =&gt; residence-senior [lang] =&gt; en [params] =&gt; all ) [2] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; affiche [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; [query] =&gt; [titre] =&gt; residence-senior [lang] =&gt; en [params] =&gt; all ) ) [template] =&gt; archic [_template] =&gt; archic [template_admin] =&gt; archic [tab_lang] =&gt; Array ( ) [_db] =&gt; sqlDB Object ( [_config:sqlDB:private] =&gt; Array ( [user] =&gt; maison-ecolo [pwd] =&gt; iR9&amp;ni53H6mhu8^1 [db_name] =&gt; maison-ecolo [server] =&gt; localhost [type_db] =&gt; mysql ) [_pdo:sqlDB:private] =&gt; 1 [_handler:sqlDB:private] =&gt; PDO Object ( ) [_res:sqlDB:private] =&gt; PDOStatement Object ( [queryString] =&gt; SHOW TABLES LIKE 'mod_droits_acces' ) [_req] =&gt; SHOW TABLES LIKE 'mod_droits_acces' [_fetched:sqlDB:private] =&gt; [_curr_line:sqlDB:private] =&gt; 0 [_error:sqlDB:private] =&gt; errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_ligne:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_objContext:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_message:errorClass:private] =&gt; ) ) [_use_bdd] =&gt; 1 [_title] =&gt; [_ariane] =&gt; [_titre] =&gt; [_h1] =&gt; [_description] =&gt; [_keywords] =&gt; [_id_groupe_visiteurs] =&gt; 4 [_id_groupe_visiteurs_admin] =&gt; [_template_admin] =&gt; archic [primary_params] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; ariane [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; [query] =&gt; [titre] =&gt; residence-senior [lang] =&gt; en [params] =&gt; all ) ) ) [_modules_root] =&gt; modules/ [_chaines] =&gt; chaines Object ( ) [_horloge] =&gt; horloge Object ( [_format] =&gt; [_tab] =&gt; Array ( [seconds] =&gt; 51 [minutes] =&gt; 28 [hours] =&gt; 12 [mday] =&gt; 13 [wday] =&gt; 4 [mon] =&gt; 2 [year] =&gt; 2025 [yday] =&gt; 43 [weekday] =&gt; Thursday [month] =&gt; February [0] =&gt; 1739446131 ) [_tab_jour] =&gt; Array ( [0] =&gt; Dimanche [1] =&gt; Lundi [2] =&gt; Mardi [3] =&gt; Mercredi [4] =&gt; Jeudi [5] =&gt; Vendredi [6] =&gt; Samedi ) [_tab_mois] =&gt; Array ( [0] =&gt; Msgn&deg; [1] =&gt; Janvier [2] =&gt; F&eacute;vrier [3] =&gt; Mars [4] =&gt; Avril [5] =&gt; Mai [6] =&gt; Juin [7] =&gt; Juillet [8] =&gt; Ao&ucirc;t [9] =&gt; Septembre [10] =&gt; Octobre [11] =&gt; Novembre [12] =&gt; D&eacute;cembre ) [_datetime] =&gt; [format] =&gt; d/m/Y H:i:s ) [_lien] =&gt; Lien Object ( [_module] =&gt; [_id] =&gt; [_titre] =&gt; [_numpage] =&gt; [_objet] =&gt; [_action] =&gt; [_type] =&gt; [_id2] =&gt; [_id3] =&gt; [_option] =&gt; [_param] =&gt; [_admin] =&gt; ) ) [_messenger] =&gt; Messenger Object ( [_index:Messenger:private] =&gt; Pages ) [_errorer] =&gt; errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_ligne:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_objContext:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_message:errorClass:private] =&gt; ) [_mustache] =&gt; Mustache_Engine Object ( [templates:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Array ( ) [templateClassPrefix:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; __Mustache_ [cache:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [lambdaCache:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [cacheLambdaTemplates:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [loader:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [partialsLoader:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [helpers:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [escape:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [entityFlags:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; 2 [charset:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; UTF-8 [logger:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [strictCallables:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [pragmas:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Array ( ) [tokenizer:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [parser:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [compiler:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; ) [tab_run] =&gt; Array ( [0] =&gt; Array ( [titre] =&gt; residence-senior ) [1] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; description [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [titre] =&gt; residence-senior ) [2] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; ariane [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; [query] =&gt; [titre] =&gt; residence-senior [lang] =&gt; en [params] =&gt; all ) [3] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; ariane [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; [query] =&gt; [titre] =&gt; residence-senior [lang] =&gt; en [params] =&gt; all ) [4] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; h1 [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; [query] =&gt; [titre] =&gt; residence-senior [lang] =&gt; en [params] =&gt; all ) [5] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; h1 [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; [query] =&gt; [titre] =&gt; residence-senior [lang] =&gt; en [params] =&gt; all ) [6] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; affiche [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; [query] =&gt; [titre] =&gt; residence-senior [lang] =&gt; en [params] =&gt; all ) [7] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; affiche [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; [query] =&gt; [titre] =&gt; residence-senior [lang] =&gt; en [params] =&gt; all ) ) [template] =&gt; archic [_template] =&gt; archic [template_admin] =&gt; archic [tab_lang] =&gt; Array ( [META_DESC_DEFAUT] =&gt; Page dynamique [Metadesc] =&gt; Page dynamique [TITRE_PAGE_INTROUVABLE] =&gt; Page introuvable ! [titre_page] =&gt; Page introuvable ! [PAGE_VIDE] =&gt; Cette page ne comporte aucun contenu. [PAGE_INTROUVABLE] =&gt; Attention ! La page demand&eacute;e est introuvable ou n'existe pas. [CHAINE_RETOUR_ACCUEIL] =&gt; Attention ! La page demand&eacute;e est introuvable ou n'existe pas.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;a href=&quot;http://www.maison-ecologique-bois.com/&quot; title=&quot;Retour a l'accueil&quot;&gt;Retour &amp;agrave; l'accueil&lt;/a&gt; [SOMMAIRE] =&gt; Sommaire [PAGE_PRECEDENTE] =&gt; Page pr&eacute;c&eacute;dente [PAGE_SUIVANTE] =&gt; Page suivante [PAGER_STRING] =&gt; Page {current_page} sur {max_page} ) [_db] =&gt; sqlDB Object ( [_config:sqlDB:private] =&gt; Array ( [user] =&gt; maison-ecolo [pwd] =&gt; iR9&amp;ni53H6mhu8^1 [db_name] =&gt; maison-ecolo [server] =&gt; localhost [type_db] =&gt; mysql ) [_pdo:sqlDB:private] =&gt; 1 [_handler:sqlDB:private] =&gt; PDO Object ( ) [_res:sqlDB:private] =&gt; PDOStatement Object ( [queryString] =&gt; SHOW TABLES LIKE 'mod_pages_contenu' ) [_req] =&gt; SHOW TABLES LIKE 'mod_pages_contenu' [_fetched:sqlDB:private] =&gt; [_curr_line:sqlDB:private] =&gt; 0 [_error:sqlDB:private] =&gt; errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_ligne:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_objContext:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_message:errorClass:private] =&gt; ) ) [_use_bdd] =&gt; 1 [_title] =&gt; R&eacute;sidence senior [_ariane] =&gt; R&eacute;sidence senior [_titre] =&gt; Page introuvable ! [_h1] =&gt; R&eacute;sidence senior [_description] =&gt; SPCME va construire pour vous suivant son savoir faire, 31 maisons &agrave;&nbsp;la norme handicap&eacute;, pour votre qualit&eacute; de vie et en ind&eacute;pendance &eacute;nerg&eacute;tique, c'est-&agrave;-dire des maisons n'ayant pas besoin de chauffage ni de climatisation, dont les besoins sont couvert par la production d'&eacute;lectricit&eacute; photovolta&iuml;que pour les &eacute;conomies. [_keywords] =&gt; Page dynamique [_template_admin] =&gt; archic [_rep_images] =&gt; images/pages/ [_rep_images_admin] =&gt; [_mini_lg_max] =&gt; 400 [_mini_lg_max_admin] =&gt; [_mini_ht_max] =&gt; 300 [_mini_ht_max_admin] =&gt; [_bandeau_lg_max] =&gt; 650 [_bandeau_lg_max_admin] =&gt; [_bandeau_ht_max] =&gt; 300 [_bandeau_ht_max_admin] =&gt; [_img_lg_max] =&gt; 1024 [_img_lg_max_admin] =&gt; [_img_ht_max] =&gt; 768 [_img_ht_max_admin] =&gt; [_nb_paragraphe_pages] =&gt; 50 [_nb_paragraphe_pages_admin] =&gt; [_action_Galerie] =&gt; affiche [_action_Galerie_admin] =&gt; [_action_CoreSlider] =&gt; slider [_action_CoreSlider_admin] =&gt; [_action_PrestationsCategorie] =&gt; affichecategorie [_action_PrestationsCategorie_admin] =&gt; [primary_params] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; description [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [titre] =&gt; residence-senior ) ) </objet> run_and_merge(#sommaire#,<span>tableau 8</span><tableau style='display:none;'>#Array ( [state] =&gt; 00 [template] =&gt; [templates] =&gt; Array ( ) [corps] =&gt; [donnees] =&gt; Array ( ) [javascript] =&gt; Array ( ) [notification] =&gt; [debug] =&gt; ) #</tableau>) on line 7 in file /var/www/vhosts/maison-ecologique-bois.com/httpdocs/modules/Pages/run/affiche.php <span>objet</span> Pages<objet style='display:none;'>Pages Object ( [_id_cat] =&gt; 0 [_id_page] =&gt; 16 [_sommaire] =&gt; 1 [_chapeau] =&gt; [_nom_rewrite] =&gt; residence-senior [_name] =&gt; Pages [_modules_root] =&gt; modules/Pages [_modulo] =&gt; Modulo Object ( [_dbConnexion] =&gt; sqlDB Object ( [_config:sqlDB:private] =&gt; Array ( [user] =&gt; maison-ecolo [pwd] =&gt; iR9&amp;ni53H6mhu8^1 [db_name] =&gt; maison-ecolo [server] =&gt; localhost [type_db] =&gt; mysql ) [_pdo:sqlDB:private] =&gt; 1 [_handler:sqlDB:private] =&gt; PDO Object ( ) [_res:sqlDB:private] =&gt; PDOStatement Object ( [queryString] =&gt; SELECT id FROM mod_langues WHERE code_langue='en' ) [_req] =&gt; SELECT id FROM mod_langues WHERE code_langue='en' [_fetched:sqlDB:private] =&gt; [_curr_line:sqlDB:private] =&gt; 1 [_error:sqlDB:private] =&gt; errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_ligne:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_objContext:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_message:errorClass:private] =&gt; ) ) [_modules] =&gt; Modules Object ( [_root_modules] =&gt; modules/ [_mods] =&gt; Array ( [0] =&gt; Actualites [1] =&gt; Agenda [2] =&gt; Annuaires [3] =&gt; Cartes [4] =&gt; Contact [5] =&gt; Droits [6] =&gt; FluxRSS [7] =&gt; Galeries [8] =&gt; Geographie [9] =&gt; Langs [10] =&gt; LiensRef [11] =&gt; Mailing [12] =&gt; Main [13] =&gt; Menu [14] =&gt; Pages [15] =&gt; Panneaux [16] =&gt; Partenaires [17] =&gt; Plans [18] =&gt; Prestations [19] =&gt; Produits [20] =&gt; Realisations [21] =&gt; Referencement [22] =&gt; ReseauxSociaux [23] =&gt; Slider [24] =&gt; Temoignages ) [_modulo] =&gt; Modulo Object *RECURSION* [_nb] =&gt; 25 [url_repo:Modules:private] =&gt; http://modulol.pyreweb.com/getamodule.php ) [_modules_charges] =&gt; Array ( [Main] =&gt; Main Object ( [_name] =&gt; Main [_modules_root] =&gt; modules/Main [_modulo] =&gt; Modulo Object *RECURSION* [_messenger] =&gt; Messenger Object ( [_index:Messenger:private] =&gt; Main ) [_errorer] =&gt; errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_ligne:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_objContext:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_message:errorClass:private] =&gt; ) [_mustache] =&gt; Mustache_Engine Object ( [templates:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Array ( [__Mustache_5f56c851127defa716be869a0b94aa85] =&gt; __Mustache_5f56c851127defa716be869a0b94aa85 Object ( [lambdaHelper:__Mustache_5f56c851127defa716be869a0b94aa85:private] =&gt; Mustache_LambdaHelper Object ( [mustache:Mustache_LambdaHelper:private] =&gt; Mustache_Engine Object *RECURSION* [context:Mustache_LambdaHelper:private] =&gt; Mustache_Context Object ( [stack:Mustache_Context:private] =&gt; Array ( [0] =&gt; Array ( [etapes] =&gt; Array ( [0] =&gt; Array ( [titre] =&gt; G&eacute;n&eacute;ral [lien] =&gt; Lien Object ( [_module] =&gt; Pages [_id] =&gt; 1 [_titre] =&gt; [_numpage] =&gt; [_objet] =&gt; categorie [_action] =&gt; [_type] =&gt; [_id2] =&gt; [_id3] =&gt; [_option] =&gt; [_param] =&gt; [_admin] =&gt; ) ) [1] =&gt; Array ( [titre] =&gt; R&eacute;sidence senior [lien] =&gt; Lien Object ( [_module] =&gt; Pages [_id] =&gt; 16 [_titre] =&gt; [_numpage] =&gt; [_objet] =&gt; page [_action] =&gt; [_type] =&gt; [_id2] =&gt; [_id3] =&gt; [_option] =&gt; [_param] =&gt; [_admin] =&gt; ) [last] =&gt; 1 [first] =&gt; 1 ) ) ) ) [blockStack:Mustache_Context:private] =&gt; Array ( ) ) ) [mustache:protected] =&gt; Mustache_Engine Object *RECURSION* [strictCallables:protected] =&gt; ) ) [templateClassPrefix:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; __Mustache_ [cache:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Mustache_Cache_NoopCache Object ( [logger:Mustache_Cache_AbstractCache:private] =&gt; ) [lambdaCache:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [cacheLambdaTemplates:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [loader:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Mustache_Loader_StringLoader Object ( ) [partialsLoader:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [helpers:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Mustache_HelperCollection Object ( [helpers:Mustache_HelperCollection:private] =&gt; Array ( ) ) [escape:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [entityFlags:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; 2 [charset:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; UTF-8 [logger:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [strictCallables:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [pragmas:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Array ( ) [tokenizer:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Mustache_Tokenizer Object ( [state:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] =&gt; 0 [tagType:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] =&gt; / [buffer:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] =&gt; [tokens:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] =&gt; Array ( [0] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 0 [value] =&gt; &lt;nav id=&quot;bloc_ariane&quot;&gt; ) [1] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 1 [value] =&gt; &lt;ol class=&quot;breadcrumb&quot;&gt; ) [2] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 2 [value] =&gt; &lt;li&gt; ) [3] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 3 [value] =&gt; &lt;em&gt;Vous &ecirc;tes ici : &lt;/em&gt; ) [4] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 4 [value] =&gt; &lt;span itemscope itemtype=&quot;http://data-vocabulary.org/Breadcrumb&quot;&gt; ) [5] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 5 [value] =&gt; &lt;a href=&quot;http://www.maison-ecologique-bois.com/&quot; itemprop=&quot;url&quot;&gt;&lt;span itemprop=&quot;title&quot;&gt;SPCME&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/a&gt; ) [6] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 6 [value] =&gt; &lt;/span&gt; ) [7] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 7 [value] =&gt; &lt;/li&gt; ) [8] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 8 [value] =&gt; ) [9] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; # [name] =&gt; etapes [otag] =&gt; {{ [ctag] =&gt; }} [line] =&gt; 8 [index] =&gt; 294 ) [10] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 8 [value] =&gt; ) [11] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 9 [value] =&gt; &lt;li ) [12] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; # [name] =&gt; last [otag] =&gt; {{ [ctag] =&gt; }} [line] =&gt; 9 [index] =&gt; 309 ) [13] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 9 [value] =&gt; class=&quot;active&quot; ) [14] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; / [name] =&gt; last [otag] =&gt; {{ [ctag] =&gt; }} [line] =&gt; 9 [index] =&gt; 324 ) [15] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 9 [value] =&gt; &gt; ) [16] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 10 [value] =&gt; &lt;span itemscope itemtype=&quot;http://data-vocabulary.org/Breadcrumb&quot; itemprop=&quot;child&quot;&gt; ) [17] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 11 [value] =&gt; &lt;a href=&quot; ) [18] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _v [name] =&gt; lien [otag] =&gt; {{ [ctag] =&gt; }} [line] =&gt; 11 [index] =&gt; 442 ) [19] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 11 [value] =&gt; &quot; itemprop=&quot;url&quot;&gt;&lt;span itemprop=&quot;title&quot;&gt; ) [20] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _v [name] =&gt; titre [otag] =&gt; {{ [ctag] =&gt; }} [line] =&gt; 11 [index] =&gt; 491 ) [21] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 11 [value] =&gt; &lt;/span&gt;&lt;/a&gt; ) [22] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 12 [value] =&gt; &lt;/span&gt; ) [23] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 13 [value] =&gt; &lt;/li&gt; ) [24] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 14 [value] =&gt; ) [25] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; / [name] =&gt; etapes [otag] =&gt; {{ [ctag] =&gt; }} [line] =&gt; 14 [index] =&gt; 524 ) [26] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 14 [value] =&gt; ) [27] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 15 [value] =&gt; &lt;/ol&gt; ) [28] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 16 [value] =&gt; &lt;/nav&gt; ) ) [seenTag:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] =&gt; 526 [line:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] =&gt; 16 [otag:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] =&gt; {{ [ctag:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] =&gt; }} [otagLen:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] =&gt; 2 [ctagLen:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] =&gt; 2 ) [parser:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Mustache_Parser Object ( [lineNum:Mustache_Parser:private] =&gt; 16 [lineTokens:Mustache_Parser:private] =&gt; 0 [pragmas:Mustache_Parser:private] =&gt; Array ( ) [defaultPragmas:Mustache_Parser:private] =&gt; Array ( ) [pragmaFilters:Mustache_Parser:private] =&gt; [pragmaBlocks:Mustache_Parser:private] =&gt; ) [compiler:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Mustache_Compiler Object ( [pragmas:Mustache_Compiler:private] =&gt; Array ( ) [defaultPragmas:Mustache_Compiler:private] =&gt; Array ( ) [sections:Mustache_Compiler:private] =&gt; Array ( [A779d0e8be975469e74058d6ae113a3d] =&gt; private function sectionA779d0e8be975469e74058d6ae113a3d(Mustache_Context $context, $indent, $value) { $buffer = ''; if (!is_string($value) &amp;&amp; is_callable($value)) { $source = ' class=&quot;active&quot;'; $result = call_user_func($value, $source, $this-&gt;lambdaHelper); if (strpos($result, '{{') === false) { $buffer .= $result; } else { $buffer .= $this-&gt;mustache -&gt;loadLambda((string) $result) -&gt;renderInternal($context); } } elseif (!empty($value)) { $values = $this-&gt;isIterable($value) ? $value : array($value); foreach ($values as $value) { $context-&gt;push($value); $buffer .= ' class=&quot;active&quot;'; $context-&gt;pop(); } } return $buffer; } [C2e4c5434e2e39fe39a6c51bf35aa05a] =&gt; private function sectionC2e4c5434e2e39fe39a6c51bf35aa05a(Mustache_Context $context, $indent, $value) { $buffer = ''; if (!is_string($value) &amp;&amp; is_callable($value)) { $source = ' &lt;li{{#last}} class=&quot;active&quot;{{/last}}&gt; &lt;span itemscope itemtype=&quot;http://data-vocabulary.org/Breadcrumb&quot; itemprop=&quot;child&quot;&gt; &lt;a href=&quot;{{lien}}&quot; itemprop=&quot;url&quot;&gt;&lt;span itemprop=&quot;title&quot;&gt;{{titre}}&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/a&gt; &lt;/span&gt; &lt;/li&gt; '; $result = call_user_func($value, $source, $this-&gt;lambdaHelper); if (strpos($result, '{{') === false) { $buffer .= $result; } else { $buffer .= $this-&gt;mustache -&gt;loadLambda((string) $result) -&gt;renderInternal($context); } } elseif (!empty($value)) { $values = $this-&gt;isIterable($value) ? $value : array($value); foreach ($values as $value) { $context-&gt;push($value); $buffer .= $indent . ' &lt;li'; // 'last' section $value = $context-&gt;find('last'); $buffer .= $this-&gt;sectionA779d0e8be975469e74058d6ae113a3d($context, $indent, $value); $buffer .= '&gt; '; $buffer .= $indent . ' &lt;span itemscope itemtype=&quot;http://data-vocabulary.org/Breadcrumb&quot; itemprop=&quot;child&quot;&gt; '; $buffer .= $indent . ' &lt;a href=&quot;'; $value = $this-&gt;resolveValue($context-&gt;find('lien'), $context, $indent); $buffer .= htmlspecialchars($value, 2, 'UTF-8'); $buffer .= '&quot; itemprop=&quot;url&quot;&gt;&lt;span itemprop=&quot;title&quot;&gt;'; $value = $this-&gt;resolveValue($context-&gt;find('titre'), $context, $indent); $buffer .= htmlspecialchars($value, 2, 'UTF-8'); $buffer .= '&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/a&gt; '; $buffer .= $indent . ' &lt;/span&gt; '; $buffer .= $indent . ' &lt;/li&gt; '; $context-&gt;pop(); } } return $buffer; } ) [source:Mustache_Compiler:private] =&gt; &lt;nav id=&quot;bloc_ariane&quot;&gt; &lt;ol class=&quot;breadcrumb&quot;&gt; &lt;li&gt; &lt;em&gt;Vous &ecirc;tes ici : &lt;/em&gt; &lt;span itemscope itemtype=&quot;http://data-vocabulary.org/Breadcrumb&quot;&gt; &lt;a href=&quot;http://www.maison-ecologique-bois.com/&quot; itemprop=&quot;url&quot;&gt;&lt;span itemprop=&quot;title&quot;&gt;SPCME&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/a&gt; &lt;/span&gt; &lt;/li&gt; {{#etapes}} &lt;li{{#last}} class=&quot;active&quot;{{/last}}&gt; &lt;span itemscope itemtype=&quot;http://data-vocabulary.org/Breadcrumb&quot; itemprop=&quot;child&quot;&gt; &lt;a href=&quot;{{lien}}&quot; itemprop=&quot;url&quot;&gt;&lt;span itemprop=&quot;title&quot;&gt;{{titre}}&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/a&gt; &lt;/span&gt; &lt;/li&gt; {{/etapes}} &lt;/ol&gt; &lt;/nav&gt; [indentNextLine:Mustache_Compiler:private] =&gt; [customEscape:Mustache_Compiler:private] =&gt; [entityFlags:Mustache_Compiler:private] =&gt; 2 [charset:Mustache_Compiler:private] =&gt; UTF-8 [strictCallables:Mustache_Compiler:private] =&gt; ) ) [tab_run] =&gt; Array ( [0] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; redirections [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Main ) [1] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; front [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Main ) [2] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; parse_mustaches [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Main [moustache] =&gt; front [params_run] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; affiche [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; [query] =&gt; [titre] =&gt; residence-senior [lang] =&gt; en ) ) [3] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; parse_mustaches [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Main [moustache] =&gt; haut [params_run] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; affiche [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; [query] =&gt; [titre] =&gt; residence-senior [lang] =&gt; en ) ) [4] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; parse_mustaches [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Main [moustache] =&gt; bas [params_run] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; affiche [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; [query] =&gt; [titre] =&gt; residence-senior [lang] =&gt; en ) ) [5] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; parse_mustaches [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Main [moustache] =&gt; scripts [params_run] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; affiche [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; [query] =&gt; [titre] =&gt; residence-senior [lang] =&gt; en ) ) ) [template] =&gt; archic [_template] =&gt; archic [template_admin] =&gt; archic [tab_lang] =&gt; Array ( [_LAST_ACCESS] =&gt; Derniers acc&egrave;s ) [_db] =&gt; sqlDB Object ( [_config:sqlDB:private] =&gt; Array ( [user] =&gt; maison-ecolo [pwd] =&gt; iR9&amp;ni53H6mhu8^1 [db_name] =&gt; maison-ecolo [server] =&gt; localhost [type_db] =&gt; mysql ) [_pdo:sqlDB:private] =&gt; 1 [_handler:sqlDB:private] =&gt; PDO Object ( ) [_res:sqlDB:private] =&gt; [_req] =&gt; [_fetched:sqlDB:private] =&gt; [_curr_line:sqlDB:private] =&gt; 0 [_error:sqlDB:private] =&gt; errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_ligne:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_objContext:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_message:errorClass:private] =&gt; ) ) [_use_bdd] =&gt; 1 [_title] =&gt; [_ariane] =&gt; [_titre] =&gt; [_h1] =&gt; [_description] =&gt; [_keywords] =&gt; [_template_admin] =&gt; archic [_template_admin_admin] =&gt; [_responsive] =&gt; 1 [_responsive_admin] =&gt; [_auto_scroll] =&gt; 1 [_auto_scroll_admin] =&gt; [_annee_creation_site] =&gt; 2015 [_annee_creation_site_admin] =&gt; [_id_google_anaytics] =&gt; UA-53704286-21 [_id_google_anaytics_admin] =&gt; [_id_client_analytics] =&gt; 520640658396-ljfr1f1bh5hk9hq7uhtc15h2ud6bq8q3.apps.googleusercontent.com [_id_client_analytics_admin] =&gt; [_limite_derniers_acces] =&gt; 10 [_limite_derniers_acces_admin] =&gt; [primary_params] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; redirections [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Main ) ) [Contact] =&gt; Contact Object ( [_name] =&gt; Contact [_modules_root] =&gt; modules/Contact [_modulo] =&gt; Modulo Object *RECURSION* [_messenger] =&gt; Messenger Object ( [_index:Messenger:private] =&gt; Contact ) [_errorer] =&gt; errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_ligne:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_objContext:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_message:errorClass:private] =&gt; ) [_mustache] =&gt; Mustache_Engine Object ( [templates:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Array ( ) [templateClassPrefix:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; __Mustache_ [cache:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [lambdaCache:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [cacheLambdaTemplates:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [loader:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [partialsLoader:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [helpers:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [escape:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [entityFlags:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; 2 [charset:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; UTF-8 [logger:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [strictCallables:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [pragmas:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Array ( ) [tokenizer:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [parser:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [compiler:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; ) [tab_run] =&gt; Array ( ) [template] =&gt; archic [_template] =&gt; archic [template_admin] =&gt; archic [tab_lang] =&gt; Array ( [META_DESC_DEFAUT_CONTACT] =&gt; Nous contacter [TITRE_PAGE_CONTACT] =&gt; Nous contacter [PAGE_VIDE_CONTACT] =&gt; Aucune formulaire n'est disponible. [MESSAGE_INTROUVABLE_CONTACT] =&gt; Attention ! La page demand&eacute;e est introuvable ou n'existe pas. [LIEN_RETOUR_FORMULAIRE] =&gt; &lt;a href=&quot;./fr/contact/&quot;&gt;Retour au formulaire de contact&lt;/a&gt; [ERREUR_FLOOD] =&gt; Le nombre d'envoi de messages est limit&eacute; sur une courte p&eacute;riode (protection anti-flood) :&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Vous devez patienter avant de tenter d'envoyer un nouveau message. [ERREUR_CAPTCHA] =&gt; Notre syst&egrave;me anti-robot a arr&ecirc;t&eacute; le traitement de ce formulaire. Veuillez recommencer. [ERREUR_FORMULAIRE] =&gt; Une erreur est survenue lors du traitement de votre demande.&lt;br /&gt;Merci de r&eacute;essayer plus tard ou d'&eacute;crire directement &agrave; &lt;a href=&quot;mailto:contact@maison-ecologique-bois.com&quot;&gt;contact@maison-ecologique-bois.com&lt;/a&gt; [CONTACT_INTRO] =&gt; Pour toute demande de renseignements remplissez le formulaire de contact; Nous vous r&eacute;pondrons dans les meilleurs d&eacute;lais. [CHAMPS_OBLIGATOIRES] =&gt; Les champs marqu&eacute;s d'une &lt;span class=&quot;glyphicon glyphicon-asterisk&quot;&gt;&lt;/span&gt; doivent &ecirc;tre renseign&eacute;s. [LABEL_TEL] =&gt; T&eacute;l&eacute;phone [LABEL_FAX] =&gt; Fax [LABEL_MOB] =&gt; Mobile [LABEL_MEL] =&gt; Courriel [LABEL_WEB] =&gt; Web [LABEL_CIVILITE] =&gt; Civilit&eacute; [LABEL_NOM] =&gt; Nom [LABEL_PRENOM] =&gt; Pr&eacute;nom [LABEL_SOCIETE] =&gt; Soci&eacute;t&eacute; [LABEL_ADRESSE] =&gt; Adresse [LABEL_CODE_POSTAL] =&gt; Code postal [LABEL_VILLE] =&gt; Ville [LABEL_MESSAGE] =&gt; Votre message [LABEL_ENVOYER] =&gt; Envoyer [MESSAGE_ENVOYE] =&gt; Votre message a bien &eacute;t&eacute; envoy&eacute; et sera trait&eacute; dans les meilleurs d&eacute;lais. [TITLE_MENTIONS_LEGALES] =&gt; Mentions l&eacute;gales [H1_MENTIONS_LEGALES] =&gt; Mentions l&eacute;gales du site SPCME [TITRE_MENTIONS_LEGALES] =&gt; Mentions l&eacute;gales ) [_db] =&gt; sqlDB Object ( [_config:sqlDB:private] =&gt; Array ( [user] =&gt; maison-ecolo [pwd] =&gt; iR9&amp;ni53H6mhu8^1 [db_name] =&gt; maison-ecolo [server] =&gt; localhost [type_db] =&gt; mysql ) [_pdo:sqlDB:private] =&gt; 1 [_handler:sqlDB:private] =&gt; PDO Object ( ) [_res:sqlDB:private] =&gt; [_req] =&gt; [_fetched:sqlDB:private] =&gt; [_curr_line:sqlDB:private] =&gt; 0 [_error:sqlDB:private] =&gt; errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_ligne:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_objContext:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_message:errorClass:private] =&gt; ) ) [_use_bdd] =&gt; 1 [_title] =&gt; Nous contacter [_ariane] =&gt; Nous contacter [_titre] =&gt; Nous contacter [_h1] =&gt; Nous contacter [_description] =&gt; Nous contacter [_keywords] =&gt; Nous contacter [_rep_images] =&gt; ../images/interface/ [_rep_images_admin] =&gt; [__STRUCTURE] =&gt; SPCME [__STRUCTURE_admin] =&gt; [__SITE_URL] =&gt; maison-bois-economique.com [__SITE_URL_admin] =&gt; [__URL] =&gt; http://www.maison-ecologique-bois.com [__URL_admin] =&gt; [__SITE_NOM] =&gt; SPCME [__SITE_NOM_admin] =&gt; [__SIRET] =&gt; 5307343000001 [__SIRET_admin] =&gt; [__ADRESSE] =&gt; 7 route de Pinas [__ADRESSE_admin] =&gt; [__CODE_POSTAL] =&gt; 31580 [__CODE_POSTAL_admin] =&gt; [__VILLE] =&gt; BOUDRAC [__VILLE_admin] =&gt; [__TEL] =&gt; 05 61 88 95 38 [__TEL_admin] =&gt; [__FAX] =&gt; [__FAX_admin] =&gt; [__PORTABLE] =&gt; [__PORTABLE_admin] =&gt; [__EMAIL] =&gt; contact@maison-ecologique-bois.com [__EMAIL_admin] =&gt; [__REGION] =&gt; Midi-Pyr&eacute;n&eacute;es [__REGION_admin] =&gt; [__PAYS] =&gt; France [__PAYS_admin] =&gt; [__LAT] =&gt; 0 [__LAT_admin] =&gt; [__LONG] =&gt; 0 [__LONG_admin] =&gt; [_chps_civilite] =&gt; 1 [_chps_civilite_admin] =&gt; [_chps_nom] =&gt; 1 [_chps_nom_admin] =&gt; [_chps_prenom] =&gt; 1 [_chps_prenom_admin] =&gt; [_chps_societe] =&gt; 1 [_chps_societe_admin] =&gt; [_chps_adresse] =&gt; 1 [_chps_adresse_admin] =&gt; [_chps_cp] =&gt; 1 [_chps_cp_admin] =&gt; [_chps_ville] =&gt; 1 [_chps_ville_admin] =&gt; [_chps_mail] =&gt; 1 [_chps_mail_admin] =&gt; [_chps_tel] =&gt; 1 [_chps_tel_admin] =&gt; [_chps_fax] =&gt; 1 [_chps_fax_admin] =&gt; [_chps_mobile] =&gt; 1 [_chps_mobile_admin] =&gt; [_template_admin] =&gt; archic ) [Pages] =&gt; Pages Object *RECURSION* [Droits] =&gt; Droits Object ( [_name] =&gt; Droits [_modules_root] =&gt; modules/Droits [_modulo] =&gt; Modulo Object *RECURSION* [_messenger] =&gt; Messenger Object ( [_index:Messenger:private] =&gt; Droits ) [_errorer] =&gt; errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_ligne:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_objContext:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_message:errorClass:private] =&gt; ) [_mustache] =&gt; Mustache_Engine Object ( [templates:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Array ( ) [templateClassPrefix:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; __Mustache_ [cache:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [lambdaCache:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [cacheLambdaTemplates:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [loader:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [partialsLoader:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [helpers:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [escape:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [entityFlags:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; 2 [charset:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; UTF-8 [logger:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [strictCallables:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [pragmas:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Array ( ) [tokenizer:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [parser:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [compiler:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; ) [tab_run] =&gt; Array ( [0] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; ariane [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; [query] =&gt; [titre] =&gt; residence-senior [lang] =&gt; en [params] =&gt; all ) [1] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; h1 [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; [query] =&gt; [titre] =&gt; residence-senior [lang] =&gt; en [params] =&gt; all ) [2] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; affiche [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; [query] =&gt; [titre] =&gt; residence-senior [lang] =&gt; en [params] =&gt; all ) ) [template] =&gt; archic [_template] =&gt; archic [template_admin] =&gt; archic [tab_lang] =&gt; Array ( ) [_db] =&gt; sqlDB Object ( [_config:sqlDB:private] =&gt; Array ( [user] =&gt; maison-ecolo [pwd] =&gt; iR9&amp;ni53H6mhu8^1 [db_name] =&gt; maison-ecolo [server] =&gt; localhost [type_db] =&gt; mysql ) [_pdo:sqlDB:private] =&gt; 1 [_handler:sqlDB:private] =&gt; PDO Object ( ) [_res:sqlDB:private] =&gt; PDOStatement Object ( [queryString] =&gt; SHOW TABLES LIKE 'mod_droits_acces' ) [_req] =&gt; SHOW TABLES LIKE 'mod_droits_acces' [_fetched:sqlDB:private] =&gt; [_curr_line:sqlDB:private] =&gt; 0 [_error:sqlDB:private] =&gt; errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_ligne:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_objContext:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_message:errorClass:private] =&gt; ) ) [_use_bdd] =&gt; 1 [_title] =&gt; [_ariane] =&gt; [_titre] =&gt; [_h1] =&gt; [_description] =&gt; [_keywords] =&gt; [_id_groupe_visiteurs] =&gt; 4 [_id_groupe_visiteurs_admin] =&gt; [_template_admin] =&gt; archic [primary_params] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; ariane [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; [query] =&gt; [titre] =&gt; residence-senior [lang] =&gt; en [params] =&gt; all ) ) ) [_modules_root] =&gt; modules/ [_chaines] =&gt; chaines Object ( ) [_horloge] =&gt; horloge Object ( [_format] =&gt; [_tab] =&gt; Array ( [seconds] =&gt; 51 [minutes] =&gt; 28 [hours] =&gt; 12 [mday] =&gt; 13 [wday] =&gt; 4 [mon] =&gt; 2 [year] =&gt; 2025 [yday] =&gt; 43 [weekday] =&gt; Thursday [month] =&gt; February [0] =&gt; 1739446131 ) [_tab_jour] =&gt; Array ( [0] =&gt; Dimanche [1] =&gt; Lundi [2] =&gt; Mardi [3] =&gt; Mercredi [4] =&gt; Jeudi [5] =&gt; Vendredi [6] =&gt; Samedi ) [_tab_mois] =&gt; Array ( [0] =&gt; Msgn&deg; [1] =&gt; Janvier [2] =&gt; F&eacute;vrier [3] =&gt; Mars [4] =&gt; Avril [5] =&gt; Mai [6] =&gt; Juin [7] =&gt; Juillet [8] =&gt; Ao&ucirc;t [9] =&gt; Septembre [10] =&gt; Octobre [11] =&gt; Novembre [12] =&gt; D&eacute;cembre ) [_datetime] =&gt; [format] =&gt; d/m/Y H:i:s ) [_lien] =&gt; Lien Object ( [_module] =&gt; [_id] =&gt; [_titre] =&gt; [_numpage] =&gt; [_objet] =&gt; [_action] =&gt; [_type] =&gt; [_id2] =&gt; [_id3] =&gt; [_option] =&gt; [_param] =&gt; [_admin] =&gt; ) ) [_messenger] =&gt; Messenger Object ( [_index:Messenger:private] =&gt; Pages ) [_errorer] =&gt; errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_ligne:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_objContext:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_message:errorClass:private] =&gt; ) [_mustache] =&gt; Mustache_Engine Object ( [templates:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Array ( ) [templateClassPrefix:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; __Mustache_ [cache:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [lambdaCache:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [cacheLambdaTemplates:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [loader:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [partialsLoader:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [helpers:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [escape:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [entityFlags:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; 2 [charset:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; UTF-8 [logger:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [strictCallables:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [pragmas:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Array ( ) [tokenizer:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [parser:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [compiler:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; ) [tab_run] =&gt; Array ( [0] =&gt; Array ( [titre] =&gt; residence-senior ) [1] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; description [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [titre] =&gt; residence-senior ) [2] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; ariane [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; [query] =&gt; [titre] =&gt; residence-senior [lang] =&gt; en [params] =&gt; all ) [3] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; ariane [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; [query] =&gt; [titre] =&gt; residence-senior [lang] =&gt; en [params] =&gt; all ) [4] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; h1 [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; [query] =&gt; [titre] =&gt; residence-senior [lang] =&gt; en [params] =&gt; all ) [5] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; h1 [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; [query] =&gt; [titre] =&gt; residence-senior [lang] =&gt; en [params] =&gt; all ) [6] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; affiche [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; [query] =&gt; [titre] =&gt; residence-senior [lang] =&gt; en [params] =&gt; all ) [7] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; affiche [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; [query] =&gt; [titre] =&gt; residence-senior [lang] =&gt; en [params] =&gt; all ) ) [template] =&gt; archic [_template] =&gt; archic [template_admin] =&gt; archic [tab_lang] =&gt; Array ( [META_DESC_DEFAUT] =&gt; Page dynamique [Metadesc] =&gt; Page dynamique [TITRE_PAGE_INTROUVABLE] =&gt; Page introuvable ! [titre_page] =&gt; Page introuvable ! [PAGE_VIDE] =&gt; Cette page ne comporte aucun contenu. [PAGE_INTROUVABLE] =&gt; Attention ! La page demand&eacute;e est introuvable ou n'existe pas. [CHAINE_RETOUR_ACCUEIL] =&gt; Attention ! La page demand&eacute;e est introuvable ou n'existe pas.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;a href=&quot;http://www.maison-ecologique-bois.com/&quot; title=&quot;Retour a l'accueil&quot;&gt;Retour &amp;agrave; l'accueil&lt;/a&gt; [SOMMAIRE] =&gt; Sommaire [PAGE_PRECEDENTE] =&gt; Page pr&eacute;c&eacute;dente [PAGE_SUIVANTE] =&gt; Page suivante [PAGER_STRING] =&gt; Page {current_page} sur {max_page} ) [_db] =&gt; sqlDB Object ( [_config:sqlDB:private] =&gt; Array ( [user] =&gt; maison-ecolo [pwd] =&gt; iR9&amp;ni53H6mhu8^1 [db_name] =&gt; maison-ecolo [server] =&gt; localhost [type_db] =&gt; mysql ) [_pdo:sqlDB:private] =&gt; 1 [_handler:sqlDB:private] =&gt; PDO Object ( ) [_res:sqlDB:private] =&gt; PDOStatement Object ( [queryString] =&gt; SHOW TABLES LIKE 'mod_pages_contenu' ) [_req] =&gt; SHOW TABLES LIKE 'mod_pages_contenu' [_fetched:sqlDB:private] =&gt; [_curr_line:sqlDB:private] =&gt; 0 [_error:sqlDB:private] =&gt; errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_ligne:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_objContext:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_message:errorClass:private] =&gt; ) ) [_use_bdd] =&gt; 1 [_title] =&gt; R&eacute;sidence senior [_ariane] =&gt; R&eacute;sidence senior [_titre] =&gt; Page introuvable ! [_h1] =&gt; R&eacute;sidence senior [_description] =&gt; SPCME va construire pour vous suivant son savoir faire, 31 maisons &agrave;&nbsp;la norme handicap&eacute;, pour votre qualit&eacute; de vie et en ind&eacute;pendance &eacute;nerg&eacute;tique, c'est-&agrave;-dire des maisons n'ayant pas besoin de chauffage ni de climatisation, dont les besoins sont couvert par la production d'&eacute;lectricit&eacute; photovolta&iuml;que pour les &eacute;conomies. [_keywords] =&gt; Page dynamique [_template_admin] =&gt; archic [_rep_images] =&gt; images/pages/ [_rep_images_admin] =&gt; [_mini_lg_max] =&gt; 400 [_mini_lg_max_admin] =&gt; [_mini_ht_max] =&gt; 300 [_mini_ht_max_admin] =&gt; [_bandeau_lg_max] =&gt; 650 [_bandeau_lg_max_admin] =&gt; [_bandeau_ht_max] =&gt; 300 [_bandeau_ht_max_admin] =&gt; [_img_lg_max] =&gt; 1024 [_img_lg_max_admin] =&gt; [_img_ht_max] =&gt; 768 [_img_ht_max_admin] =&gt; [_nb_paragraphe_pages] =&gt; 50 [_nb_paragraphe_pages_admin] =&gt; [_action_Galerie] =&gt; affiche [_action_Galerie_admin] =&gt; [_action_CoreSlider] =&gt; slider [_action_CoreSlider_admin] =&gt; [_action_PrestationsCategorie] =&gt; affichecategorie [_action_PrestationsCategorie_admin] =&gt; [primary_params] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; description [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [titre] =&gt; residence-senior ) ) </objet> include(#/var/www/vhosts/maison-ecologique-bois.com/httpdocs/modules/Pages/run/affiche.php#) on line 697 in file /var/www/vhosts/maison-ecologique-bois.com/httpdocs/core/module.class.php run(#affiche#,##) on line 66 in file /var/www/vhosts/maison-ecologique-bois.com/httpdocs/modules/Pages/Pages.module.class.php <span>objet</span> Pages<objet style='display:none;'>Pages Object ( [_id_cat] =&gt; 0 [_id_page] =&gt; 16 [_sommaire] =&gt; 1 [_chapeau] =&gt; [_nom_rewrite] =&gt; residence-senior [_name] =&gt; Pages [_modules_root] =&gt; modules/Pages [_modulo] =&gt; Modulo Object ( [_dbConnexion] =&gt; sqlDB Object ( [_config:sqlDB:private] =&gt; Array ( [user] =&gt; maison-ecolo [pwd] =&gt; iR9&amp;ni53H6mhu8^1 [db_name] =&gt; maison-ecolo [server] =&gt; localhost [type_db] =&gt; mysql ) [_pdo:sqlDB:private] =&gt; 1 [_handler:sqlDB:private] =&gt; PDO Object ( ) [_res:sqlDB:private] =&gt; PDOStatement Object ( [queryString] =&gt; SELECT id FROM mod_langues WHERE code_langue='en' ) [_req] =&gt; SELECT id FROM mod_langues WHERE code_langue='en' [_fetched:sqlDB:private] =&gt; [_curr_line:sqlDB:private] =&gt; 1 [_error:sqlDB:private] =&gt; errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_ligne:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_objContext:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_message:errorClass:private] =&gt; ) ) [_modules] =&gt; Modules Object ( [_root_modules] =&gt; modules/ [_mods] =&gt; Array ( [0] =&gt; Actualites [1] =&gt; Agenda [2] =&gt; Annuaires [3] =&gt; Cartes [4] =&gt; Contact [5] =&gt; Droits [6] =&gt; FluxRSS [7] =&gt; Galeries [8] =&gt; Geographie [9] =&gt; Langs [10] =&gt; LiensRef [11] =&gt; Mailing [12] =&gt; Main [13] =&gt; Menu [14] =&gt; Pages [15] =&gt; Panneaux [16] =&gt; Partenaires [17] =&gt; Plans [18] =&gt; Prestations [19] =&gt; Produits [20] =&gt; Realisations [21] =&gt; Referencement [22] =&gt; ReseauxSociaux [23] =&gt; Slider [24] =&gt; Temoignages ) [_modulo] =&gt; Modulo Object *RECURSION* [_nb] =&gt; 25 [url_repo:Modules:private] =&gt; http://modulol.pyreweb.com/getamodule.php ) [_modules_charges] =&gt; Array ( [Main] =&gt; Main Object ( [_name] =&gt; Main [_modules_root] =&gt; modules/Main [_modulo] =&gt; Modulo Object *RECURSION* [_messenger] =&gt; Messenger Object ( [_index:Messenger:private] =&gt; Main ) [_errorer] =&gt; errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_ligne:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_objContext:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_message:errorClass:private] =&gt; ) [_mustache] =&gt; Mustache_Engine Object ( [templates:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Array ( [__Mustache_5f56c851127defa716be869a0b94aa85] =&gt; __Mustache_5f56c851127defa716be869a0b94aa85 Object ( [lambdaHelper:__Mustache_5f56c851127defa716be869a0b94aa85:private] =&gt; Mustache_LambdaHelper Object ( [mustache:Mustache_LambdaHelper:private] =&gt; Mustache_Engine Object *RECURSION* [context:Mustache_LambdaHelper:private] =&gt; Mustache_Context Object ( [stack:Mustache_Context:private] =&gt; Array ( [0] =&gt; Array ( [etapes] =&gt; Array ( [0] =&gt; Array ( [titre] =&gt; G&eacute;n&eacute;ral [lien] =&gt; Lien Object ( [_module] =&gt; Pages [_id] =&gt; 1 [_titre] =&gt; [_numpage] =&gt; [_objet] =&gt; categorie [_action] =&gt; [_type] =&gt; [_id2] =&gt; [_id3] =&gt; [_option] =&gt; [_param] =&gt; [_admin] =&gt; ) ) [1] =&gt; Array ( [titre] =&gt; R&eacute;sidence senior [lien] =&gt; Lien Object ( [_module] =&gt; Pages [_id] =&gt; 16 [_titre] =&gt; [_numpage] =&gt; [_objet] =&gt; page [_action] =&gt; [_type] =&gt; [_id2] =&gt; [_id3] =&gt; [_option] =&gt; [_param] =&gt; [_admin] =&gt; ) [last] =&gt; 1 [first] =&gt; 1 ) ) ) ) [blockStack:Mustache_Context:private] =&gt; Array ( ) ) ) [mustache:protected] =&gt; Mustache_Engine Object *RECURSION* [strictCallables:protected] =&gt; ) ) [templateClassPrefix:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; __Mustache_ [cache:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Mustache_Cache_NoopCache Object ( [logger:Mustache_Cache_AbstractCache:private] =&gt; ) [lambdaCache:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [cacheLambdaTemplates:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [loader:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Mustache_Loader_StringLoader Object ( ) [partialsLoader:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [helpers:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Mustache_HelperCollection Object ( [helpers:Mustache_HelperCollection:private] =&gt; Array ( ) ) [escape:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [entityFlags:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; 2 [charset:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; UTF-8 [logger:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [strictCallables:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [pragmas:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Array ( ) [tokenizer:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Mustache_Tokenizer Object ( [state:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] =&gt; 0 [tagType:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] =&gt; / [buffer:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] =&gt; [tokens:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] =&gt; Array ( [0] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 0 [value] =&gt; &lt;nav id=&quot;bloc_ariane&quot;&gt; ) [1] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 1 [value] =&gt; &lt;ol class=&quot;breadcrumb&quot;&gt; ) [2] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 2 [value] =&gt; &lt;li&gt; ) [3] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 3 [value] =&gt; &lt;em&gt;Vous &ecirc;tes ici : &lt;/em&gt; ) [4] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 4 [value] =&gt; &lt;span itemscope itemtype=&quot;http://data-vocabulary.org/Breadcrumb&quot;&gt; ) [5] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 5 [value] =&gt; &lt;a href=&quot;http://www.maison-ecologique-bois.com/&quot; itemprop=&quot;url&quot;&gt;&lt;span itemprop=&quot;title&quot;&gt;SPCME&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/a&gt; ) [6] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 6 [value] =&gt; &lt;/span&gt; ) [7] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 7 [value] =&gt; &lt;/li&gt; ) [8] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 8 [value] =&gt; ) [9] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; # [name] =&gt; etapes [otag] =&gt; {{ [ctag] =&gt; }} [line] =&gt; 8 [index] =&gt; 294 ) [10] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 8 [value] =&gt; ) [11] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 9 [value] =&gt; &lt;li ) [12] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; # [name] =&gt; last [otag] =&gt; {{ [ctag] =&gt; }} [line] =&gt; 9 [index] =&gt; 309 ) [13] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 9 [value] =&gt; class=&quot;active&quot; ) [14] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; / [name] =&gt; last [otag] =&gt; {{ [ctag] =&gt; }} [line] =&gt; 9 [index] =&gt; 324 ) [15] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 9 [value] =&gt; &gt; ) [16] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 10 [value] =&gt; &lt;span itemscope itemtype=&quot;http://data-vocabulary.org/Breadcrumb&quot; itemprop=&quot;child&quot;&gt; ) [17] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 11 [value] =&gt; &lt;a href=&quot; ) [18] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _v [name] =&gt; lien [otag] =&gt; {{ [ctag] =&gt; }} [line] =&gt; 11 [index] =&gt; 442 ) [19] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 11 [value] =&gt; &quot; itemprop=&quot;url&quot;&gt;&lt;span itemprop=&quot;title&quot;&gt; ) [20] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _v [name] =&gt; titre [otag] =&gt; {{ [ctag] =&gt; }} [line] =&gt; 11 [index] =&gt; 491 ) [21] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 11 [value] =&gt; &lt;/span&gt;&lt;/a&gt; ) [22] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 12 [value] =&gt; &lt;/span&gt; ) [23] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 13 [value] =&gt; &lt;/li&gt; ) [24] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 14 [value] =&gt; ) [25] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; / [name] =&gt; etapes [otag] =&gt; {{ [ctag] =&gt; }} [line] =&gt; 14 [index] =&gt; 524 ) [26] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 14 [value] =&gt; ) [27] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 15 [value] =&gt; &lt;/ol&gt; ) [28] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 16 [value] =&gt; &lt;/nav&gt; ) ) [seenTag:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] =&gt; 526 [line:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] =&gt; 16 [otag:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] =&gt; {{ [ctag:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] =&gt; }} [otagLen:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] =&gt; 2 [ctagLen:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] =&gt; 2 ) [parser:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Mustache_Parser Object ( [lineNum:Mustache_Parser:private] =&gt; 16 [lineTokens:Mustache_Parser:private] =&gt; 0 [pragmas:Mustache_Parser:private] =&gt; Array ( ) [defaultPragmas:Mustache_Parser:private] =&gt; Array ( ) [pragmaFilters:Mustache_Parser:private] =&gt; [pragmaBlocks:Mustache_Parser:private] =&gt; ) [compiler:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Mustache_Compiler Object ( [pragmas:Mustache_Compiler:private] =&gt; Array ( ) [defaultPragmas:Mustache_Compiler:private] =&gt; Array ( ) [sections:Mustache_Compiler:private] =&gt; Array ( [A779d0e8be975469e74058d6ae113a3d] =&gt; private function sectionA779d0e8be975469e74058d6ae113a3d(Mustache_Context $context, $indent, $value) { $buffer = ''; if (!is_string($value) &amp;&amp; is_callable($value)) { $source = ' class=&quot;active&quot;'; $result = call_user_func($value, $source, $this-&gt;lambdaHelper); if (strpos($result, '{{') === false) { $buffer .= $result; } else { $buffer .= $this-&gt;mustache -&gt;loadLambda((string) $result) -&gt;renderInternal($context); } } elseif (!empty($value)) { $values = $this-&gt;isIterable($value) ? $value : array($value); foreach ($values as $value) { $context-&gt;push($value); $buffer .= ' class=&quot;active&quot;'; $context-&gt;pop(); } } return $buffer; } [C2e4c5434e2e39fe39a6c51bf35aa05a] =&gt; private function sectionC2e4c5434e2e39fe39a6c51bf35aa05a(Mustache_Context $context, $indent, $value) { $buffer = ''; if (!is_string($value) &amp;&amp; is_callable($value)) { $source = ' &lt;li{{#last}} class=&quot;active&quot;{{/last}}&gt; &lt;span itemscope itemtype=&quot;http://data-vocabulary.org/Breadcrumb&quot; itemprop=&quot;child&quot;&gt; &lt;a href=&quot;{{lien}}&quot; itemprop=&quot;url&quot;&gt;&lt;span itemprop=&quot;title&quot;&gt;{{titre}}&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/a&gt; &lt;/span&gt; &lt;/li&gt; '; $result = call_user_func($value, $source, $this-&gt;lambdaHelper); if (strpos($result, '{{') === false) { $buffer .= $result; } else { $buffer .= $this-&gt;mustache -&gt;loadLambda((string) $result) -&gt;renderInternal($context); } } elseif (!empty($value)) { $values = $this-&gt;isIterable($value) ? $value : array($value); foreach ($values as $value) { $context-&gt;push($value); $buffer .= $indent . ' &lt;li'; // 'last' section $value = $context-&gt;find('last'); $buffer .= $this-&gt;sectionA779d0e8be975469e74058d6ae113a3d($context, $indent, $value); $buffer .= '&gt; '; $buffer .= $indent . ' &lt;span itemscope itemtype=&quot;http://data-vocabulary.org/Breadcrumb&quot; itemprop=&quot;child&quot;&gt; '; $buffer .= $indent . ' &lt;a href=&quot;'; $value = $this-&gt;resolveValue($context-&gt;find('lien'), $context, $indent); $buffer .= htmlspecialchars($value, 2, 'UTF-8'); $buffer .= '&quot; itemprop=&quot;url&quot;&gt;&lt;span itemprop=&quot;title&quot;&gt;'; $value = $this-&gt;resolveValue($context-&gt;find('titre'), $context, $indent); $buffer .= htmlspecialchars($value, 2, 'UTF-8'); $buffer .= '&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/a&gt; '; $buffer .= $indent . ' &lt;/span&gt; '; $buffer .= $indent . ' &lt;/li&gt; '; $context-&gt;pop(); } } return $buffer; } ) [source:Mustache_Compiler:private] =&gt; &lt;nav id=&quot;bloc_ariane&quot;&gt; &lt;ol class=&quot;breadcrumb&quot;&gt; &lt;li&gt; &lt;em&gt;Vous &ecirc;tes ici : &lt;/em&gt; &lt;span itemscope itemtype=&quot;http://data-vocabulary.org/Breadcrumb&quot;&gt; &lt;a href=&quot;http://www.maison-ecologique-bois.com/&quot; itemprop=&quot;url&quot;&gt;&lt;span itemprop=&quot;title&quot;&gt;SPCME&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/a&gt; &lt;/span&gt; &lt;/li&gt; {{#etapes}} &lt;li{{#last}} class=&quot;active&quot;{{/last}}&gt; &lt;span itemscope itemtype=&quot;http://data-vocabulary.org/Breadcrumb&quot; itemprop=&quot;child&quot;&gt; &lt;a href=&quot;{{lien}}&quot; itemprop=&quot;url&quot;&gt;&lt;span itemprop=&quot;title&quot;&gt;{{titre}}&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/a&gt; &lt;/span&gt; &lt;/li&gt; {{/etapes}} &lt;/ol&gt; &lt;/nav&gt; [indentNextLine:Mustache_Compiler:private] =&gt; [customEscape:Mustache_Compiler:private] =&gt; [entityFlags:Mustache_Compiler:private] =&gt; 2 [charset:Mustache_Compiler:private] =&gt; UTF-8 [strictCallables:Mustache_Compiler:private] =&gt; ) ) [tab_run] =&gt; Array ( [0] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; redirections [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Main ) [1] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; front [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Main ) [2] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; parse_mustaches [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Main [moustache] =&gt; front [params_run] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; affiche [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; [query] =&gt; [titre] =&gt; residence-senior [lang] =&gt; en ) ) [3] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; parse_mustaches [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Main [moustache] =&gt; haut [params_run] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; affiche [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; [query] =&gt; [titre] =&gt; residence-senior [lang] =&gt; en ) ) [4] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; parse_mustaches [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Main [moustache] =&gt; bas [params_run] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; affiche [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; [query] =&gt; [titre] =&gt; residence-senior [lang] =&gt; en ) ) [5] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; parse_mustaches [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Main [moustache] =&gt; scripts [params_run] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; affiche [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; [query] =&gt; [titre] =&gt; residence-senior [lang] =&gt; en ) ) ) [template] =&gt; archic [_template] =&gt; archic [template_admin] =&gt; archic [tab_lang] =&gt; Array ( [_LAST_ACCESS] =&gt; Derniers acc&egrave;s ) [_db] =&gt; sqlDB Object ( [_config:sqlDB:private] =&gt; Array ( [user] =&gt; maison-ecolo [pwd] =&gt; iR9&amp;ni53H6mhu8^1 [db_name] =&gt; maison-ecolo [server] =&gt; localhost [type_db] =&gt; mysql ) [_pdo:sqlDB:private] =&gt; 1 [_handler:sqlDB:private] =&gt; PDO Object ( ) [_res:sqlDB:private] =&gt; [_req] =&gt; [_fetched:sqlDB:private] =&gt; [_curr_line:sqlDB:private] =&gt; 0 [_error:sqlDB:private] =&gt; errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_ligne:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_objContext:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_message:errorClass:private] =&gt; ) ) [_use_bdd] =&gt; 1 [_title] =&gt; [_ariane] =&gt; [_titre] =&gt; [_h1] =&gt; [_description] =&gt; [_keywords] =&gt; [_template_admin] =&gt; archic [_template_admin_admin] =&gt; [_responsive] =&gt; 1 [_responsive_admin] =&gt; [_auto_scroll] =&gt; 1 [_auto_scroll_admin] =&gt; [_annee_creation_site] =&gt; 2015 [_annee_creation_site_admin] =&gt; [_id_google_anaytics] =&gt; UA-53704286-21 [_id_google_anaytics_admin] =&gt; [_id_client_analytics] =&gt; 520640658396-ljfr1f1bh5hk9hq7uhtc15h2ud6bq8q3.apps.googleusercontent.com [_id_client_analytics_admin] =&gt; [_limite_derniers_acces] =&gt; 10 [_limite_derniers_acces_admin] =&gt; [primary_params] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; redirections [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Main ) ) [Contact] =&gt; Contact Object ( [_name] =&gt; Contact [_modules_root] =&gt; modules/Contact [_modulo] =&gt; Modulo Object *RECURSION* [_messenger] =&gt; Messenger Object ( [_index:Messenger:private] =&gt; Contact ) [_errorer] =&gt; errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_ligne:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_objContext:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_message:errorClass:private] =&gt; ) [_mustache] =&gt; Mustache_Engine Object ( [templates:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Array ( ) [templateClassPrefix:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; __Mustache_ [cache:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [lambdaCache:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [cacheLambdaTemplates:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [loader:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [partialsLoader:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [helpers:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [escape:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [entityFlags:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; 2 [charset:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; UTF-8 [logger:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [strictCallables:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [pragmas:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Array ( ) [tokenizer:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [parser:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [compiler:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; ) [tab_run] =&gt; Array ( ) [template] =&gt; archic [_template] =&gt; archic [template_admin] =&gt; archic [tab_lang] =&gt; Array ( [META_DESC_DEFAUT_CONTACT] =&gt; Nous contacter [TITRE_PAGE_CONTACT] =&gt; Nous contacter [PAGE_VIDE_CONTACT] =&gt; Aucune formulaire n'est disponible. [MESSAGE_INTROUVABLE_CONTACT] =&gt; Attention ! La page demand&eacute;e est introuvable ou n'existe pas. [LIEN_RETOUR_FORMULAIRE] =&gt; &lt;a href=&quot;./fr/contact/&quot;&gt;Retour au formulaire de contact&lt;/a&gt; [ERREUR_FLOOD] =&gt; Le nombre d'envoi de messages est limit&eacute; sur une courte p&eacute;riode (protection anti-flood) :&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Vous devez patienter avant de tenter d'envoyer un nouveau message. [ERREUR_CAPTCHA] =&gt; Notre syst&egrave;me anti-robot a arr&ecirc;t&eacute; le traitement de ce formulaire. Veuillez recommencer. [ERREUR_FORMULAIRE] =&gt; Une erreur est survenue lors du traitement de votre demande.&lt;br /&gt;Merci de r&eacute;essayer plus tard ou d'&eacute;crire directement &agrave; &lt;a href=&quot;mailto:contact@maison-ecologique-bois.com&quot;&gt;contact@maison-ecologique-bois.com&lt;/a&gt; [CONTACT_INTRO] =&gt; Pour toute demande de renseignements remplissez le formulaire de contact; Nous vous r&eacute;pondrons dans les meilleurs d&eacute;lais. [CHAMPS_OBLIGATOIRES] =&gt; Les champs marqu&eacute;s d'une &lt;span class=&quot;glyphicon glyphicon-asterisk&quot;&gt;&lt;/span&gt; doivent &ecirc;tre renseign&eacute;s. [LABEL_TEL] =&gt; T&eacute;l&eacute;phone [LABEL_FAX] =&gt; Fax [LABEL_MOB] =&gt; Mobile [LABEL_MEL] =&gt; Courriel [LABEL_WEB] =&gt; Web [LABEL_CIVILITE] =&gt; Civilit&eacute; [LABEL_NOM] =&gt; Nom [LABEL_PRENOM] =&gt; Pr&eacute;nom [LABEL_SOCIETE] =&gt; Soci&eacute;t&eacute; [LABEL_ADRESSE] =&gt; Adresse [LABEL_CODE_POSTAL] =&gt; Code postal [LABEL_VILLE] =&gt; Ville [LABEL_MESSAGE] =&gt; Votre message [LABEL_ENVOYER] =&gt; Envoyer [MESSAGE_ENVOYE] =&gt; Votre message a bien &eacute;t&eacute; envoy&eacute; et sera trait&eacute; dans les meilleurs d&eacute;lais. [TITLE_MENTIONS_LEGALES] =&gt; Mentions l&eacute;gales [H1_MENTIONS_LEGALES] =&gt; Mentions l&eacute;gales du site SPCME [TITRE_MENTIONS_LEGALES] =&gt; Mentions l&eacute;gales ) [_db] =&gt; sqlDB Object ( [_config:sqlDB:private] =&gt; Array ( [user] =&gt; maison-ecolo [pwd] =&gt; iR9&amp;ni53H6mhu8^1 [db_name] =&gt; maison-ecolo [server] =&gt; localhost [type_db] =&gt; mysql ) [_pdo:sqlDB:private] =&gt; 1 [_handler:sqlDB:private] =&gt; PDO Object ( ) [_res:sqlDB:private] =&gt; [_req] =&gt; [_fetched:sqlDB:private] =&gt; [_curr_line:sqlDB:private] =&gt; 0 [_error:sqlDB:private] =&gt; errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_ligne:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_objContext:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_message:errorClass:private] =&gt; ) ) [_use_bdd] =&gt; 1 [_title] =&gt; Nous contacter [_ariane] =&gt; Nous contacter [_titre] =&gt; Nous contacter [_h1] =&gt; Nous contacter [_description] =&gt; Nous contacter [_keywords] =&gt; Nous contacter [_rep_images] =&gt; ../images/interface/ [_rep_images_admin] =&gt; [__STRUCTURE] =&gt; SPCME [__STRUCTURE_admin] =&gt; [__SITE_URL] =&gt; maison-bois-economique.com [__SITE_URL_admin] =&gt; [__URL] =&gt; http://www.maison-ecologique-bois.com [__URL_admin] =&gt; [__SITE_NOM] =&gt; SPCME [__SITE_NOM_admin] =&gt; [__SIRET] =&gt; 5307343000001 [__SIRET_admin] =&gt; [__ADRESSE] =&gt; 7 route de Pinas [__ADRESSE_admin] =&gt; [__CODE_POSTAL] =&gt; 31580 [__CODE_POSTAL_admin] =&gt; [__VILLE] =&gt; BOUDRAC [__VILLE_admin] =&gt; [__TEL] =&gt; 05 61 88 95 38 [__TEL_admin] =&gt; [__FAX] =&gt; [__FAX_admin] =&gt; [__PORTABLE] =&gt; [__PORTABLE_admin] =&gt; [__EMAIL] =&gt; contact@maison-ecologique-bois.com [__EMAIL_admin] =&gt; [__REGION] =&gt; Midi-Pyr&eacute;n&eacute;es [__REGION_admin] =&gt; [__PAYS] =&gt; France [__PAYS_admin] =&gt; [__LAT] =&gt; 0 [__LAT_admin] =&gt; [__LONG] =&gt; 0 [__LONG_admin] =&gt; [_chps_civilite] =&gt; 1 [_chps_civilite_admin] =&gt; [_chps_nom] =&gt; 1 [_chps_nom_admin] =&gt; [_chps_prenom] =&gt; 1 [_chps_prenom_admin] =&gt; [_chps_societe] =&gt; 1 [_chps_societe_admin] =&gt; [_chps_adresse] =&gt; 1 [_chps_adresse_admin] =&gt; [_chps_cp] =&gt; 1 [_chps_cp_admin] =&gt; [_chps_ville] =&gt; 1 [_chps_ville_admin] =&gt; [_chps_mail] =&gt; 1 [_chps_mail_admin] =&gt; [_chps_tel] =&gt; 1 [_chps_tel_admin] =&gt; [_chps_fax] =&gt; 1 [_chps_fax_admin] =&gt; [_chps_mobile] =&gt; 1 [_chps_mobile_admin] =&gt; [_template_admin] =&gt; archic ) [Pages] =&gt; Pages Object *RECURSION* [Droits] =&gt; Droits Object ( [_name] =&gt; Droits [_modules_root] =&gt; modules/Droits [_modulo] =&gt; Modulo Object *RECURSION* [_messenger] =&gt; Messenger Object ( [_index:Messenger:private] =&gt; Droits ) [_errorer] =&gt; errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_ligne:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_objContext:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_message:errorClass:private] =&gt; ) [_mustache] =&gt; Mustache_Engine Object ( [templates:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Array ( ) [templateClassPrefix:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; __Mustache_ [cache:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [lambdaCache:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [cacheLambdaTemplates:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [loader:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [partialsLoader:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [helpers:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [escape:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [entityFlags:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; 2 [charset:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; UTF-8 [logger:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [strictCallables:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [pragmas:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Array ( ) [tokenizer:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [parser:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [compiler:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; ) [tab_run] =&gt; Array ( [0] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; ariane [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; [query] =&gt; [titre] =&gt; residence-senior [lang] =&gt; en [params] =&gt; all ) [1] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; h1 [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; [query] =&gt; [titre] =&gt; residence-senior [lang] =&gt; en [params] =&gt; all ) [2] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; affiche [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; [query] =&gt; [titre] =&gt; residence-senior [lang] =&gt; en [params] =&gt; all ) ) [template] =&gt; archic [_template] =&gt; archic [template_admin] =&gt; archic [tab_lang] =&gt; Array ( ) [_db] =&gt; sqlDB Object ( [_config:sqlDB:private] =&gt; Array ( [user] =&gt; maison-ecolo [pwd] =&gt; iR9&amp;ni53H6mhu8^1 [db_name] =&gt; maison-ecolo [server] =&gt; localhost [type_db] =&gt; mysql ) [_pdo:sqlDB:private] =&gt; 1 [_handler:sqlDB:private] =&gt; PDO Object ( ) [_res:sqlDB:private] =&gt; PDOStatement Object ( [queryString] =&gt; SHOW TABLES LIKE 'mod_droits_acces' ) [_req] =&gt; SHOW TABLES LIKE 'mod_droits_acces' [_fetched:sqlDB:private] =&gt; [_curr_line:sqlDB:private] =&gt; 0 [_error:sqlDB:private] =&gt; errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_ligne:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_objContext:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_message:errorClass:private] =&gt; ) ) [_use_bdd] =&gt; 1 [_title] =&gt; [_ariane] =&gt; [_titre] =&gt; [_h1] =&gt; [_description] =&gt; [_keywords] =&gt; [_id_groupe_visiteurs] =&gt; 4 [_id_groupe_visiteurs_admin] =&gt; [_template_admin] =&gt; archic [primary_params] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; ariane [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; [query] =&gt; [titre] =&gt; residence-senior [lang] =&gt; en [params] =&gt; all ) ) ) [_modules_root] =&gt; modules/ [_chaines] =&gt; chaines Object ( ) [_horloge] =&gt; horloge Object ( [_format] =&gt; [_tab] =&gt; Array ( [seconds] =&gt; 51 [minutes] =&gt; 28 [hours] =&gt; 12 [mday] =&gt; 13 [wday] =&gt; 4 [mon] =&gt; 2 [year] =&gt; 2025 [yday] =&gt; 43 [weekday] =&gt; Thursday [month] =&gt; February [0] =&gt; 1739446131 ) [_tab_jour] =&gt; Array ( [0] =&gt; Dimanche [1] =&gt; Lundi [2] =&gt; Mardi [3] =&gt; Mercredi [4] =&gt; Jeudi [5] =&gt; Vendredi [6] =&gt; Samedi ) [_tab_mois] =&gt; Array ( [0] =&gt; Msgn&deg; [1] =&gt; Janvier [2] =&gt; F&eacute;vrier [3] =&gt; Mars [4] =&gt; Avril [5] =&gt; Mai [6] =&gt; Juin [7] =&gt; Juillet [8] =&gt; Ao&ucirc;t [9] =&gt; Septembre [10] =&gt; Octobre [11] =&gt; Novembre [12] =&gt; D&eacute;cembre ) [_datetime] =&gt; [format] =&gt; d/m/Y H:i:s ) [_lien] =&gt; Lien Object ( [_module] =&gt; [_id] =&gt; [_titre] =&gt; [_numpage] =&gt; [_objet] =&gt; [_action] =&gt; [_type] =&gt; [_id2] =&gt; [_id3] =&gt; [_option] =&gt; [_param] =&gt; [_admin] =&gt; ) ) [_messenger] =&gt; Messenger Object ( [_index:Messenger:private] =&gt; Pages ) [_errorer] =&gt; errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_ligne:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_objContext:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_message:errorClass:private] =&gt; ) [_mustache] =&gt; Mustache_Engine Object ( [templates:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Array ( ) [templateClassPrefix:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; __Mustache_ [cache:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [lambdaCache:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [cacheLambdaTemplates:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [loader:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [partialsLoader:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [helpers:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [escape:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [entityFlags:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; 2 [charset:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; UTF-8 [logger:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [strictCallables:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [pragmas:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Array ( ) [tokenizer:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [parser:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [compiler:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; ) [tab_run] =&gt; Array ( [0] =&gt; Array ( [titre] =&gt; residence-senior ) [1] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; description [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [titre] =&gt; residence-senior ) [2] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; ariane [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; [query] =&gt; [titre] =&gt; residence-senior [lang] =&gt; en [params] =&gt; all ) [3] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; ariane [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; [query] =&gt; [titre] =&gt; residence-senior [lang] =&gt; en [params] =&gt; all ) [4] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; h1 [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; [query] =&gt; [titre] =&gt; residence-senior [lang] =&gt; en [params] =&gt; all ) [5] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; h1 [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; [query] =&gt; [titre] =&gt; residence-senior [lang] =&gt; en [params] =&gt; all ) [6] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; affiche [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; [query] =&gt; [titre] =&gt; residence-senior [lang] =&gt; en [params] =&gt; all ) [7] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; affiche [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; [query] =&gt; [titre] =&gt; residence-senior [lang] =&gt; en [params] =&gt; all ) ) [template] =&gt; archic [_template] =&gt; archic [template_admin] =&gt; archic [tab_lang] =&gt; Array ( [META_DESC_DEFAUT] =&gt; Page dynamique [Metadesc] =&gt; Page dynamique [TITRE_PAGE_INTROUVABLE] =&gt; Page introuvable ! [titre_page] =&gt; Page introuvable ! [PAGE_VIDE] =&gt; Cette page ne comporte aucun contenu. [PAGE_INTROUVABLE] =&gt; Attention ! La page demand&eacute;e est introuvable ou n'existe pas. [CHAINE_RETOUR_ACCUEIL] =&gt; Attention ! La page demand&eacute;e est introuvable ou n'existe pas.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;a href=&quot;http://www.maison-ecologique-bois.com/&quot; title=&quot;Retour a l'accueil&quot;&gt;Retour &amp;agrave; l'accueil&lt;/a&gt; [SOMMAIRE] =&gt; Sommaire [PAGE_PRECEDENTE] =&gt; Page pr&eacute;c&eacute;dente [PAGE_SUIVANTE] =&gt; Page suivante [PAGER_STRING] =&gt; Page {current_page} sur {max_page} ) [_db] =&gt; sqlDB Object ( [_config:sqlDB:private] =&gt; Array ( [user] =&gt; maison-ecolo [pwd] =&gt; iR9&amp;ni53H6mhu8^1 [db_name] =&gt; maison-ecolo [server] =&gt; localhost [type_db] =&gt; mysql ) [_pdo:sqlDB:private] =&gt; 1 [_handler:sqlDB:private] =&gt; PDO Object ( ) [_res:sqlDB:private] =&gt; PDOStatement Object ( [queryString] =&gt; SHOW TABLES LIKE 'mod_pages_contenu' ) [_req] =&gt; SHOW TABLES LIKE 'mod_pages_contenu' [_fetched:sqlDB:private] =&gt; [_curr_line:sqlDB:private] =&gt; 0 [_error:sqlDB:private] =&gt; errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_ligne:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_objContext:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_message:errorClass:private] =&gt; ) ) [_use_bdd] =&gt; 1 [_title] =&gt; R&eacute;sidence senior [_ariane] =&gt; R&eacute;sidence senior [_titre] =&gt; Page introuvable ! [_h1] =&gt; R&eacute;sidence senior [_description] =&gt; SPCME va construire pour vous suivant son savoir faire, 31 maisons &agrave;&nbsp;la norme handicap&eacute;, pour votre qualit&eacute; de vie et en ind&eacute;pendance &eacute;nerg&eacute;tique, c'est-&agrave;-dire des maisons n'ayant pas besoin de chauffage ni de climatisation, dont les besoins sont couvert par la production d'&eacute;lectricit&eacute; photovolta&iuml;que pour les &eacute;conomies. [_keywords] =&gt; Page dynamique [_template_admin] =&gt; archic [_rep_images] =&gt; images/pages/ [_rep_images_admin] =&gt; [_mini_lg_max] =&gt; 400 [_mini_lg_max_admin] =&gt; [_mini_ht_max] =&gt; 300 [_mini_ht_max_admin] =&gt; [_bandeau_lg_max] =&gt; 650 [_bandeau_lg_max_admin] =&gt; [_bandeau_ht_max] =&gt; 300 [_bandeau_ht_max_admin] =&gt; [_img_lg_max] =&gt; 1024 [_img_lg_max_admin] =&gt; [_img_ht_max] =&gt; 768 [_img_ht_max_admin] =&gt; [_nb_paragraphe_pages] =&gt; 50 [_nb_paragraphe_pages_admin] =&gt; [_action_Galerie] =&gt; affiche [_action_Galerie_admin] =&gt; [_action_CoreSlider] =&gt; slider [_action_CoreSlider_admin] =&gt; [_action_PrestationsCategorie] =&gt; affichecategorie [_action_PrestationsCategorie_admin] =&gt; [primary_params] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; description [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [titre] =&gt; residence-senior ) ) </objet> run(<span>tableau 11</span><tableau style='display:none;'>#Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; affiche [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; [query] =&gt; [titre] =&gt; residence-senior [lang] =&gt; en [params] =&gt; all ) #</tableau>,##) on line 87 in file /var/www/vhosts/maison-ecologique-bois.com/httpdocs/modules/Main/run/front.php <span>objet</span> Pages<objet style='display:none;'>Pages Object ( [_id_cat] =&gt; 0 [_id_page] =&gt; 16 [_sommaire] =&gt; 1 [_chapeau] =&gt; [_nom_rewrite] =&gt; residence-senior [_name] =&gt; Pages [_modules_root] =&gt; modules/Pages [_modulo] =&gt; Modulo Object ( [_dbConnexion] =&gt; sqlDB Object ( [_config:sqlDB:private] =&gt; Array ( [user] =&gt; maison-ecolo [pwd] =&gt; iR9&amp;ni53H6mhu8^1 [db_name] =&gt; maison-ecolo [server] =&gt; localhost [type_db] =&gt; mysql ) [_pdo:sqlDB:private] =&gt; 1 [_handler:sqlDB:private] =&gt; PDO Object ( ) [_res:sqlDB:private] =&gt; PDOStatement Object ( [queryString] =&gt; SELECT id FROM mod_langues WHERE code_langue='en' ) [_req] =&gt; SELECT id FROM mod_langues WHERE code_langue='en' [_fetched:sqlDB:private] =&gt; [_curr_line:sqlDB:private] =&gt; 1 [_error:sqlDB:private] =&gt; errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_ligne:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_objContext:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_message:errorClass:private] =&gt; ) ) [_modules] =&gt; Modules Object ( [_root_modules] =&gt; modules/ [_mods] =&gt; Array ( [0] =&gt; Actualites [1] =&gt; Agenda [2] =&gt; Annuaires [3] =&gt; Cartes [4] =&gt; Contact [5] =&gt; Droits [6] =&gt; FluxRSS [7] =&gt; Galeries [8] =&gt; Geographie [9] =&gt; Langs [10] =&gt; LiensRef [11] =&gt; Mailing [12] =&gt; Main [13] =&gt; Menu [14] =&gt; Pages [15] =&gt; Panneaux [16] =&gt; Partenaires [17] =&gt; Plans [18] =&gt; Prestations [19] =&gt; Produits [20] =&gt; Realisations [21] =&gt; Referencement [22] =&gt; ReseauxSociaux [23] =&gt; Slider [24] =&gt; Temoignages ) [_modulo] =&gt; Modulo Object *RECURSION* [_nb] =&gt; 25 [url_repo:Modules:private] =&gt; http://modulol.pyreweb.com/getamodule.php ) [_modules_charges] =&gt; Array ( [Main] =&gt; Main Object ( [_name] =&gt; Main [_modules_root] =&gt; modules/Main [_modulo] =&gt; Modulo Object *RECURSION* [_messenger] =&gt; Messenger Object ( [_index:Messenger:private] =&gt; Main ) [_errorer] =&gt; errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_ligne:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_objContext:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_message:errorClass:private] =&gt; ) [_mustache] =&gt; Mustache_Engine Object ( [templates:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Array ( [__Mustache_5f56c851127defa716be869a0b94aa85] =&gt; __Mustache_5f56c851127defa716be869a0b94aa85 Object ( [lambdaHelper:__Mustache_5f56c851127defa716be869a0b94aa85:private] =&gt; Mustache_LambdaHelper Object ( [mustache:Mustache_LambdaHelper:private] =&gt; Mustache_Engine Object *RECURSION* [context:Mustache_LambdaHelper:private] =&gt; Mustache_Context Object ( [stack:Mustache_Context:private] =&gt; Array ( [0] =&gt; Array ( [etapes] =&gt; Array ( [0] =&gt; Array ( [titre] =&gt; G&eacute;n&eacute;ral [lien] =&gt; Lien Object ( [_module] =&gt; Pages [_id] =&gt; 1 [_titre] =&gt; [_numpage] =&gt; [_objet] =&gt; categorie [_action] =&gt; [_type] =&gt; [_id2] =&gt; [_id3] =&gt; [_option] =&gt; [_param] =&gt; [_admin] =&gt; ) ) [1] =&gt; Array ( [titre] =&gt; R&eacute;sidence senior [lien] =&gt; Lien Object ( [_module] =&gt; Pages [_id] =&gt; 16 [_titre] =&gt; [_numpage] =&gt; [_objet] =&gt; page [_action] =&gt; [_type] =&gt; [_id2] =&gt; [_id3] =&gt; [_option] =&gt; [_param] =&gt; [_admin] =&gt; ) [last] =&gt; 1 [first] =&gt; 1 ) ) ) ) [blockStack:Mustache_Context:private] =&gt; Array ( ) ) ) [mustache:protected] =&gt; Mustache_Engine Object *RECURSION* [strictCallables:protected] =&gt; ) ) [templateClassPrefix:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; __Mustache_ [cache:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Mustache_Cache_NoopCache Object ( [logger:Mustache_Cache_AbstractCache:private] =&gt; ) [lambdaCache:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [cacheLambdaTemplates:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [loader:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Mustache_Loader_StringLoader Object ( ) [partialsLoader:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [helpers:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Mustache_HelperCollection Object ( [helpers:Mustache_HelperCollection:private] =&gt; Array ( ) ) [escape:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [entityFlags:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; 2 [charset:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; UTF-8 [logger:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [strictCallables:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [pragmas:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Array ( ) [tokenizer:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Mustache_Tokenizer Object ( [state:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] =&gt; 0 [tagType:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] =&gt; / [buffer:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] =&gt; [tokens:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] =&gt; Array ( [0] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 0 [value] =&gt; &lt;nav id=&quot;bloc_ariane&quot;&gt; ) [1] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 1 [value] =&gt; &lt;ol class=&quot;breadcrumb&quot;&gt; ) [2] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 2 [value] =&gt; &lt;li&gt; ) [3] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 3 [value] =&gt; &lt;em&gt;Vous &ecirc;tes ici : &lt;/em&gt; ) [4] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 4 [value] =&gt; &lt;span itemscope itemtype=&quot;http://data-vocabulary.org/Breadcrumb&quot;&gt; ) [5] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 5 [value] =&gt; &lt;a href=&quot;http://www.maison-ecologique-bois.com/&quot; itemprop=&quot;url&quot;&gt;&lt;span itemprop=&quot;title&quot;&gt;SPCME&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/a&gt; ) [6] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 6 [value] =&gt; &lt;/span&gt; ) [7] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 7 [value] =&gt; &lt;/li&gt; ) [8] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 8 [value] =&gt; ) [9] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; # [name] =&gt; etapes [otag] =&gt; {{ [ctag] =&gt; }} [line] =&gt; 8 [index] =&gt; 294 ) [10] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 8 [value] =&gt; ) [11] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 9 [value] =&gt; &lt;li ) [12] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; # [name] =&gt; last [otag] =&gt; {{ [ctag] =&gt; }} [line] =&gt; 9 [index] =&gt; 309 ) [13] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 9 [value] =&gt; class=&quot;active&quot; ) [14] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; / [name] =&gt; last [otag] =&gt; {{ [ctag] =&gt; }} [line] =&gt; 9 [index] =&gt; 324 ) [15] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 9 [value] =&gt; &gt; ) [16] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 10 [value] =&gt; &lt;span itemscope itemtype=&quot;http://data-vocabulary.org/Breadcrumb&quot; itemprop=&quot;child&quot;&gt; ) [17] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 11 [value] =&gt; &lt;a href=&quot; ) [18] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _v [name] =&gt; lien [otag] =&gt; {{ [ctag] =&gt; }} [line] =&gt; 11 [index] =&gt; 442 ) [19] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 11 [value] =&gt; &quot; itemprop=&quot;url&quot;&gt;&lt;span itemprop=&quot;title&quot;&gt; ) [20] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _v [name] =&gt; titre [otag] =&gt; {{ [ctag] =&gt; }} [line] =&gt; 11 [index] =&gt; 491 ) [21] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 11 [value] =&gt; &lt;/span&gt;&lt;/a&gt; ) [22] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 12 [value] =&gt; &lt;/span&gt; ) [23] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 13 [value] =&gt; &lt;/li&gt; ) [24] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 14 [value] =&gt; ) [25] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; / [name] =&gt; etapes [otag] =&gt; {{ [ctag] =&gt; }} [line] =&gt; 14 [index] =&gt; 524 ) [26] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 14 [value] =&gt; ) [27] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 15 [value] =&gt; &lt;/ol&gt; ) [28] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 16 [value] =&gt; &lt;/nav&gt; ) ) [seenTag:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] =&gt; 526 [line:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] =&gt; 16 [otag:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] =&gt; {{ [ctag:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] =&gt; }} [otagLen:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] =&gt; 2 [ctagLen:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] =&gt; 2 ) [parser:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Mustache_Parser Object ( [lineNum:Mustache_Parser:private] =&gt; 16 [lineTokens:Mustache_Parser:private] =&gt; 0 [pragmas:Mustache_Parser:private] =&gt; Array ( ) [defaultPragmas:Mustache_Parser:private] =&gt; Array ( ) [pragmaFilters:Mustache_Parser:private] =&gt; [pragmaBlocks:Mustache_Parser:private] =&gt; ) [compiler:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Mustache_Compiler Object ( [pragmas:Mustache_Compiler:private] =&gt; Array ( ) [defaultPragmas:Mustache_Compiler:private] =&gt; Array ( ) [sections:Mustache_Compiler:private] =&gt; Array ( [A779d0e8be975469e74058d6ae113a3d] =&gt; private function sectionA779d0e8be975469e74058d6ae113a3d(Mustache_Context $context, $indent, $value) { $buffer = ''; if (!is_string($value) &amp;&amp; is_callable($value)) { $source = ' class=&quot;active&quot;'; $result = call_user_func($value, $source, $this-&gt;lambdaHelper); if (strpos($result, '{{') === false) { $buffer .= $result; } else { $buffer .= $this-&gt;mustache -&gt;loadLambda((string) $result) -&gt;renderInternal($context); } } elseif (!empty($value)) { $values = $this-&gt;isIterable($value) ? $value : array($value); foreach ($values as $value) { $context-&gt;push($value); $buffer .= ' class=&quot;active&quot;'; $context-&gt;pop(); } } return $buffer; } [C2e4c5434e2e39fe39a6c51bf35aa05a] =&gt; private function sectionC2e4c5434e2e39fe39a6c51bf35aa05a(Mustache_Context $context, $indent, $value) { $buffer = ''; if (!is_string($value) &amp;&amp; is_callable($value)) { $source = ' &lt;li{{#last}} class=&quot;active&quot;{{/last}}&gt; &lt;span itemscope itemtype=&quot;http://data-vocabulary.org/Breadcrumb&quot; itemprop=&quot;child&quot;&gt; &lt;a href=&quot;{{lien}}&quot; itemprop=&quot;url&quot;&gt;&lt;span itemprop=&quot;title&quot;&gt;{{titre}}&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/a&gt; &lt;/span&gt; &lt;/li&gt; '; $result = call_user_func($value, $source, $this-&gt;lambdaHelper); if (strpos($result, '{{') === false) { $buffer .= $result; } else { $buffer .= $this-&gt;mustache -&gt;loadLambda((string) $result) -&gt;renderInternal($context); } } elseif (!empty($value)) { $values = $this-&gt;isIterable($value) ? $value : array($value); foreach ($values as $value) { $context-&gt;push($value); $buffer .= $indent . ' &lt;li'; // 'last' section $value = $context-&gt;find('last'); $buffer .= $this-&gt;sectionA779d0e8be975469e74058d6ae113a3d($context, $indent, $value); $buffer .= '&gt; '; $buffer .= $indent . ' &lt;span itemscope itemtype=&quot;http://data-vocabulary.org/Breadcrumb&quot; itemprop=&quot;child&quot;&gt; '; $buffer .= $indent . ' &lt;a href=&quot;'; $value = $this-&gt;resolveValue($context-&gt;find('lien'), $context, $indent); $buffer .= htmlspecialchars($value, 2, 'UTF-8'); $buffer .= '&quot; itemprop=&quot;url&quot;&gt;&lt;span itemprop=&quot;title&quot;&gt;'; $value = $this-&gt;resolveValue($context-&gt;find('titre'), $context, $indent); $buffer .= htmlspecialchars($value, 2, 'UTF-8'); $buffer .= '&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/a&gt; '; $buffer .= $indent . ' &lt;/span&gt; '; $buffer .= $indent . ' &lt;/li&gt; '; $context-&gt;pop(); } } return $buffer; } ) [source:Mustache_Compiler:private] =&gt; &lt;nav id=&quot;bloc_ariane&quot;&gt; &lt;ol class=&quot;breadcrumb&quot;&gt; &lt;li&gt; &lt;em&gt;Vous &ecirc;tes ici : &lt;/em&gt; &lt;span itemscope itemtype=&quot;http://data-vocabulary.org/Breadcrumb&quot;&gt; &lt;a href=&quot;http://www.maison-ecologique-bois.com/&quot; itemprop=&quot;url&quot;&gt;&lt;span itemprop=&quot;title&quot;&gt;SPCME&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/a&gt; &lt;/span&gt; &lt;/li&gt; {{#etapes}} &lt;li{{#last}} class=&quot;active&quot;{{/last}}&gt; &lt;span itemscope itemtype=&quot;http://data-vocabulary.org/Breadcrumb&quot; itemprop=&quot;child&quot;&gt; &lt;a href=&quot;{{lien}}&quot; itemprop=&quot;url&quot;&gt;&lt;span itemprop=&quot;title&quot;&gt;{{titre}}&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/a&gt; &lt;/span&gt; &lt;/li&gt; {{/etapes}} &lt;/ol&gt; &lt;/nav&gt; [indentNextLine:Mustache_Compiler:private] =&gt; [customEscape:Mustache_Compiler:private] =&gt; [entityFlags:Mustache_Compiler:private] =&gt; 2 [charset:Mustache_Compiler:private] =&gt; UTF-8 [strictCallables:Mustache_Compiler:private] =&gt; ) ) [tab_run] =&gt; Array ( [0] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; redirections [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Main ) [1] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; front [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Main ) [2] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; parse_mustaches [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Main [moustache] =&gt; front [params_run] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; affiche [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; [query] =&gt; [titre] =&gt; residence-senior [lang] =&gt; en ) ) [3] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; parse_mustaches [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Main [moustache] =&gt; haut [params_run] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; affiche [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; [query] =&gt; [titre] =&gt; residence-senior [lang] =&gt; en ) ) [4] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; parse_mustaches [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Main [moustache] =&gt; bas [params_run] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; affiche [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; [query] =&gt; [titre] =&gt; residence-senior [lang] =&gt; en ) ) [5] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; parse_mustaches [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Main [moustache] =&gt; scripts [params_run] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; affiche [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; [query] =&gt; [titre] =&gt; residence-senior [lang] =&gt; en ) ) ) [template] =&gt; archic [_template] =&gt; archic [template_admin] =&gt; archic [tab_lang] =&gt; Array ( [_LAST_ACCESS] =&gt; Derniers acc&egrave;s ) [_db] =&gt; sqlDB Object ( [_config:sqlDB:private] =&gt; Array ( [user] =&gt; maison-ecolo [pwd] =&gt; iR9&amp;ni53H6mhu8^1 [db_name] =&gt; maison-ecolo [server] =&gt; localhost [type_db] =&gt; mysql ) [_pdo:sqlDB:private] =&gt; 1 [_handler:sqlDB:private] =&gt; PDO Object ( ) [_res:sqlDB:private] =&gt; [_req] =&gt; [_fetched:sqlDB:private] =&gt; [_curr_line:sqlDB:private] =&gt; 0 [_error:sqlDB:private] =&gt; errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_ligne:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_objContext:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_message:errorClass:private] =&gt; ) ) [_use_bdd] =&gt; 1 [_title] =&gt; [_ariane] =&gt; [_titre] =&gt; [_h1] =&gt; [_description] =&gt; [_keywords] =&gt; [_template_admin] =&gt; archic [_template_admin_admin] =&gt; [_responsive] =&gt; 1 [_responsive_admin] =&gt; [_auto_scroll] =&gt; 1 [_auto_scroll_admin] =&gt; [_annee_creation_site] =&gt; 2015 [_annee_creation_site_admin] =&gt; [_id_google_anaytics] =&gt; UA-53704286-21 [_id_google_anaytics_admin] =&gt; [_id_client_analytics] =&gt; 520640658396-ljfr1f1bh5hk9hq7uhtc15h2ud6bq8q3.apps.googleusercontent.com [_id_client_analytics_admin] =&gt; [_limite_derniers_acces] =&gt; 10 [_limite_derniers_acces_admin] =&gt; [primary_params] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; redirections [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Main ) ) [Contact] =&gt; Contact Object ( [_name] =&gt; Contact [_modules_root] =&gt; modules/Contact [_modulo] =&gt; Modulo Object *RECURSION* [_messenger] =&gt; Messenger Object ( [_index:Messenger:private] =&gt; Contact ) [_errorer] =&gt; errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_ligne:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_objContext:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_message:errorClass:private] =&gt; ) [_mustache] =&gt; Mustache_Engine Object ( [templates:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Array ( ) [templateClassPrefix:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; __Mustache_ [cache:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [lambdaCache:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [cacheLambdaTemplates:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [loader:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [partialsLoader:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [helpers:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [escape:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [entityFlags:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; 2 [charset:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; UTF-8 [logger:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [strictCallables:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [pragmas:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Array ( ) [tokenizer:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [parser:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [compiler:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; ) [tab_run] =&gt; Array ( ) [template] =&gt; archic [_template] =&gt; archic [template_admin] =&gt; archic [tab_lang] =&gt; Array ( [META_DESC_DEFAUT_CONTACT] =&gt; Nous contacter [TITRE_PAGE_CONTACT] =&gt; Nous contacter [PAGE_VIDE_CONTACT] =&gt; Aucune formulaire n'est disponible. [MESSAGE_INTROUVABLE_CONTACT] =&gt; Attention ! La page demand&eacute;e est introuvable ou n'existe pas. [LIEN_RETOUR_FORMULAIRE] =&gt; &lt;a href=&quot;./fr/contact/&quot;&gt;Retour au formulaire de contact&lt;/a&gt; [ERREUR_FLOOD] =&gt; Le nombre d'envoi de messages est limit&eacute; sur une courte p&eacute;riode (protection anti-flood) :&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Vous devez patienter avant de tenter d'envoyer un nouveau message. [ERREUR_CAPTCHA] =&gt; Notre syst&egrave;me anti-robot a arr&ecirc;t&eacute; le traitement de ce formulaire. Veuillez recommencer. [ERREUR_FORMULAIRE] =&gt; Une erreur est survenue lors du traitement de votre demande.&lt;br /&gt;Merci de r&eacute;essayer plus tard ou d'&eacute;crire directement &agrave; &lt;a href=&quot;mailto:contact@maison-ecologique-bois.com&quot;&gt;contact@maison-ecologique-bois.com&lt;/a&gt; [CONTACT_INTRO] =&gt; Pour toute demande de renseignements remplissez le formulaire de contact; Nous vous r&eacute;pondrons dans les meilleurs d&eacute;lais. [CHAMPS_OBLIGATOIRES] =&gt; Les champs marqu&eacute;s d'une &lt;span class=&quot;glyphicon glyphicon-asterisk&quot;&gt;&lt;/span&gt; doivent &ecirc;tre renseign&eacute;s. [LABEL_TEL] =&gt; T&eacute;l&eacute;phone [LABEL_FAX] =&gt; Fax [LABEL_MOB] =&gt; Mobile [LABEL_MEL] =&gt; Courriel [LABEL_WEB] =&gt; Web [LABEL_CIVILITE] =&gt; Civilit&eacute; [LABEL_NOM] =&gt; Nom [LABEL_PRENOM] =&gt; Pr&eacute;nom [LABEL_SOCIETE] =&gt; Soci&eacute;t&eacute; [LABEL_ADRESSE] =&gt; Adresse [LABEL_CODE_POSTAL] =&gt; Code postal [LABEL_VILLE] =&gt; Ville [LABEL_MESSAGE] =&gt; Votre message [LABEL_ENVOYER] =&gt; Envoyer [MESSAGE_ENVOYE] =&gt; Votre message a bien &eacute;t&eacute; envoy&eacute; et sera trait&eacute; dans les meilleurs d&eacute;lais. [TITLE_MENTIONS_LEGALES] =&gt; Mentions l&eacute;gales [H1_MENTIONS_LEGALES] =&gt; Mentions l&eacute;gales du site SPCME [TITRE_MENTIONS_LEGALES] =&gt; Mentions l&eacute;gales ) [_db] =&gt; sqlDB Object ( [_config:sqlDB:private] =&gt; Array ( [user] =&gt; maison-ecolo [pwd] =&gt; iR9&amp;ni53H6mhu8^1 [db_name] =&gt; maison-ecolo [server] =&gt; localhost [type_db] =&gt; mysql ) [_pdo:sqlDB:private] =&gt; 1 [_handler:sqlDB:private] =&gt; PDO Object ( ) [_res:sqlDB:private] =&gt; [_req] =&gt; [_fetched:sqlDB:private] =&gt; [_curr_line:sqlDB:private] =&gt; 0 [_error:sqlDB:private] =&gt; errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_ligne:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_objContext:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_message:errorClass:private] =&gt; ) ) [_use_bdd] =&gt; 1 [_title] =&gt; Nous contacter [_ariane] =&gt; Nous contacter [_titre] =&gt; Nous contacter [_h1] =&gt; Nous contacter [_description] =&gt; Nous contacter [_keywords] =&gt; Nous contacter [_rep_images] =&gt; ../images/interface/ [_rep_images_admin] =&gt; [__STRUCTURE] =&gt; SPCME [__STRUCTURE_admin] =&gt; [__SITE_URL] =&gt; maison-bois-economique.com [__SITE_URL_admin] =&gt; [__URL] =&gt; http://www.maison-ecologique-bois.com [__URL_admin] =&gt; [__SITE_NOM] =&gt; SPCME [__SITE_NOM_admin] =&gt; [__SIRET] =&gt; 5307343000001 [__SIRET_admin] =&gt; [__ADRESSE] =&gt; 7 route de Pinas [__ADRESSE_admin] =&gt; [__CODE_POSTAL] =&gt; 31580 [__CODE_POSTAL_admin] =&gt; [__VILLE] =&gt; BOUDRAC [__VILLE_admin] =&gt; [__TEL] =&gt; 05 61 88 95 38 [__TEL_admin] =&gt; [__FAX] =&gt; [__FAX_admin] =&gt; [__PORTABLE] =&gt; [__PORTABLE_admin] =&gt; [__EMAIL] =&gt; contact@maison-ecologique-bois.com [__EMAIL_admin] =&gt; [__REGION] =&gt; Midi-Pyr&eacute;n&eacute;es [__REGION_admin] =&gt; [__PAYS] =&gt; France [__PAYS_admin] =&gt; [__LAT] =&gt; 0 [__LAT_admin] =&gt; [__LONG] =&gt; 0 [__LONG_admin] =&gt; [_chps_civilite] =&gt; 1 [_chps_civilite_admin] =&gt; [_chps_nom] =&gt; 1 [_chps_nom_admin] =&gt; [_chps_prenom] =&gt; 1 [_chps_prenom_admin] =&gt; [_chps_societe] =&gt; 1 [_chps_societe_admin] =&gt; [_chps_adresse] =&gt; 1 [_chps_adresse_admin] =&gt; [_chps_cp] =&gt; 1 [_chps_cp_admin] =&gt; [_chps_ville] =&gt; 1 [_chps_ville_admin] =&gt; [_chps_mail] =&gt; 1 [_chps_mail_admin] =&gt; [_chps_tel] =&gt; 1 [_chps_tel_admin] =&gt; [_chps_fax] =&gt; 1 [_chps_fax_admin] =&gt; [_chps_mobile] =&gt; 1 [_chps_mobile_admin] =&gt; [_template_admin] =&gt; archic ) [Pages] =&gt; Pages Object *RECURSION* [Droits] =&gt; Droits Object ( [_name] =&gt; Droits [_modules_root] =&gt; modules/Droits [_modulo] =&gt; Modulo Object *RECURSION* [_messenger] =&gt; Messenger Object ( [_index:Messenger:private] =&gt; Droits ) [_errorer] =&gt; errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_ligne:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_objContext:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_message:errorClass:private] =&gt; ) [_mustache] =&gt; Mustache_Engine Object ( [templates:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Array ( ) [templateClassPrefix:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; __Mustache_ [cache:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [lambdaCache:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [cacheLambdaTemplates:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [loader:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [partialsLoader:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [helpers:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [escape:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [entityFlags:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; 2 [charset:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; UTF-8 [logger:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [strictCallables:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [pragmas:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Array ( ) [tokenizer:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [parser:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [compiler:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; ) [tab_run] =&gt; Array ( [0] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; ariane [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; [query] =&gt; [titre] =&gt; residence-senior [lang] =&gt; en [params] =&gt; all ) [1] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; h1 [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; [query] =&gt; [titre] =&gt; residence-senior [lang] =&gt; en [params] =&gt; all ) [2] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; affiche [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; [query] =&gt; [titre] =&gt; residence-senior [lang] =&gt; en [params] =&gt; all ) ) [template] =&gt; archic [_template] =&gt; archic [template_admin] =&gt; archic [tab_lang] =&gt; Array ( ) [_db] =&gt; sqlDB Object ( [_config:sqlDB:private] =&gt; Array ( [user] =&gt; maison-ecolo [pwd] =&gt; iR9&amp;ni53H6mhu8^1 [db_name] =&gt; maison-ecolo [server] =&gt; localhost [type_db] =&gt; mysql ) [_pdo:sqlDB:private] =&gt; 1 [_handler:sqlDB:private] =&gt; PDO Object ( ) [_res:sqlDB:private] =&gt; PDOStatement Object ( [queryString] =&gt; SHOW TABLES LIKE 'mod_droits_acces' ) [_req] =&gt; SHOW TABLES LIKE 'mod_droits_acces' [_fetched:sqlDB:private] =&gt; [_curr_line:sqlDB:private] =&gt; 0 [_error:sqlDB:private] =&gt; errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_ligne:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_objContext:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_message:errorClass:private] =&gt; ) ) [_use_bdd] =&gt; 1 [_title] =&gt; [_ariane] =&gt; [_titre] =&gt; [_h1] =&gt; [_description] =&gt; [_keywords] =&gt; [_id_groupe_visiteurs] =&gt; 4 [_id_groupe_visiteurs_admin] =&gt; [_template_admin] =&gt; archic [primary_params] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; ariane [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; [query] =&gt; [titre] =&gt; residence-senior [lang] =&gt; en [params] =&gt; all ) ) ) [_modules_root] =&gt; modules/ [_chaines] =&gt; chaines Object ( ) [_horloge] =&gt; horloge Object ( [_format] =&gt; [_tab] =&gt; Array ( [seconds] =&gt; 51 [minutes] =&gt; 28 [hours] =&gt; 12 [mday] =&gt; 13 [wday] =&gt; 4 [mon] =&gt; 2 [year] =&gt; 2025 [yday] =&gt; 43 [weekday] =&gt; Thursday [month] =&gt; February [0] =&gt; 1739446131 ) [_tab_jour] =&gt; Array ( [0] =&gt; Dimanche [1] =&gt; Lundi [2] =&gt; Mardi [3] =&gt; Mercredi [4] =&gt; Jeudi [5] =&gt; Vendredi [6] =&gt; Samedi ) [_tab_mois] =&gt; Array ( [0] =&gt; Msgn&deg; [1] =&gt; Janvier [2] =&gt; F&eacute;vrier [3] =&gt; Mars [4] =&gt; Avril [5] =&gt; Mai [6] =&gt; Juin [7] =&gt; Juillet [8] =&gt; Ao&ucirc;t [9] =&gt; Septembre [10] =&gt; Octobre [11] =&gt; Novembre [12] =&gt; D&eacute;cembre ) [_datetime] =&gt; [format] =&gt; d/m/Y H:i:s ) [_lien] =&gt; Lien Object ( [_module] =&gt; [_id] =&gt; [_titre] =&gt; [_numpage] =&gt; [_objet] =&gt; [_action] =&gt; [_type] =&gt; [_id2] =&gt; [_id3] =&gt; [_option] =&gt; [_param] =&gt; [_admin] =&gt; ) ) [_messenger] =&gt; Messenger Object ( [_index:Messenger:private] =&gt; Pages ) [_errorer] =&gt; errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_ligne:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_objContext:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_message:errorClass:private] =&gt; ) [_mustache] =&gt; Mustache_Engine Object ( [templates:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Array ( ) [templateClassPrefix:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; __Mustache_ [cache:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [lambdaCache:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [cacheLambdaTemplates:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [loader:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [partialsLoader:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [helpers:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [escape:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [entityFlags:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; 2 [charset:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; UTF-8 [logger:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [strictCallables:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [pragmas:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Array ( ) [tokenizer:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [parser:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [compiler:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; ) [tab_run] =&gt; Array ( [0] =&gt; Array ( [titre] =&gt; residence-senior ) [1] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; description [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [titre] =&gt; residence-senior ) [2] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; ariane [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; [query] =&gt; [titre] =&gt; residence-senior [lang] =&gt; en [params] =&gt; all ) [3] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; ariane [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; [query] =&gt; [titre] =&gt; residence-senior [lang] =&gt; en [params] =&gt; all ) [4] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; h1 [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; [query] =&gt; [titre] =&gt; residence-senior [lang] =&gt; en [params] =&gt; all ) [5] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; h1 [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; [query] =&gt; [titre] =&gt; residence-senior [lang] =&gt; en [params] =&gt; all ) [6] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; affiche [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; [query] =&gt; [titre] =&gt; residence-senior [lang] =&gt; en [params] =&gt; all ) [7] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; affiche [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; [query] =&gt; [titre] =&gt; residence-senior [lang] =&gt; en [params] =&gt; all ) ) [template] =&gt; archic [_template] =&gt; archic [template_admin] =&gt; archic [tab_lang] =&gt; Array ( [META_DESC_DEFAUT] =&gt; Page dynamique [Metadesc] =&gt; Page dynamique [TITRE_PAGE_INTROUVABLE] =&gt; Page introuvable ! [titre_page] =&gt; Page introuvable ! [PAGE_VIDE] =&gt; Cette page ne comporte aucun contenu. [PAGE_INTROUVABLE] =&gt; Attention ! La page demand&eacute;e est introuvable ou n'existe pas. [CHAINE_RETOUR_ACCUEIL] =&gt; Attention ! La page demand&eacute;e est introuvable ou n'existe pas.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;a href=&quot;http://www.maison-ecologique-bois.com/&quot; title=&quot;Retour a l'accueil&quot;&gt;Retour &amp;agrave; l'accueil&lt;/a&gt; [SOMMAIRE] =&gt; Sommaire [PAGE_PRECEDENTE] =&gt; Page pr&eacute;c&eacute;dente [PAGE_SUIVANTE] =&gt; Page suivante [PAGER_STRING] =&gt; Page {current_page} sur {max_page} ) [_db] =&gt; sqlDB Object ( [_config:sqlDB:private] =&gt; Array ( [user] =&gt; maison-ecolo [pwd] =&gt; iR9&amp;ni53H6mhu8^1 [db_name] =&gt; maison-ecolo [server] =&gt; localhost [type_db] =&gt; mysql ) [_pdo:sqlDB:private] =&gt; 1 [_handler:sqlDB:private] =&gt; PDO Object ( ) [_res:sqlDB:private] =&gt; PDOStatement Object ( [queryString] =&gt; SHOW TABLES LIKE 'mod_pages_contenu' ) [_req] =&gt; SHOW TABLES LIKE 'mod_pages_contenu' [_fetched:sqlDB:private] =&gt; [_curr_line:sqlDB:private] =&gt; 0 [_error:sqlDB:private] =&gt; errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_ligne:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_objContext:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_message:errorClass:private] =&gt; ) ) [_use_bdd] =&gt; 1 [_title] =&gt; R&eacute;sidence senior [_ariane] =&gt; R&eacute;sidence senior [_titre] =&gt; Page introuvable ! [_h1] =&gt; R&eacute;sidence senior [_description] =&gt; SPCME va construire pour vous suivant son savoir faire, 31 maisons &agrave;&nbsp;la norme handicap&eacute;, pour votre qualit&eacute; de vie et en ind&eacute;pendance &eacute;nerg&eacute;tique, c'est-&agrave;-dire des maisons n'ayant pas besoin de chauffage ni de climatisation, dont les besoins sont couvert par la production d'&eacute;lectricit&eacute; photovolta&iuml;que pour les &eacute;conomies. [_keywords] =&gt; Page dynamique [_template_admin] =&gt; archic [_rep_images] =&gt; images/pages/ [_rep_images_admin] =&gt; [_mini_lg_max] =&gt; 400 [_mini_lg_max_admin] =&gt; [_mini_ht_max] =&gt; 300 [_mini_ht_max_admin] =&gt; [_bandeau_lg_max] =&gt; 650 [_bandeau_lg_max_admin] =&gt; [_bandeau_ht_max] =&gt; 300 [_bandeau_ht_max_admin] =&gt; [_img_lg_max] =&gt; 1024 [_img_lg_max_admin] =&gt; [_img_ht_max] =&gt; 768 [_img_ht_max_admin] =&gt; [_nb_paragraphe_pages] =&gt; 50 [_nb_paragraphe_pages_admin] =&gt; [_action_Galerie] =&gt; affiche [_action_Galerie_admin] =&gt; [_action_CoreSlider] =&gt; slider [_action_CoreSlider_admin] =&gt; [_action_PrestationsCategorie] =&gt; affichecategorie [_action_PrestationsCategorie_admin] =&gt; [primary_params] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; description [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [titre] =&gt; residence-senior ) ) </objet> include(#/var/www/vhosts/maison-ecologique-bois.com/httpdocs/modules/Main/run/front.php#) on line 697 in file /var/www/vhosts/maison-ecologique-bois.com/httpdocs/core/module.class.php run(<span>tableau 2</span><tableau style='display:none;'>#Array ( [objet] =&gt; [action] =&gt; front ) #</tableau>,#1#) on line 252 in file /var/www/vhosts/maison-ecologique-bois.com/httpdocs/core/modulo.class.php <span>objet</span> Main<objet style='display:none;'>Main Object ( [_name] =&gt; Main [_modules_root] =&gt; modules/Main [_modulo] =&gt; Modulo Object ( [_dbConnexion] =&gt; sqlDB Object ( [_config:sqlDB:private] =&gt; Array ( [user] =&gt; maison-ecolo [pwd] =&gt; iR9&amp;ni53H6mhu8^1 [db_name] =&gt; maison-ecolo [server] =&gt; localhost [type_db] =&gt; mysql ) [_pdo:sqlDB:private] =&gt; 1 [_handler:sqlDB:private] =&gt; PDO Object ( ) [_res:sqlDB:private] =&gt; PDOStatement Object ( [queryString] =&gt; SELECT id FROM mod_langues WHERE code_langue='en' ) [_req] =&gt; SELECT id FROM mod_langues WHERE code_langue='en' [_fetched:sqlDB:private] =&gt; [_curr_line:sqlDB:private] =&gt; 1 [_error:sqlDB:private] =&gt; errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_ligne:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_objContext:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_message:errorClass:private] =&gt; ) ) [_modules] =&gt; Modules Object ( [_root_modules] =&gt; modules/ [_mods] =&gt; Array ( [0] =&gt; Actualites [1] =&gt; Agenda [2] =&gt; Annuaires [3] =&gt; Cartes [4] =&gt; Contact [5] =&gt; Droits [6] =&gt; FluxRSS [7] =&gt; Galeries [8] =&gt; Geographie [9] =&gt; Langs [10] =&gt; LiensRef [11] =&gt; Mailing [12] =&gt; Main [13] =&gt; Menu [14] =&gt; Pages [15] =&gt; Panneaux [16] =&gt; Partenaires [17] =&gt; Plans [18] =&gt; Prestations [19] =&gt; Produits [20] =&gt; Realisations [21] =&gt; Referencement [22] =&gt; ReseauxSociaux [23] =&gt; Slider [24] =&gt; Temoignages ) [_modulo] =&gt; Modulo Object *RECURSION* [_nb] =&gt; 25 [url_repo:Modules:private] =&gt; http://modulol.pyreweb.com/getamodule.php ) [_modules_charges] =&gt; Array ( [Main] =&gt; Main Object *RECURSION* [Contact] =&gt; Contact Object ( [_name] =&gt; Contact [_modules_root] =&gt; modules/Contact [_modulo] =&gt; Modulo Object *RECURSION* [_messenger] =&gt; Messenger Object ( [_index:Messenger:private] =&gt; Contact ) [_errorer] =&gt; errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_ligne:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_objContext:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_message:errorClass:private] =&gt; ) [_mustache] =&gt; Mustache_Engine Object ( [templates:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Array ( ) [templateClassPrefix:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; __Mustache_ [cache:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [lambdaCache:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [cacheLambdaTemplates:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [loader:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [partialsLoader:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [helpers:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [escape:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [entityFlags:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; 2 [charset:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; UTF-8 [logger:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [strictCallables:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [pragmas:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Array ( ) [tokenizer:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [parser:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [compiler:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; ) [tab_run] =&gt; Array ( ) [template] =&gt; archic [_template] =&gt; archic [template_admin] =&gt; archic [tab_lang] =&gt; Array ( [META_DESC_DEFAUT_CONTACT] =&gt; Nous contacter [TITRE_PAGE_CONTACT] =&gt; Nous contacter [PAGE_VIDE_CONTACT] =&gt; Aucune formulaire n'est disponible. [MESSAGE_INTROUVABLE_CONTACT] =&gt; Attention ! La page demand&eacute;e est introuvable ou n'existe pas. [LIEN_RETOUR_FORMULAIRE] =&gt; &lt;a href=&quot;./fr/contact/&quot;&gt;Retour au formulaire de contact&lt;/a&gt; [ERREUR_FLOOD] =&gt; Le nombre d'envoi de messages est limit&eacute; sur une courte p&eacute;riode (protection anti-flood) :&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Vous devez patienter avant de tenter d'envoyer un nouveau message. [ERREUR_CAPTCHA] =&gt; Notre syst&egrave;me anti-robot a arr&ecirc;t&eacute; le traitement de ce formulaire. Veuillez recommencer. [ERREUR_FORMULAIRE] =&gt; Une erreur est survenue lors du traitement de votre demande.&lt;br /&gt;Merci de r&eacute;essayer plus tard ou d'&eacute;crire directement &agrave; &lt;a href=&quot;mailto:contact@maison-ecologique-bois.com&quot;&gt;contact@maison-ecologique-bois.com&lt;/a&gt; [CONTACT_INTRO] =&gt; Pour toute demande de renseignements remplissez le formulaire de contact; Nous vous r&eacute;pondrons dans les meilleurs d&eacute;lais. [CHAMPS_OBLIGATOIRES] =&gt; Les champs marqu&eacute;s d'une &lt;span class=&quot;glyphicon glyphicon-asterisk&quot;&gt;&lt;/span&gt; doivent &ecirc;tre renseign&eacute;s. [LABEL_TEL] =&gt; T&eacute;l&eacute;phone [LABEL_FAX] =&gt; Fax [LABEL_MOB] =&gt; Mobile [LABEL_MEL] =&gt; Courriel [LABEL_WEB] =&gt; Web [LABEL_CIVILITE] =&gt; Civilit&eacute; [LABEL_NOM] =&gt; Nom [LABEL_PRENOM] =&gt; Pr&eacute;nom [LABEL_SOCIETE] =&gt; Soci&eacute;t&eacute; [LABEL_ADRESSE] =&gt; Adresse [LABEL_CODE_POSTAL] =&gt; Code postal [LABEL_VILLE] =&gt; Ville [LABEL_MESSAGE] =&gt; Votre message [LABEL_ENVOYER] =&gt; Envoyer [MESSAGE_ENVOYE] =&gt; Votre message a bien &eacute;t&eacute; envoy&eacute; et sera trait&eacute; dans les meilleurs d&eacute;lais. [TITLE_MENTIONS_LEGALES] =&gt; Mentions l&eacute;gales [H1_MENTIONS_LEGALES] =&gt; Mentions l&eacute;gales du site SPCME [TITRE_MENTIONS_LEGALES] =&gt; Mentions l&eacute;gales ) [_db] =&gt; sqlDB Object ( [_config:sqlDB:private] =&gt; Array ( [user] =&gt; maison-ecolo [pwd] =&gt; iR9&amp;ni53H6mhu8^1 [db_name] =&gt; maison-ecolo [server] =&gt; localhost [type_db] =&gt; mysql ) [_pdo:sqlDB:private] =&gt; 1 [_handler:sqlDB:private] =&gt; PDO Object ( ) [_res:sqlDB:private] =&gt; [_req] =&gt; [_fetched:sqlDB:private] =&gt; [_curr_line:sqlDB:private] =&gt; 0 [_error:sqlDB:private] =&gt; errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_ligne:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_objContext:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_message:errorClass:private] =&gt; ) ) [_use_bdd] =&gt; 1 [_title] =&gt; Nous contacter [_ariane] =&gt; Nous contacter [_titre] =&gt; Nous contacter [_h1] =&gt; Nous contacter [_description] =&gt; Nous contacter [_keywords] =&gt; Nous contacter [_rep_images] =&gt; ../images/interface/ [_rep_images_admin] =&gt; [__STRUCTURE] =&gt; SPCME [__STRUCTURE_admin] =&gt; [__SITE_URL] =&gt; maison-bois-economique.com [__SITE_URL_admin] =&gt; [__URL] =&gt; http://www.maison-ecologique-bois.com [__URL_admin] =&gt; [__SITE_NOM] =&gt; SPCME [__SITE_NOM_admin] =&gt; [__SIRET] =&gt; 5307343000001 [__SIRET_admin] =&gt; [__ADRESSE] =&gt; 7 route de Pinas [__ADRESSE_admin] =&gt; [__CODE_POSTAL] =&gt; 31580 [__CODE_POSTAL_admin] =&gt; [__VILLE] =&gt; BOUDRAC [__VILLE_admin] =&gt; [__TEL] =&gt; 05 61 88 95 38 [__TEL_admin] =&gt; [__FAX] =&gt; [__FAX_admin] =&gt; [__PORTABLE] =&gt; [__PORTABLE_admin] =&gt; [__EMAIL] =&gt; contact@maison-ecologique-bois.com [__EMAIL_admin] =&gt; [__REGION] =&gt; Midi-Pyr&eacute;n&eacute;es [__REGION_admin] =&gt; [__PAYS] =&gt; France [__PAYS_admin] =&gt; [__LAT] =&gt; 0 [__LAT_admin] =&gt; [__LONG] =&gt; 0 [__LONG_admin] =&gt; [_chps_civilite] =&gt; 1 [_chps_civilite_admin] =&gt; [_chps_nom] =&gt; 1 [_chps_nom_admin] =&gt; [_chps_prenom] =&gt; 1 [_chps_prenom_admin] =&gt; [_chps_societe] =&gt; 1 [_chps_societe_admin] =&gt; [_chps_adresse] =&gt; 1 [_chps_adresse_admin] =&gt; [_chps_cp] =&gt; 1 [_chps_cp_admin] =&gt; [_chps_ville] =&gt; 1 [_chps_ville_admin] =&gt; [_chps_mail] =&gt; 1 [_chps_mail_admin] =&gt; [_chps_tel] =&gt; 1 [_chps_tel_admin] =&gt; [_chps_fax] =&gt; 1 [_chps_fax_admin] =&gt; [_chps_mobile] =&gt; 1 [_chps_mobile_admin] =&gt; [_template_admin] =&gt; archic ) [Pages] =&gt; Pages Object ( [_id_cat] =&gt; 0 [_id_page] =&gt; 16 [_sommaire] =&gt; 1 [_chapeau] =&gt; [_nom_rewrite] =&gt; residence-senior [_name] =&gt; Pages [_modules_root] =&gt; modules/Pages [_modulo] =&gt; Modulo Object *RECURSION* [_messenger] =&gt; Messenger Object ( [_index:Messenger:private] =&gt; Pages ) [_errorer] =&gt; errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_ligne:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_objContext:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_message:errorClass:private] =&gt; ) [_mustache] =&gt; Mustache_Engine Object ( [templates:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Array ( ) [templateClassPrefix:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; __Mustache_ [cache:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [lambdaCache:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [cacheLambdaTemplates:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [loader:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [partialsLoader:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [helpers:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [escape:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [entityFlags:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; 2 [charset:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; UTF-8 [logger:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [strictCallables:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [pragmas:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Array ( ) [tokenizer:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [parser:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [compiler:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; ) [tab_run] =&gt; Array ( [0] =&gt; Array ( [titre] =&gt; residence-senior ) [1] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; description [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [titre] =&gt; residence-senior ) [2] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; ariane [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; [query] =&gt; [titre] =&gt; residence-senior [lang] =&gt; en [params] =&gt; all ) [3] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; ariane [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; [query] =&gt; [titre] =&gt; residence-senior [lang] =&gt; en [params] =&gt; all ) [4] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; h1 [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; [query] =&gt; [titre] =&gt; residence-senior [lang] =&gt; en [params] =&gt; all ) [5] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; h1 [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; [query] =&gt; [titre] =&gt; residence-senior [lang] =&gt; en [params] =&gt; all ) [6] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; affiche [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; [query] =&gt; [titre] =&gt; residence-senior [lang] =&gt; en [params] =&gt; all ) [7] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; affiche [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; [query] =&gt; [titre] =&gt; residence-senior [lang] =&gt; en [params] =&gt; all ) ) [template] =&gt; archic [_template] =&gt; archic [template_admin] =&gt; archic [tab_lang] =&gt; Array ( [META_DESC_DEFAUT] =&gt; Page dynamique [Metadesc] =&gt; Page dynamique [TITRE_PAGE_INTROUVABLE] =&gt; Page introuvable ! [titre_page] =&gt; Page introuvable ! [PAGE_VIDE] =&gt; Cette page ne comporte aucun contenu. [PAGE_INTROUVABLE] =&gt; Attention ! La page demand&eacute;e est introuvable ou n'existe pas. [CHAINE_RETOUR_ACCUEIL] =&gt; Attention ! La page demand&eacute;e est introuvable ou n'existe pas.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;a href=&quot;http://www.maison-ecologique-bois.com/&quot; title=&quot;Retour a l'accueil&quot;&gt;Retour &amp;agrave; l'accueil&lt;/a&gt; [SOMMAIRE] =&gt; Sommaire [PAGE_PRECEDENTE] =&gt; Page pr&eacute;c&eacute;dente [PAGE_SUIVANTE] =&gt; Page suivante [PAGER_STRING] =&gt; Page {current_page} sur {max_page} ) [_db] =&gt; sqlDB Object ( [_config:sqlDB:private] =&gt; Array ( [user] =&gt; maison-ecolo [pwd] =&gt; iR9&amp;ni53H6mhu8^1 [db_name] =&gt; maison-ecolo [server] =&gt; localhost [type_db] =&gt; mysql ) [_pdo:sqlDB:private] =&gt; 1 [_handler:sqlDB:private] =&gt; PDO Object ( ) [_res:sqlDB:private] =&gt; PDOStatement Object ( [queryString] =&gt; SHOW TABLES LIKE 'mod_pages_contenu' ) [_req] =&gt; SHOW TABLES LIKE 'mod_pages_contenu' [_fetched:sqlDB:private] =&gt; [_curr_line:sqlDB:private] =&gt; 0 [_error:sqlDB:private] =&gt; errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_ligne:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_objContext:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_message:errorClass:private] =&gt; ) ) [_use_bdd] =&gt; 1 [_title] =&gt; R&eacute;sidence senior [_ariane] =&gt; R&eacute;sidence senior [_titre] =&gt; Page introuvable ! [_h1] =&gt; R&eacute;sidence senior [_description] =&gt; SPCME va construire pour vous suivant son savoir faire, 31 maisons &agrave;&nbsp;la norme handicap&eacute;, pour votre qualit&eacute; de vie et en ind&eacute;pendance &eacute;nerg&eacute;tique, c'est-&agrave;-dire des maisons n'ayant pas besoin de chauffage ni de climatisation, dont les besoins sont couvert par la production d'&eacute;lectricit&eacute; photovolta&iuml;que pour les &eacute;conomies. [_keywords] =&gt; Page dynamique [_template_admin] =&gt; archic [_rep_images] =&gt; images/pages/ [_rep_images_admin] =&gt; [_mini_lg_max] =&gt; 400 [_mini_lg_max_admin] =&gt; [_mini_ht_max] =&gt; 300 [_mini_ht_max_admin] =&gt; [_bandeau_lg_max] =&gt; 650 [_bandeau_lg_max_admin] =&gt; [_bandeau_ht_max] =&gt; 300 [_bandeau_ht_max_admin] =&gt; [_img_lg_max] =&gt; 1024 [_img_lg_max_admin] =&gt; [_img_ht_max] =&gt; 768 [_img_ht_max_admin] =&gt; [_nb_paragraphe_pages] =&gt; 50 [_nb_paragraphe_pages_admin] =&gt; [_action_Galerie] =&gt; affiche [_action_Galerie_admin] =&gt; [_action_CoreSlider] =&gt; slider [_action_CoreSlider_admin] =&gt; [_action_PrestationsCategorie] =&gt; affichecategorie [_action_PrestationsCategorie_admin] =&gt; [primary_params] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; description [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [titre] =&gt; residence-senior ) ) [Droits] =&gt; Droits Object ( [_name] =&gt; Droits [_modules_root] =&gt; modules/Droits [_modulo] =&gt; Modulo Object *RECURSION* [_messenger] =&gt; Messenger Object ( [_index:Messenger:private] =&gt; Droits ) [_errorer] =&gt; errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_ligne:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_objContext:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_message:errorClass:private] =&gt; ) [_mustache] =&gt; Mustache_Engine Object ( [templates:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Array ( ) [templateClassPrefix:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; __Mustache_ [cache:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [lambdaCache:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [cacheLambdaTemplates:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [loader:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [partialsLoader:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [helpers:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [escape:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [entityFlags:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; 2 [charset:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; UTF-8 [logger:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [strictCallables:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [pragmas:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Array ( ) [tokenizer:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [parser:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [compiler:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; ) [tab_run] =&gt; Array ( [0] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; ariane [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; [query] =&gt; [titre] =&gt; residence-senior [lang] =&gt; en [params] =&gt; all ) [1] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; h1 [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; [query] =&gt; [titre] =&gt; residence-senior [lang] =&gt; en [params] =&gt; all ) [2] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; affiche [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; [query] =&gt; [titre] =&gt; residence-senior [lang] =&gt; en [params] =&gt; all ) ) [template] =&gt; archic [_template] =&gt; archic [template_admin] =&gt; archic [tab_lang] =&gt; Array ( ) [_db] =&gt; sqlDB Object ( [_config:sqlDB:private] =&gt; Array ( [user] =&gt; maison-ecolo [pwd] =&gt; iR9&amp;ni53H6mhu8^1 [db_name] =&gt; maison-ecolo [server] =&gt; localhost [type_db] =&gt; mysql ) [_pdo:sqlDB:private] =&gt; 1 [_handler:sqlDB:private] =&gt; PDO Object ( ) [_res:sqlDB:private] =&gt; PDOStatement Object ( [queryString] =&gt; SHOW TABLES LIKE 'mod_droits_acces' ) [_req] =&gt; SHOW TABLES LIKE 'mod_droits_acces' [_fetched:sqlDB:private] =&gt; [_curr_line:sqlDB:private] =&gt; 0 [_error:sqlDB:private] =&gt; errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_ligne:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_objContext:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_message:errorClass:private] =&gt; ) ) [_use_bdd] =&gt; 1 [_title] =&gt; [_ariane] =&gt; [_titre] =&gt; [_h1] =&gt; [_description] =&gt; [_keywords] =&gt; [_id_groupe_visiteurs] =&gt; 4 [_id_groupe_visiteurs_admin] =&gt; [_template_admin] =&gt; archic [primary_params] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; ariane [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; [query] =&gt; [titre] =&gt; residence-senior [lang] =&gt; en [params] =&gt; all ) ) ) [_modules_root] =&gt; modules/ [_chaines] =&gt; chaines Object ( ) [_horloge] =&gt; horloge Object ( [_format] =&gt; [_tab] =&gt; Array ( [seconds] =&gt; 51 [minutes] =&gt; 28 [hours] =&gt; 12 [mday] =&gt; 13 [wday] =&gt; 4 [mon] =&gt; 2 [year] =&gt; 2025 [yday] =&gt; 43 [weekday] =&gt; Thursday [month] =&gt; February [0] =&gt; 1739446131 ) [_tab_jour] =&gt; Array ( [0] =&gt; Dimanche [1] =&gt; Lundi [2] =&gt; Mardi [3] =&gt; Mercredi [4] =&gt; Jeudi [5] =&gt; Vendredi [6] =&gt; Samedi ) [_tab_mois] =&gt; Array ( [0] =&gt; Msgn&deg; [1] =&gt; Janvier [2] =&gt; F&eacute;vrier [3] =&gt; Mars [4] =&gt; Avril [5] =&gt; Mai [6] =&gt; Juin [7] =&gt; Juillet [8] =&gt; Ao&ucirc;t [9] =&gt; Septembre [10] =&gt; Octobre [11] =&gt; Novembre [12] =&gt; D&eacute;cembre ) [_datetime] =&gt; [format] =&gt; d/m/Y H:i:s ) [_lien] =&gt; Lien Object ( [_module] =&gt; [_id] =&gt; [_titre] =&gt; [_numpage] =&gt; [_objet] =&gt; [_action] =&gt; [_type] =&gt; [_id2] =&gt; [_id3] =&gt; [_option] =&gt; [_param] =&gt; [_admin] =&gt; ) ) [_messenger] =&gt; Messenger Object ( [_index:Messenger:private] =&gt; Main ) [_errorer] =&gt; errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_ligne:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_objContext:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_message:errorClass:private] =&gt; ) [_mustache] =&gt; Mustache_Engine Object ( [templates:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Array ( [__Mustache_5f56c851127defa716be869a0b94aa85] =&gt; __Mustache_5f56c851127defa716be869a0b94aa85 Object ( [lambdaHelper:__Mustache_5f56c851127defa716be869a0b94aa85:private] =&gt; Mustache_LambdaHelper Object ( [mustache:Mustache_LambdaHelper:private] =&gt; Mustache_Engine Object *RECURSION* [context:Mustache_LambdaHelper:private] =&gt; Mustache_Context Object ( [stack:Mustache_Context:private] =&gt; Array ( [0] =&gt; Array ( [etapes] =&gt; Array ( [0] =&gt; Array ( [titre] =&gt; G&eacute;n&eacute;ral [lien] =&gt; Lien Object ( [_module] =&gt; Pages [_id] =&gt; 1 [_titre] =&gt; [_numpage] =&gt; [_objet] =&gt; categorie [_action] =&gt; [_type] =&gt; [_id2] =&gt; [_id3] =&gt; [_option] =&gt; [_param] =&gt; [_admin] =&gt; ) ) [1] =&gt; Array ( [titre] =&gt; R&eacute;sidence senior [lien] =&gt; Lien Object ( [_module] =&gt; Pages [_id] =&gt; 16 [_titre] =&gt; [_numpage] =&gt; [_objet] =&gt; page [_action] =&gt; [_type] =&gt; [_id2] =&gt; [_id3] =&gt; [_option] =&gt; [_param] =&gt; [_admin] =&gt; ) [last] =&gt; 1 [first] =&gt; 1 ) ) ) ) [blockStack:Mustache_Context:private] =&gt; Array ( ) ) ) [mustache:protected] =&gt; Mustache_Engine Object *RECURSION* [strictCallables:protected] =&gt; ) ) [templateClassPrefix:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; __Mustache_ [cache:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Mustache_Cache_NoopCache Object ( [logger:Mustache_Cache_AbstractCache:private] =&gt; ) [lambdaCache:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [cacheLambdaTemplates:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [loader:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Mustache_Loader_StringLoader Object ( ) [partialsLoader:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [helpers:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Mustache_HelperCollection Object ( [helpers:Mustache_HelperCollection:private] =&gt; Array ( ) ) [escape:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [entityFlags:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; 2 [charset:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; UTF-8 [logger:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [strictCallables:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [pragmas:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Array ( ) [tokenizer:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Mustache_Tokenizer Object ( [state:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] =&gt; 0 [tagType:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] =&gt; / [buffer:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] =&gt; [tokens:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] =&gt; Array ( [0] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 0 [value] =&gt; &lt;nav id=&quot;bloc_ariane&quot;&gt; ) [1] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 1 [value] =&gt; &lt;ol class=&quot;breadcrumb&quot;&gt; ) [2] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 2 [value] =&gt; &lt;li&gt; ) [3] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 3 [value] =&gt; &lt;em&gt;Vous &ecirc;tes ici : &lt;/em&gt; ) [4] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 4 [value] =&gt; &lt;span itemscope itemtype=&quot;http://data-vocabulary.org/Breadcrumb&quot;&gt; ) [5] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 5 [value] =&gt; &lt;a href=&quot;http://www.maison-ecologique-bois.com/&quot; itemprop=&quot;url&quot;&gt;&lt;span itemprop=&quot;title&quot;&gt;SPCME&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/a&gt; ) [6] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 6 [value] =&gt; &lt;/span&gt; ) [7] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 7 [value] =&gt; &lt;/li&gt; ) [8] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 8 [value] =&gt; ) [9] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; # [name] =&gt; etapes [otag] =&gt; {{ [ctag] =&gt; }} [line] =&gt; 8 [index] =&gt; 294 ) [10] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 8 [value] =&gt; ) [11] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 9 [value] =&gt; &lt;li ) [12] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; # [name] =&gt; last [otag] =&gt; {{ [ctag] =&gt; }} [line] =&gt; 9 [index] =&gt; 309 ) [13] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 9 [value] =&gt; class=&quot;active&quot; ) [14] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; / [name] =&gt; last [otag] =&gt; {{ [ctag] =&gt; }} [line] =&gt; 9 [index] =&gt; 324 ) [15] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 9 [value] =&gt; &gt; ) [16] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 10 [value] =&gt; &lt;span itemscope itemtype=&quot;http://data-vocabulary.org/Breadcrumb&quot; itemprop=&quot;child&quot;&gt; ) [17] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 11 [value] =&gt; &lt;a href=&quot; ) [18] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _v [name] =&gt; lien [otag] =&gt; {{ [ctag] =&gt; }} [line] =&gt; 11 [index] =&gt; 442 ) [19] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 11 [value] =&gt; &quot; itemprop=&quot;url&quot;&gt;&lt;span itemprop=&quot;title&quot;&gt; ) [20] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _v [name] =&gt; titre [otag] =&gt; {{ [ctag] =&gt; }} [line] =&gt; 11 [index] =&gt; 491 ) [21] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 11 [value] =&gt; &lt;/span&gt;&lt;/a&gt; ) [22] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 12 [value] =&gt; &lt;/span&gt; ) [23] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 13 [value] =&gt; &lt;/li&gt; ) [24] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 14 [value] =&gt; ) [25] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; / [name] =&gt; etapes [otag] =&gt; {{ [ctag] =&gt; }} [line] =&gt; 14 [index] =&gt; 524 ) [26] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 14 [value] =&gt; ) [27] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 15 [value] =&gt; &lt;/ol&gt; ) [28] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 16 [value] =&gt; &lt;/nav&gt; ) ) [seenTag:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] =&gt; 526 [line:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] =&gt; 16 [otag:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] =&gt; {{ [ctag:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] =&gt; }} [otagLen:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] =&gt; 2 [ctagLen:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] =&gt; 2 ) [parser:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Mustache_Parser Object ( [lineNum:Mustache_Parser:private] =&gt; 16 [lineTokens:Mustache_Parser:private] =&gt; 0 [pragmas:Mustache_Parser:private] =&gt; Array ( ) [defaultPragmas:Mustache_Parser:private] =&gt; Array ( ) [pragmaFilters:Mustache_Parser:private] =&gt; [pragmaBlocks:Mustache_Parser:private] =&gt; ) [compiler:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Mustache_Compiler Object ( [pragmas:Mustache_Compiler:private] =&gt; Array ( ) [defaultPragmas:Mustache_Compiler:private] =&gt; Array ( ) [sections:Mustache_Compiler:private] =&gt; Array ( [A779d0e8be975469e74058d6ae113a3d] =&gt; private function sectionA779d0e8be975469e74058d6ae113a3d(Mustache_Context $context, $indent, $value) { $buffer = ''; if (!is_string($value) &amp;&amp; is_callable($value)) { $source = ' class=&quot;active&quot;'; $result = call_user_func($value, $source, $this-&gt;lambdaHelper); if (strpos($result, '{{') === false) { $buffer .= $result; } else { $buffer .= $this-&gt;mustache -&gt;loadLambda((string) $result) -&gt;renderInternal($context); } } elseif (!empty($value)) { $values = $this-&gt;isIterable($value) ? $value : array($value); foreach ($values as $value) { $context-&gt;push($value); $buffer .= ' class=&quot;active&quot;'; $context-&gt;pop(); } } return $buffer; } [C2e4c5434e2e39fe39a6c51bf35aa05a] =&gt; private function sectionC2e4c5434e2e39fe39a6c51bf35aa05a(Mustache_Context $context, $indent, $value) { $buffer = ''; if (!is_string($value) &amp;&amp; is_callable($value)) { $source = ' &lt;li{{#last}} class=&quot;active&quot;{{/last}}&gt; &lt;span itemscope itemtype=&quot;http://data-vocabulary.org/Breadcrumb&quot; itemprop=&quot;child&quot;&gt; &lt;a href=&quot;{{lien}}&quot; itemprop=&quot;url&quot;&gt;&lt;span itemprop=&quot;title&quot;&gt;{{titre}}&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/a&gt; &lt;/span&gt; &lt;/li&gt; '; $result = call_user_func($value, $source, $this-&gt;lambdaHelper); if (strpos($result, '{{') === false) { $buffer .= $result; } else { $buffer .= $this-&gt;mustache -&gt;loadLambda((string) $result) -&gt;renderInternal($context); } } elseif (!empty($value)) { $values = $this-&gt;isIterable($value) ? $value : array($value); foreach ($values as $value) { $context-&gt;push($value); $buffer .= $indent . ' &lt;li'; // 'last' section $value = $context-&gt;find('last'); $buffer .= $this-&gt;sectionA779d0e8be975469e74058d6ae113a3d($context, $indent, $value); $buffer .= '&gt; '; $buffer .= $indent . ' &lt;span itemscope itemtype=&quot;http://data-vocabulary.org/Breadcrumb&quot; itemprop=&quot;child&quot;&gt; '; $buffer .= $indent . ' &lt;a href=&quot;'; $value = $this-&gt;resolveValue($context-&gt;find('lien'), $context, $indent); $buffer .= htmlspecialchars($value, 2, 'UTF-8'); $buffer .= '&quot; itemprop=&quot;url&quot;&gt;&lt;span itemprop=&quot;title&quot;&gt;'; $value = $this-&gt;resolveValue($context-&gt;find('titre'), $context, $indent); $buffer .= htmlspecialchars($value, 2, 'UTF-8'); $buffer .= '&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/a&gt; '; $buffer .= $indent . ' &lt;/span&gt; '; $buffer .= $indent . ' &lt;/li&gt; '; $context-&gt;pop(); } } return $buffer; } ) [source:Mustache_Compiler:private] =&gt; &lt;nav id=&quot;bloc_ariane&quot;&gt; &lt;ol class=&quot;breadcrumb&quot;&gt; &lt;li&gt; &lt;em&gt;Vous &ecirc;tes ici : &lt;/em&gt; &lt;span itemscope itemtype=&quot;http://data-vocabulary.org/Breadcrumb&quot;&gt; &lt;a href=&quot;http://www.maison-ecologique-bois.com/&quot; itemprop=&quot;url&quot;&gt;&lt;span itemprop=&quot;title&quot;&gt;SPCME&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/a&gt; &lt;/span&gt; &lt;/li&gt; {{#etapes}} &lt;li{{#last}} class=&quot;active&quot;{{/last}}&gt; &lt;span itemscope itemtype=&quot;http://data-vocabulary.org/Breadcrumb&quot; itemprop=&quot;child&quot;&gt; &lt;a href=&quot;{{lien}}&quot; itemprop=&quot;url&quot;&gt;&lt;span itemprop=&quot;title&quot;&gt;{{titre}}&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/a&gt; &lt;/span&gt; &lt;/li&gt; {{/etapes}} &lt;/ol&gt; &lt;/nav&gt; [indentNextLine:Mustache_Compiler:private] =&gt; [customEscape:Mustache_Compiler:private] =&gt; [entityFlags:Mustache_Compiler:private] =&gt; 2 [charset:Mustache_Compiler:private] =&gt; UTF-8 [strictCallables:Mustache_Compiler:private] =&gt; ) ) [tab_run] =&gt; Array ( [0] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; redirections [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Main ) [1] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; front [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Main ) [2] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; parse_mustaches [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Main [moustache] =&gt; front [params_run] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; affiche [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; [query] =&gt; [titre] =&gt; residence-senior [lang] =&gt; en ) ) [3] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; parse_mustaches [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Main [moustache] =&gt; haut [params_run] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; affiche [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; [query] =&gt; [titre] =&gt; residence-senior [lang] =&gt; en ) ) [4] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; parse_mustaches [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Main [moustache] =&gt; bas [params_run] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; affiche [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; [query] =&gt; [titre] =&gt; residence-senior [lang] =&gt; en ) ) [5] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; parse_mustaches [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Main [moustache] =&gt; scripts [params_run] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; affiche [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; [query] =&gt; [titre] =&gt; residence-senior [lang] =&gt; en ) ) ) [template] =&gt; archic [_template] =&gt; archic [template_admin] =&gt; archic [tab_lang] =&gt; Array ( [_LAST_ACCESS] =&gt; Derniers acc&egrave;s ) [_db] =&gt; sqlDB Object ( [_config:sqlDB:private] =&gt; Array ( [user] =&gt; maison-ecolo [pwd] =&gt; iR9&amp;ni53H6mhu8^1 [db_name] =&gt; maison-ecolo [server] =&gt; localhost [type_db] =&gt; mysql ) [_pdo:sqlDB:private] =&gt; 1 [_handler:sqlDB:private] =&gt; PDO Object ( ) [_res:sqlDB:private] =&gt; [_req] =&gt; [_fetched:sqlDB:private] =&gt; [_curr_line:sqlDB:private] =&gt; 0 [_error:sqlDB:private] =&gt; errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_ligne:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_objContext:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_message:errorClass:private] =&gt; ) ) [_use_bdd] =&gt; 1 [_title] =&gt; [_ariane] =&gt; [_titre] =&gt; [_h1] =&gt; [_description] =&gt; [_keywords] =&gt; [_template_admin] =&gt; archic [_template_admin_admin] =&gt; [_responsive] =&gt; 1 [_responsive_admin] =&gt; [_auto_scroll] =&gt; 1 [_auto_scroll_admin] =&gt; [_annee_creation_site] =&gt; 2015 [_annee_creation_site_admin] =&gt; [_id_google_anaytics] =&gt; UA-53704286-21 [_id_google_anaytics_admin] =&gt; [_id_client_analytics] =&gt; 520640658396-ljfr1f1bh5hk9hq7uhtc15h2ud6bq8q3.apps.googleusercontent.com [_id_client_analytics_admin] =&gt; [_limite_derniers_acces] =&gt; 10 [_limite_derniers_acces_admin] =&gt; [primary_params] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; redirections [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Main ) ) </objet> run(#Main#,<span>tableau 2</span><tableau style='display:none;'>#Array ( [objet] =&gt; [action] =&gt; front ) #</tableau>) on line 98 in file /var/www/vhosts/maison-ecologique-bois.com/httpdocs/index.php <span>objet</span> Modulo<objet style='display:none;'>Modulo Object ( [_dbConnexion] =&gt; sqlDB Object ( [_config:sqlDB:private] =&gt; Array ( [user] =&gt; maison-ecolo [pwd] =&gt; iR9&amp;ni53H6mhu8^1 [db_name] =&gt; maison-ecolo [server] =&gt; localhost [type_db] =&gt; mysql ) [_pdo:sqlDB:private] =&gt; 1 [_handler:sqlDB:private] =&gt; PDO Object ( ) [_res:sqlDB:private] =&gt; PDOStatement Object ( [queryString] =&gt; SELECT id FROM mod_langues WHERE code_langue='en' ) [_req] =&gt; SELECT id FROM mod_langues WHERE code_langue='en' [_fetched:sqlDB:private] =&gt; [_curr_line:sqlDB:private] =&gt; 1 [_error:sqlDB:private] =&gt; errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_ligne:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_objContext:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_message:errorClass:private] =&gt; ) ) [_modules] =&gt; Modules Object ( [_root_modules] =&gt; modules/ [_mods] =&gt; Array ( [0] =&gt; Actualites [1] =&gt; Agenda [2] =&gt; Annuaires [3] =&gt; Cartes [4] =&gt; Contact [5] =&gt; Droits [6] =&gt; FluxRSS [7] =&gt; Galeries [8] =&gt; Geographie [9] =&gt; Langs [10] =&gt; LiensRef [11] =&gt; Mailing [12] =&gt; Main [13] =&gt; Menu [14] =&gt; Pages [15] =&gt; Panneaux [16] =&gt; Partenaires [17] =&gt; Plans [18] =&gt; Prestations [19] =&gt; Produits [20] =&gt; Realisations [21] =&gt; Referencement [22] =&gt; ReseauxSociaux [23] =&gt; Slider [24] =&gt; Temoignages ) [_modulo] =&gt; Modulo Object *RECURSION* [_nb] =&gt; 25 [url_repo:Modules:private] =&gt; http://modulol.pyreweb.com/getamodule.php ) [_modules_charges] =&gt; Array ( [Main] =&gt; Main Object ( [_name] =&gt; Main [_modules_root] =&gt; modules/Main [_modulo] =&gt; Modulo Object *RECURSION* [_messenger] =&gt; Messenger Object ( [_index:Messenger:private] =&gt; Main ) [_errorer] =&gt; errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_ligne:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_objContext:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_message:errorClass:private] =&gt; ) [_mustache] =&gt; Mustache_Engine Object ( [templates:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Array ( [__Mustache_5f56c851127defa716be869a0b94aa85] =&gt; __Mustache_5f56c851127defa716be869a0b94aa85 Object ( [lambdaHelper:__Mustache_5f56c851127defa716be869a0b94aa85:private] =&gt; Mustache_LambdaHelper Object ( [mustache:Mustache_LambdaHelper:private] =&gt; Mustache_Engine Object *RECURSION* [context:Mustache_LambdaHelper:private] =&gt; Mustache_Context Object ( [stack:Mustache_Context:private] =&gt; Array ( [0] =&gt; Array ( [etapes] =&gt; Array ( [0] =&gt; Array ( [titre] =&gt; G&eacute;n&eacute;ral [lien] =&gt; Lien Object ( [_module] =&gt; Pages [_id] =&gt; 1 [_titre] =&gt; [_numpage] =&gt; [_objet] =&gt; categorie [_action] =&gt; [_type] =&gt; [_id2] =&gt; [_id3] =&gt; [_option] =&gt; [_param] =&gt; [_admin] =&gt; ) ) [1] =&gt; Array ( [titre] =&gt; R&eacute;sidence senior [lien] =&gt; Lien Object ( [_module] =&gt; Pages [_id] =&gt; 16 [_titre] =&gt; [_numpage] =&gt; [_objet] =&gt; page [_action] =&gt; [_type] =&gt; [_id2] =&gt; [_id3] =&gt; [_option] =&gt; [_param] =&gt; [_admin] =&gt; ) [last] =&gt; 1 [first] =&gt; 1 ) ) ) ) [blockStack:Mustache_Context:private] =&gt; Array ( ) ) ) [mustache:protected] =&gt; Mustache_Engine Object *RECURSION* [strictCallables:protected] =&gt; ) ) [templateClassPrefix:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; __Mustache_ [cache:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Mustache_Cache_NoopCache Object ( [logger:Mustache_Cache_AbstractCache:private] =&gt; ) [lambdaCache:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [cacheLambdaTemplates:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [loader:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Mustache_Loader_StringLoader Object ( ) [partialsLoader:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [helpers:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Mustache_HelperCollection Object ( [helpers:Mustache_HelperCollection:private] =&gt; Array ( ) ) [escape:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [entityFlags:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; 2 [charset:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; UTF-8 [logger:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [strictCallables:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [pragmas:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Array ( ) [tokenizer:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Mustache_Tokenizer Object ( [state:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] =&gt; 0 [tagType:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] =&gt; / [buffer:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] =&gt; [tokens:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] =&gt; Array ( [0] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 0 [value] =&gt; &lt;nav id=&quot;bloc_ariane&quot;&gt; ) [1] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 1 [value] =&gt; &lt;ol class=&quot;breadcrumb&quot;&gt; ) [2] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 2 [value] =&gt; &lt;li&gt; ) [3] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 3 [value] =&gt; &lt;em&gt;Vous &ecirc;tes ici : &lt;/em&gt; ) [4] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 4 [value] =&gt; &lt;span itemscope itemtype=&quot;http://data-vocabulary.org/Breadcrumb&quot;&gt; ) [5] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 5 [value] =&gt; &lt;a href=&quot;http://www.maison-ecologique-bois.com/&quot; itemprop=&quot;url&quot;&gt;&lt;span itemprop=&quot;title&quot;&gt;SPCME&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/a&gt; ) [6] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 6 [value] =&gt; &lt;/span&gt; ) [7] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 7 [value] =&gt; &lt;/li&gt; ) [8] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 8 [value] =&gt; ) [9] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; # [name] =&gt; etapes [otag] =&gt; {{ [ctag] =&gt; }} [line] =&gt; 8 [index] =&gt; 294 ) [10] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 8 [value] =&gt; ) [11] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 9 [value] =&gt; &lt;li ) [12] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; # [name] =&gt; last [otag] =&gt; {{ [ctag] =&gt; }} [line] =&gt; 9 [index] =&gt; 309 ) [13] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 9 [value] =&gt; class=&quot;active&quot; ) [14] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; / [name] =&gt; last [otag] =&gt; {{ [ctag] =&gt; }} [line] =&gt; 9 [index] =&gt; 324 ) [15] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 9 [value] =&gt; &gt; ) [16] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 10 [value] =&gt; &lt;span itemscope itemtype=&quot;http://data-vocabulary.org/Breadcrumb&quot; itemprop=&quot;child&quot;&gt; ) [17] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 11 [value] =&gt; &lt;a href=&quot; ) [18] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _v [name] =&gt; lien [otag] =&gt; {{ [ctag] =&gt; }} [line] =&gt; 11 [index] =&gt; 442 ) [19] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 11 [value] =&gt; &quot; itemprop=&quot;url&quot;&gt;&lt;span itemprop=&quot;title&quot;&gt; ) [20] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _v [name] =&gt; titre [otag] =&gt; {{ [ctag] =&gt; }} [line] =&gt; 11 [index] =&gt; 491 ) [21] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 11 [value] =&gt; &lt;/span&gt;&lt;/a&gt; ) [22] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 12 [value] =&gt; &lt;/span&gt; ) [23] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 13 [value] =&gt; &lt;/li&gt; ) [24] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 14 [value] =&gt; ) [25] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; / [name] =&gt; etapes [otag] =&gt; {{ [ctag] =&gt; }} [line] =&gt; 14 [index] =&gt; 524 ) [26] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 14 [value] =&gt; ) [27] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 15 [value] =&gt; &lt;/ol&gt; ) [28] =&gt; Array ( [type] =&gt; _t [line] =&gt; 16 [value] =&gt; &lt;/nav&gt; ) ) [seenTag:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] =&gt; 526 [line:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] =&gt; 16 [otag:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] =&gt; {{ [ctag:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] =&gt; }} [otagLen:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] =&gt; 2 [ctagLen:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] =&gt; 2 ) [parser:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Mustache_Parser Object ( [lineNum:Mustache_Parser:private] =&gt; 16 [lineTokens:Mustache_Parser:private] =&gt; 0 [pragmas:Mustache_Parser:private] =&gt; Array ( ) [defaultPragmas:Mustache_Parser:private] =&gt; Array ( ) [pragmaFilters:Mustache_Parser:private] =&gt; [pragmaBlocks:Mustache_Parser:private] =&gt; ) [compiler:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Mustache_Compiler Object ( [pragmas:Mustache_Compiler:private] =&gt; Array ( ) [defaultPragmas:Mustache_Compiler:private] =&gt; Array ( ) [sections:Mustache_Compiler:private] =&gt; Array ( [A779d0e8be975469e74058d6ae113a3d] =&gt; private function sectionA779d0e8be975469e74058d6ae113a3d(Mustache_Context $context, $indent, $value) { $buffer = ''; if (!is_string($value) &amp;&amp; is_callable($value)) { $source = ' class=&quot;active&quot;'; $result = call_user_func($value, $source, $this-&gt;lambdaHelper); if (strpos($result, '{{') === false) { $buffer .= $result; } else { $buffer .= $this-&gt;mustache -&gt;loadLambda((string) $result) -&gt;renderInternal($context); } } elseif (!empty($value)) { $values = $this-&gt;isIterable($value) ? $value : array($value); foreach ($values as $value) { $context-&gt;push($value); $buffer .= ' class=&quot;active&quot;'; $context-&gt;pop(); } } return $buffer; } [C2e4c5434e2e39fe39a6c51bf35aa05a] =&gt; private function sectionC2e4c5434e2e39fe39a6c51bf35aa05a(Mustache_Context $context, $indent, $value) { $buffer = ''; if (!is_string($value) &amp;&amp; is_callable($value)) { $source = ' &lt;li{{#last}} class=&quot;active&quot;{{/last}}&gt; &lt;span itemscope itemtype=&quot;http://data-vocabulary.org/Breadcrumb&quot; itemprop=&quot;child&quot;&gt; &lt;a href=&quot;{{lien}}&quot; itemprop=&quot;url&quot;&gt;&lt;span itemprop=&quot;title&quot;&gt;{{titre}}&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/a&gt; &lt;/span&gt; &lt;/li&gt; '; $result = call_user_func($value, $source, $this-&gt;lambdaHelper); if (strpos($result, '{{') === false) { $buffer .= $result; } else { $buffer .= $this-&gt;mustache -&gt;loadLambda((string) $result) -&gt;renderInternal($context); } } elseif (!empty($value)) { $values = $this-&gt;isIterable($value) ? $value : array($value); foreach ($values as $value) { $context-&gt;push($value); $buffer .= $indent . ' &lt;li'; // 'last' section $value = $context-&gt;find('last'); $buffer .= $this-&gt;sectionA779d0e8be975469e74058d6ae113a3d($context, $indent, $value); $buffer .= '&gt; '; $buffer .= $indent . ' &lt;span itemscope itemtype=&quot;http://data-vocabulary.org/Breadcrumb&quot; itemprop=&quot;child&quot;&gt; '; $buffer .= $indent . ' &lt;a href=&quot;'; $value = $this-&gt;resolveValue($context-&gt;find('lien'), $context, $indent); $buffer .= htmlspecialchars($value, 2, 'UTF-8'); $buffer .= '&quot; itemprop=&quot;url&quot;&gt;&lt;span itemprop=&quot;title&quot;&gt;'; $value = $this-&gt;resolveValue($context-&gt;find('titre'), $context, $indent); $buffer .= htmlspecialchars($value, 2, 'UTF-8'); $buffer .= '&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/a&gt; '; $buffer .= $indent . ' &lt;/span&gt; '; $buffer .= $indent . ' &lt;/li&gt; '; $context-&gt;pop(); } } return $buffer; } ) [source:Mustache_Compiler:private] =&gt; &lt;nav id=&quot;bloc_ariane&quot;&gt; &lt;ol class=&quot;breadcrumb&quot;&gt; &lt;li&gt; &lt;em&gt;Vous &ecirc;tes ici : &lt;/em&gt; &lt;span itemscope itemtype=&quot;http://data-vocabulary.org/Breadcrumb&quot;&gt; &lt;a href=&quot;http://www.maison-ecologique-bois.com/&quot; itemprop=&quot;url&quot;&gt;&lt;span itemprop=&quot;title&quot;&gt;SPCME&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/a&gt; &lt;/span&gt; &lt;/li&gt; {{#etapes}} &lt;li{{#last}} class=&quot;active&quot;{{/last}}&gt; &lt;span itemscope itemtype=&quot;http://data-vocabulary.org/Breadcrumb&quot; itemprop=&quot;child&quot;&gt; &lt;a href=&quot;{{lien}}&quot; itemprop=&quot;url&quot;&gt;&lt;span itemprop=&quot;title&quot;&gt;{{titre}}&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/a&gt; &lt;/span&gt; &lt;/li&gt; {{/etapes}} &lt;/ol&gt; &lt;/nav&gt; [indentNextLine:Mustache_Compiler:private] =&gt; [customEscape:Mustache_Compiler:private] =&gt; [entityFlags:Mustache_Compiler:private] =&gt; 2 [charset:Mustache_Compiler:private] =&gt; UTF-8 [strictCallables:Mustache_Compiler:private] =&gt; ) ) [tab_run] =&gt; Array ( [0] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; redirections [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Main ) [1] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; front [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Main ) [2] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; parse_mustaches [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Main [moustache] =&gt; front [params_run] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; affiche [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; [query] =&gt; [titre] =&gt; residence-senior [lang] =&gt; en ) ) [3] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; parse_mustaches [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Main [moustache] =&gt; haut [params_run] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; affiche [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; [query] =&gt; [titre] =&gt; residence-senior [lang] =&gt; en ) ) [4] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; parse_mustaches [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Main [moustache] =&gt; bas [params_run] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; affiche [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; [query] =&gt; [titre] =&gt; residence-senior [lang] =&gt; en ) ) [5] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; parse_mustaches [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Main [moustache] =&gt; scripts [params_run] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; affiche [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; [query] =&gt; [titre] =&gt; residence-senior [lang] =&gt; en ) ) ) [template] =&gt; archic [_template] =&gt; archic [template_admin] =&gt; archic [tab_lang] =&gt; Array ( [_LAST_ACCESS] =&gt; Derniers acc&egrave;s ) [_db] =&gt; sqlDB Object ( [_config:sqlDB:private] =&gt; Array ( [user] =&gt; maison-ecolo [pwd] =&gt; iR9&amp;ni53H6mhu8^1 [db_name] =&gt; maison-ecolo [server] =&gt; localhost [type_db] =&gt; mysql ) [_pdo:sqlDB:private] =&gt; 1 [_handler:sqlDB:private] =&gt; PDO Object ( ) [_res:sqlDB:private] =&gt; [_req] =&gt; [_fetched:sqlDB:private] =&gt; [_curr_line:sqlDB:private] =&gt; 0 [_error:sqlDB:private] =&gt; errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_ligne:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_objContext:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_message:errorClass:private] =&gt; ) ) [_use_bdd] =&gt; 1 [_title] =&gt; [_ariane] =&gt; [_titre] =&gt; [_h1] =&gt; [_description] =&gt; [_keywords] =&gt; [_template_admin] =&gt; archic [_template_admin_admin] =&gt; [_responsive] =&gt; 1 [_responsive_admin] =&gt; [_auto_scroll] =&gt; 1 [_auto_scroll_admin] =&gt; [_annee_creation_site] =&gt; 2015 [_annee_creation_site_admin] =&gt; [_id_google_anaytics] =&gt; UA-53704286-21 [_id_google_anaytics_admin] =&gt; [_id_client_analytics] =&gt; 520640658396-ljfr1f1bh5hk9hq7uhtc15h2ud6bq8q3.apps.googleusercontent.com [_id_client_analytics_admin] =&gt; [_limite_derniers_acces] =&gt; 10 [_limite_derniers_acces_admin] =&gt; [primary_params] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; redirections [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Main ) ) [Contact] =&gt; Contact Object ( [_name] =&gt; Contact [_modules_root] =&gt; modules/Contact [_modulo] =&gt; Modulo Object *RECURSION* [_messenger] =&gt; Messenger Object ( [_index:Messenger:private] =&gt; Contact ) [_errorer] =&gt; errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_ligne:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_objContext:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_message:errorClass:private] =&gt; ) [_mustache] =&gt; Mustache_Engine Object ( [templates:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Array ( ) [templateClassPrefix:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; __Mustache_ [cache:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [lambdaCache:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [cacheLambdaTemplates:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [loader:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [partialsLoader:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [helpers:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [escape:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [entityFlags:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; 2 [charset:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; UTF-8 [logger:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [strictCallables:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [pragmas:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Array ( ) [tokenizer:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [parser:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [compiler:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; ) [tab_run] =&gt; Array ( ) [template] =&gt; archic [_template] =&gt; archic [template_admin] =&gt; archic [tab_lang] =&gt; Array ( [META_DESC_DEFAUT_CONTACT] =&gt; Nous contacter [TITRE_PAGE_CONTACT] =&gt; Nous contacter [PAGE_VIDE_CONTACT] =&gt; Aucune formulaire n'est disponible. [MESSAGE_INTROUVABLE_CONTACT] =&gt; Attention ! La page demand&eacute;e est introuvable ou n'existe pas. [LIEN_RETOUR_FORMULAIRE] =&gt; &lt;a href=&quot;./fr/contact/&quot;&gt;Retour au formulaire de contact&lt;/a&gt; [ERREUR_FLOOD] =&gt; Le nombre d'envoi de messages est limit&eacute; sur une courte p&eacute;riode (protection anti-flood) :&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Vous devez patienter avant de tenter d'envoyer un nouveau message. [ERREUR_CAPTCHA] =&gt; Notre syst&egrave;me anti-robot a arr&ecirc;t&eacute; le traitement de ce formulaire. Veuillez recommencer. [ERREUR_FORMULAIRE] =&gt; Une erreur est survenue lors du traitement de votre demande.&lt;br /&gt;Merci de r&eacute;essayer plus tard ou d'&eacute;crire directement &agrave; &lt;a href=&quot;mailto:contact@maison-ecologique-bois.com&quot;&gt;contact@maison-ecologique-bois.com&lt;/a&gt; [CONTACT_INTRO] =&gt; Pour toute demande de renseignements remplissez le formulaire de contact; Nous vous r&eacute;pondrons dans les meilleurs d&eacute;lais. [CHAMPS_OBLIGATOIRES] =&gt; Les champs marqu&eacute;s d'une &lt;span class=&quot;glyphicon glyphicon-asterisk&quot;&gt;&lt;/span&gt; doivent &ecirc;tre renseign&eacute;s. [LABEL_TEL] =&gt; T&eacute;l&eacute;phone [LABEL_FAX] =&gt; Fax [LABEL_MOB] =&gt; Mobile [LABEL_MEL] =&gt; Courriel [LABEL_WEB] =&gt; Web [LABEL_CIVILITE] =&gt; Civilit&eacute; [LABEL_NOM] =&gt; Nom [LABEL_PRENOM] =&gt; Pr&eacute;nom [LABEL_SOCIETE] =&gt; Soci&eacute;t&eacute; [LABEL_ADRESSE] =&gt; Adresse [LABEL_CODE_POSTAL] =&gt; Code postal [LABEL_VILLE] =&gt; Ville [LABEL_MESSAGE] =&gt; Votre message [LABEL_ENVOYER] =&gt; Envoyer [MESSAGE_ENVOYE] =&gt; Votre message a bien &eacute;t&eacute; envoy&eacute; et sera trait&eacute; dans les meilleurs d&eacute;lais. [TITLE_MENTIONS_LEGALES] =&gt; Mentions l&eacute;gales [H1_MENTIONS_LEGALES] =&gt; Mentions l&eacute;gales du site SPCME [TITRE_MENTIONS_LEGALES] =&gt; Mentions l&eacute;gales ) [_db] =&gt; sqlDB Object ( [_config:sqlDB:private] =&gt; Array ( [user] =&gt; maison-ecolo [pwd] =&gt; iR9&amp;ni53H6mhu8^1 [db_name] =&gt; maison-ecolo [server] =&gt; localhost [type_db] =&gt; mysql ) [_pdo:sqlDB:private] =&gt; 1 [_handler:sqlDB:private] =&gt; PDO Object ( ) [_res:sqlDB:private] =&gt; [_req] =&gt; [_fetched:sqlDB:private] =&gt; [_curr_line:sqlDB:private] =&gt; 0 [_error:sqlDB:private] =&gt; errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_ligne:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_objContext:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_message:errorClass:private] =&gt; ) ) [_use_bdd] =&gt; 1 [_title] =&gt; Nous contacter [_ariane] =&gt; Nous contacter [_titre] =&gt; Nous contacter [_h1] =&gt; Nous contacter [_description] =&gt; Nous contacter [_keywords] =&gt; Nous contacter [_rep_images] =&gt; ../images/interface/ [_rep_images_admin] =&gt; [__STRUCTURE] =&gt; SPCME [__STRUCTURE_admin] =&gt; [__SITE_URL] =&gt; maison-bois-economique.com [__SITE_URL_admin] =&gt; [__URL] =&gt; http://www.maison-ecologique-bois.com [__URL_admin] =&gt; [__SITE_NOM] =&gt; SPCME [__SITE_NOM_admin] =&gt; [__SIRET] =&gt; 5307343000001 [__SIRET_admin] =&gt; [__ADRESSE] =&gt; 7 route de Pinas [__ADRESSE_admin] =&gt; [__CODE_POSTAL] =&gt; 31580 [__CODE_POSTAL_admin] =&gt; [__VILLE] =&gt; BOUDRAC [__VILLE_admin] =&gt; [__TEL] =&gt; 05 61 88 95 38 [__TEL_admin] =&gt; [__FAX] =&gt; [__FAX_admin] =&gt; [__PORTABLE] =&gt; [__PORTABLE_admin] =&gt; [__EMAIL] =&gt; contact@maison-ecologique-bois.com [__EMAIL_admin] =&gt; [__REGION] =&gt; Midi-Pyr&eacute;n&eacute;es [__REGION_admin] =&gt; [__PAYS] =&gt; France [__PAYS_admin] =&gt; [__LAT] =&gt; 0 [__LAT_admin] =&gt; [__LONG] =&gt; 0 [__LONG_admin] =&gt; [_chps_civilite] =&gt; 1 [_chps_civilite_admin] =&gt; [_chps_nom] =&gt; 1 [_chps_nom_admin] =&gt; [_chps_prenom] =&gt; 1 [_chps_prenom_admin] =&gt; [_chps_societe] =&gt; 1 [_chps_societe_admin] =&gt; [_chps_adresse] =&gt; 1 [_chps_adresse_admin] =&gt; [_chps_cp] =&gt; 1 [_chps_cp_admin] =&gt; [_chps_ville] =&gt; 1 [_chps_ville_admin] =&gt; [_chps_mail] =&gt; 1 [_chps_mail_admin] =&gt; [_chps_tel] =&gt; 1 [_chps_tel_admin] =&gt; [_chps_fax] =&gt; 1 [_chps_fax_admin] =&gt; [_chps_mobile] =&gt; 1 [_chps_mobile_admin] =&gt; [_template_admin] =&gt; archic ) [Pages] =&gt; Pages Object ( [_id_cat] =&gt; 0 [_id_page] =&gt; 16 [_sommaire] =&gt; 1 [_chapeau] =&gt; [_nom_rewrite] =&gt; residence-senior [_name] =&gt; Pages [_modules_root] =&gt; modules/Pages [_modulo] =&gt; Modulo Object *RECURSION* [_messenger] =&gt; Messenger Object ( [_index:Messenger:private] =&gt; Pages ) [_errorer] =&gt; errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_ligne:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_objContext:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_message:errorClass:private] =&gt; ) [_mustache] =&gt; Mustache_Engine Object ( [templates:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Array ( ) [templateClassPrefix:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; __Mustache_ [cache:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [lambdaCache:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [cacheLambdaTemplates:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [loader:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [partialsLoader:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [helpers:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [escape:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [entityFlags:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; 2 [charset:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; UTF-8 [logger:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [strictCallables:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [pragmas:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Array ( ) [tokenizer:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [parser:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [compiler:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; ) [tab_run] =&gt; Array ( [0] =&gt; Array ( [titre] =&gt; residence-senior ) [1] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; description [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [titre] =&gt; residence-senior ) [2] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; ariane [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; [query] =&gt; [titre] =&gt; residence-senior [lang] =&gt; en [params] =&gt; all ) [3] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; ariane [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; [query] =&gt; [titre] =&gt; residence-senior [lang] =&gt; en [params] =&gt; all ) [4] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; h1 [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; [query] =&gt; [titre] =&gt; residence-senior [lang] =&gt; en [params] =&gt; all ) [5] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; h1 [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; [query] =&gt; [titre] =&gt; residence-senior [lang] =&gt; en [params] =&gt; all ) [6] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; affiche [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; [query] =&gt; [titre] =&gt; residence-senior [lang] =&gt; en [params] =&gt; all ) [7] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; affiche [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; [query] =&gt; [titre] =&gt; residence-senior [lang] =&gt; en [params] =&gt; all ) ) [template] =&gt; archic [_template] =&gt; archic [template_admin] =&gt; archic [tab_lang] =&gt; Array ( [META_DESC_DEFAUT] =&gt; Page dynamique [Metadesc] =&gt; Page dynamique [TITRE_PAGE_INTROUVABLE] =&gt; Page introuvable ! [titre_page] =&gt; Page introuvable ! [PAGE_VIDE] =&gt; Cette page ne comporte aucun contenu. [PAGE_INTROUVABLE] =&gt; Attention ! La page demand&eacute;e est introuvable ou n'existe pas. [CHAINE_RETOUR_ACCUEIL] =&gt; Attention ! La page demand&eacute;e est introuvable ou n'existe pas.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;a href=&quot;http://www.maison-ecologique-bois.com/&quot; title=&quot;Retour a l'accueil&quot;&gt;Retour &amp;agrave; l'accueil&lt;/a&gt; [SOMMAIRE] =&gt; Sommaire [PAGE_PRECEDENTE] =&gt; Page pr&eacute;c&eacute;dente [PAGE_SUIVANTE] =&gt; Page suivante [PAGER_STRING] =&gt; Page {current_page} sur {max_page} ) [_db] =&gt; sqlDB Object ( [_config:sqlDB:private] =&gt; Array ( [user] =&gt; maison-ecolo [pwd] =&gt; iR9&amp;ni53H6mhu8^1 [db_name] =&gt; maison-ecolo [server] =&gt; localhost [type_db] =&gt; mysql ) [_pdo:sqlDB:private] =&gt; 1 [_handler:sqlDB:private] =&gt; PDO Object ( ) [_res:sqlDB:private] =&gt; PDOStatement Object ( [queryString] =&gt; SHOW TABLES LIKE 'mod_pages_contenu' ) [_req] =&gt; SHOW TABLES LIKE 'mod_pages_contenu' [_fetched:sqlDB:private] =&gt; [_curr_line:sqlDB:private] =&gt; 0 [_error:sqlDB:private] =&gt; errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_ligne:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_objContext:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_message:errorClass:private] =&gt; ) ) [_use_bdd] =&gt; 1 [_title] =&gt; R&eacute;sidence senior [_ariane] =&gt; R&eacute;sidence senior [_titre] =&gt; Page introuvable ! [_h1] =&gt; R&eacute;sidence senior [_description] =&gt; SPCME va construire pour vous suivant son savoir faire, 31 maisons &agrave;&nbsp;la norme handicap&eacute;, pour votre qualit&eacute; de vie et en ind&eacute;pendance &eacute;nerg&eacute;tique, c'est-&agrave;-dire des maisons n'ayant pas besoin de chauffage ni de climatisation, dont les besoins sont couvert par la production d'&eacute;lectricit&eacute; photovolta&iuml;que pour les &eacute;conomies. [_keywords] =&gt; Page dynamique [_template_admin] =&gt; archic [_rep_images] =&gt; images/pages/ [_rep_images_admin] =&gt; [_mini_lg_max] =&gt; 400 [_mini_lg_max_admin] =&gt; [_mini_ht_max] =&gt; 300 [_mini_ht_max_admin] =&gt; [_bandeau_lg_max] =&gt; 650 [_bandeau_lg_max_admin] =&gt; [_bandeau_ht_max] =&gt; 300 [_bandeau_ht_max_admin] =&gt; [_img_lg_max] =&gt; 1024 [_img_lg_max_admin] =&gt; [_img_ht_max] =&gt; 768 [_img_ht_max_admin] =&gt; [_nb_paragraphe_pages] =&gt; 50 [_nb_paragraphe_pages_admin] =&gt; [_action_Galerie] =&gt; affiche [_action_Galerie_admin] =&gt; [_action_CoreSlider] =&gt; slider [_action_CoreSlider_admin] =&gt; [_action_PrestationsCategorie] =&gt; affichecategorie [_action_PrestationsCategorie_admin] =&gt; [primary_params] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; description [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [titre] =&gt; residence-senior ) ) [Droits] =&gt; Droits Object ( [_name] =&gt; Droits [_modules_root] =&gt; modules/Droits [_modulo] =&gt; Modulo Object *RECURSION* [_messenger] =&gt; Messenger Object ( [_index:Messenger:private] =&gt; Droits ) [_errorer] =&gt; errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_ligne:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_objContext:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_message:errorClass:private] =&gt; ) [_mustache] =&gt; Mustache_Engine Object ( [templates:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Array ( ) [templateClassPrefix:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; __Mustache_ [cache:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [lambdaCache:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [cacheLambdaTemplates:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [loader:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [partialsLoader:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [helpers:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [escape:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [entityFlags:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; 2 [charset:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; UTF-8 [logger:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [strictCallables:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [pragmas:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; Array ( ) [tokenizer:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [parser:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; [compiler:Mustache_Engine:private] =&gt; ) [tab_run] =&gt; Array ( [0] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; ariane [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; [query] =&gt; [titre] =&gt; residence-senior [lang] =&gt; en [params] =&gt; all ) [1] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; h1 [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; [query] =&gt; [titre] =&gt; residence-senior [lang] =&gt; en [params] =&gt; all ) [2] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; affiche [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; [query] =&gt; [titre] =&gt; residence-senior [lang] =&gt; en [params] =&gt; all ) ) [template] =&gt; archic [_template] =&gt; archic [template_admin] =&gt; archic [tab_lang] =&gt; Array ( ) [_db] =&gt; sqlDB Object ( [_config:sqlDB:private] =&gt; Array ( [user] =&gt; maison-ecolo [pwd] =&gt; iR9&amp;ni53H6mhu8^1 [db_name] =&gt; maison-ecolo [server] =&gt; localhost [type_db] =&gt; mysql ) [_pdo:sqlDB:private] =&gt; 1 [_handler:sqlDB:private] =&gt; PDO Object ( ) [_res:sqlDB:private] =&gt; PDOStatement Object ( [queryString] =&gt; SHOW TABLES LIKE 'mod_droits_acces' ) [_req] =&gt; SHOW TABLES LIKE 'mod_droits_acces' [_fetched:sqlDB:private] =&gt; [_curr_line:sqlDB:private] =&gt; 0 [_error:sqlDB:private] =&gt; errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_ligne:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_objContext:errorClass:private] =&gt; [_message:errorClass:private] =&gt; ) ) [_use_bdd] =&gt; 1 [_title] =&gt; [_ariane] =&gt; [_titre] =&gt; [_h1] =&gt; [_description] =&gt; [_keywords] =&gt; [_id_groupe_visiteurs] =&gt; 4 [_id_groupe_visiteurs_admin] =&gt; [_template_admin] =&gt; archic [primary_params] =&gt; Array ( [objet] =&gt; [type] =&gt; [option] =&gt; [action] =&gt; ariane [admin] =&gt; [module] =&gt; Pages [id] =&gt; [query] =&gt; [titre] =&gt; residence-senior [lang] =&gt; en [params] =&gt; all ) ) ) [_modules_root] =&gt; modules/ [_chaines] =&gt; chaines Object ( ) [_horloge] =&gt; horloge Object ( [_format] =&gt; [_tab] =&gt; Array ( [seconds] =&gt; 51 [minutes] =&gt; 28 [hours] =&gt; 12 [mday] =&gt; 13 [wday] =&gt; 4 [mon] =&gt; 2 [year] =&gt; 2025 [yday] =&gt; 43 [weekday] =&gt; Thursday [month] =&gt; February [0] =&gt; 1739446131 ) [_tab_jour] =&gt; Array ( [0] =&gt; Dimanche [1] =&gt; Lundi [2] =&gt; Mardi [3] =&gt; Mercredi [4] =&gt; Jeudi [5] =&gt; Vendredi [6] =&gt; Samedi ) [_tab_mois] =&gt; Array ( [0] =&gt; Msgn&deg; [1] =&gt; Janvier [2] =&gt; F&eacute;vrier [3] =&gt; Mars [4] =&gt; Avril [5] =&gt; Mai [6] =&gt; Juin [7] =&gt; Juillet [8] =&gt; Ao&ucirc;t [9] =&gt; Septembre [10] =&gt; Octobre [11] =&gt; Novembre [12] =&gt; D&eacute;cembre ) [_datetime] =&gt; [format] =&gt; d/m/Y H:i:s ) [_lien] =&gt; Lien Object ( [_module] =&gt; [_id] =&gt; [_titre] =&gt; [_numpage] =&gt; [_objet] =&gt; [_action] =&gt; [_type] =&gt; [_id2] =&gt; [_id3] =&gt; [_option] =&gt; [_param] =&gt; [_admin] =&gt; ) ) </objet></traces></pre> ) ) #) on line 12 in file /var/www/vhosts/maison-ecologique-bois.com/httpdocs/modules/Pages/run/sommaire.php include(#/var/www/vhosts/maison-ecologique-bois.com/httpdocs/modules/Pages/run/sommaire.php#) on line 697 in file /var/www/vhosts/maison-ecologique-bois.com/httpdocs/core/module.class.php run(#sommaire#,##) on line 66 in file /var/www/vhosts/maison-ecologique-bois.com/httpdocs/modules/Pages/Pages.module.class.php objet PagesPages Object ( [_id_cat] => 0 [_id_page] => 16 [_sommaire] => 1 [_chapeau] => [_nom_rewrite] => residence-senior [_name] => Pages [_modules_root] => modules/Pages [_modulo] => Modulo Object ( [_dbConnexion] => sqlDB Object ( [_config:sqlDB:private] => Array ( [user] => maison-ecolo [pwd] => iR9&ni53H6mhu8^1 [db_name] => maison-ecolo [server] => localhost [type_db] => mysql ) [_pdo:sqlDB:private] => 1 [_handler:sqlDB:private] => PDO Object ( ) [_res:sqlDB:private] => PDOStatement Object ( [queryString] => SELECT id FROM mod_langues WHERE code_langue='en' ) [_req] => SELECT id FROM mod_langues WHERE code_langue='en' [_fetched:sqlDB:private] => [_curr_line:sqlDB:private] => 1 [_error:sqlDB:private] => errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] => [_ligne:errorClass:private] => [_objContext:errorClass:private] => [_message:errorClass:private] => ) ) [_modules] => Modules Object ( [_root_modules] => modules/ [_mods] => Array ( [0] => Actualites [1] => Agenda [2] => Annuaires [3] => Cartes [4] => Contact [5] => Droits [6] => FluxRSS [7] => Galeries [8] => Geographie [9] => Langs [10] => LiensRef [11] => Mailing [12] => Main [13] => Menu [14] => Pages [15] => Panneaux [16] => Partenaires [17] => Plans [18] => Prestations [19] => Produits [20] => Realisations [21] => Referencement [22] => ReseauxSociaux [23] => Slider [24] => Temoignages ) [_modulo] => Modulo Object *RECURSION* [_nb] => 25 [url_repo:Modules:private] => http://modulol.pyreweb.com/getamodule.php ) [_modules_charges] => Array ( [Main] => Main Object ( [_name] => Main [_modules_root] => modules/Main [_modulo] => Modulo Object *RECURSION* [_messenger] => Messenger Object ( [_index:Messenger:private] => Main ) [_errorer] => errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] => [_ligne:errorClass:private] => [_objContext:errorClass:private] => [_message:errorClass:private] => ) [_mustache] => Mustache_Engine Object ( [templates:Mustache_Engine:private] => Array ( [__Mustache_5f56c851127defa716be869a0b94aa85] => __Mustache_5f56c851127defa716be869a0b94aa85 Object ( [lambdaHelper:__Mustache_5f56c851127defa716be869a0b94aa85:private] => Mustache_LambdaHelper Object ( [mustache:Mustache_LambdaHelper:private] => Mustache_Engine Object *RECURSION* [context:Mustache_LambdaHelper:private] => Mustache_Context Object ( [stack:Mustache_Context:private] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [etapes] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [titre] => Général [lien] => Lien Object ( [_module] => Pages [_id] => 1 [_titre] => [_numpage] => [_objet] => categorie [_action] => [_type] => [_id2] => [_id3] => [_option] => [_param] => [_admin] => ) ) [1] => Array ( [titre] => Résidence senior [lien] => Lien Object ( [_module] => Pages [_id] => 16 [_titre] => [_numpage] => [_objet] => page [_action] => [_type] => [_id2] => [_id3] => [_option] => [_param] => [_admin] => ) [last] => 1 [first] => 1 ) ) ) ) [blockStack:Mustache_Context:private] => Array ( ) ) ) [mustache:protected] => Mustache_Engine Object *RECURSION* [strictCallables:protected] => ) ) [templateClassPrefix:Mustache_Engine:private] => __Mustache_ [cache:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Cache_NoopCache Object ( [logger:Mustache_Cache_AbstractCache:private] => ) [lambdaCache:Mustache_Engine:private] => [cacheLambdaTemplates:Mustache_Engine:private] => [loader:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Loader_StringLoader Object ( ) [partialsLoader:Mustache_Engine:private] => [helpers:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_HelperCollection Object ( [helpers:Mustache_HelperCollection:private] => Array ( ) ) [escape:Mustache_Engine:private] => [entityFlags:Mustache_Engine:private] => 2 [charset:Mustache_Engine:private] => UTF-8 [logger:Mustache_Engine:private] => [strictCallables:Mustache_Engine:private] => [pragmas:Mustache_Engine:private] => Array ( ) [tokenizer:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Tokenizer Object ( [state:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => 0 [tagType:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => / [buffer:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => [tokens:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 0 [value] => <nav id="bloc_ariane"> ) [1] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 1 [value] => <ol class="breadcrumb"> ) [2] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 2 [value] => <li> ) [3] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 3 [value] => <em>Vous êtes ici : </em> ) [4] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 4 [value] => <span itemscope itemtype="http://data-vocabulary.org/Breadcrumb"> ) [5] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 5 [value] => <a href="http://www.maison-ecologique-bois.com/" itemprop="url"><span itemprop="title">SPCME</span></a> ) [6] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 6 [value] => </span> ) [7] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 7 [value] => </li> ) [8] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 8 [value] => ) [9] => Array ( [type] => # [name] => etapes [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 8 [index] => 294 ) [10] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 8 [value] => ) [11] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 9 [value] => <li ) [12] => Array ( [type] => # [name] => last [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 9 [index] => 309 ) [13] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 9 [value] => class="active" ) [14] => Array ( [type] => / [name] => last [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 9 [index] => 324 ) [15] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 9 [value] => > ) [16] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 10 [value] => <span itemscope itemtype="http://data-vocabulary.org/Breadcrumb" itemprop="child"> ) [17] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 11 [value] => <a href=" ) [18] => Array ( [type] => _v [name] => lien [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 11 [index] => 442 ) [19] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 11 [value] => " itemprop="url"><span itemprop="title"> ) [20] => Array ( [type] => _v [name] => titre [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 11 [index] => 491 ) [21] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 11 [value] => </span></a> ) [22] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 12 [value] => </span> ) [23] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 13 [value] => </li> ) [24] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 14 [value] => ) [25] => Array ( [type] => / [name] => etapes [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 14 [index] => 524 ) [26] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 14 [value] => ) [27] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 15 [value] => </ol> ) [28] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 16 [value] => </nav> ) ) [seenTag:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => 526 [line:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => 16 [otag:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => {{ [ctag:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => }} [otagLen:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => 2 [ctagLen:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => 2 ) [parser:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Parser Object ( [lineNum:Mustache_Parser:private] => 16 [lineTokens:Mustache_Parser:private] => 0 [pragmas:Mustache_Parser:private] => Array ( ) [defaultPragmas:Mustache_Parser:private] => Array ( ) [pragmaFilters:Mustache_Parser:private] => [pragmaBlocks:Mustache_Parser:private] => ) [compiler:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Compiler Object ( [pragmas:Mustache_Compiler:private] => Array ( ) [defaultPragmas:Mustache_Compiler:private] => Array ( ) [sections:Mustache_Compiler:private] => Array ( [A779d0e8be975469e74058d6ae113a3d] => private function sectionA779d0e8be975469e74058d6ae113a3d(Mustache_Context $context, $indent, $value) { $buffer = ''; if (!is_string($value) && is_callable($value)) { $source = ' class="active"'; $result = call_user_func($value, $source, $this->lambdaHelper); if (strpos($result, '{{') === false) { $buffer .= $result; } else { $buffer .= $this->mustache ->loadLambda((string) $result) ->renderInternal($context); } } elseif (!empty($value)) { $values = $this->isIterable($value) ? $value : array($value); foreach ($values as $value) { $context->push($value); $buffer .= ' class="active"'; $context->pop(); } } return $buffer; } [C2e4c5434e2e39fe39a6c51bf35aa05a] => private function sectionC2e4c5434e2e39fe39a6c51bf35aa05a(Mustache_Context $context, $indent, $value) { $buffer = ''; if (!is_string($value) && is_callable($value)) { $source = ' <li{{#last}} class="active"{{/last}}> <span itemscope itemtype="http://data-vocabulary.org/Breadcrumb" itemprop="child"> <a href="{{lien}}" itemprop="url"><span itemprop="title">{{titre}}</span></a> </span> </li> '; $result = call_user_func($value, $source, $this->lambdaHelper); if (strpos($result, '{{') === false) { $buffer .= $result; } else { $buffer .= $this->mustache ->loadLambda((string) $result) ->renderInternal($context); } } elseif (!empty($value)) { $values = $this->isIterable($value) ? $value : array($value); foreach ($values as $value) { $context->push($value); $buffer .= $indent . ' <li'; // 'last' section $value = $context->find('last'); $buffer .= $this->sectionA779d0e8be975469e74058d6ae113a3d($context, $indent, $value); $buffer .= '> '; $buffer .= $indent . ' <span itemscope itemtype="http://data-vocabulary.org/Breadcrumb" itemprop="child"> '; $buffer .= $indent . ' <a href="'; $value = $this->resolveValue($context->find('lien'), $context, $indent); $buffer .= htmlspecialchars($value, 2, 'UTF-8'); $buffer .= '" itemprop="url"><span itemprop="title">'; $value = $this->resolveValue($context->find('titre'), $context, $indent); $buffer .= htmlspecialchars($value, 2, 'UTF-8'); $buffer .= '</span></a> '; $buffer .= $indent . ' </span> '; $buffer .= $indent . ' </li> '; $context->pop(); } } return $buffer; } ) [source:Mustache_Compiler:private] => <nav id="bloc_ariane"> <ol class="breadcrumb"> <li> <em>Vous êtes ici : </em> <span itemscope itemtype="http://data-vocabulary.org/Breadcrumb"> <a href="http://www.maison-ecologique-bois.com/" itemprop="url"><span itemprop="title">SPCME</span></a> </span> </li> {{#etapes}} <li{{#last}} class="active"{{/last}}> <span itemscope itemtype="http://data-vocabulary.org/Breadcrumb" itemprop="child"> <a href="{{lien}}" itemprop="url"><span itemprop="title">{{titre}}</span></a> </span> </li> {{/etapes}} </ol> </nav> [indentNextLine:Mustache_Compiler:private] => [customEscape:Mustache_Compiler:private] => [entityFlags:Mustache_Compiler:private] => 2 [charset:Mustache_Compiler:private] => UTF-8 [strictCallables:Mustache_Compiler:private] => ) ) [tab_run] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => redirections [admin] => [module] => Main ) [1] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => front [admin] => [module] => Main ) [2] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => parse_mustaches [admin] => [module] => Main [moustache] => front [params_run] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => affiche [admin] => [module] => Pages [id] => [query] => [titre] => residence-senior [lang] => en ) ) [3] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => parse_mustaches [admin] => [module] => Main [moustache] => haut [params_run] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => affiche [admin] => [module] => Pages [id] => [query] => [titre] => residence-senior [lang] => en ) ) [4] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => parse_mustaches [admin] => [module] => Main [moustache] => bas [params_run] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => affiche [admin] => [module] => Pages [id] => [query] => [titre] => residence-senior [lang] => en ) ) [5] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => parse_mustaches [admin] => [module] => Main [moustache] => scripts [params_run] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => affiche [admin] => [module] => Pages [id] => [query] => [titre] => residence-senior [lang] => en ) ) ) [template] => archic [_template] => archic [template_admin] => archic [tab_lang] => Array ( [_LAST_ACCESS] => Derniers accès ) [_db] => sqlDB Object ( [_config:sqlDB:private] => Array ( [user] => maison-ecolo [pwd] => iR9&ni53H6mhu8^1 [db_name] => maison-ecolo [server] => localhost [type_db] => mysql ) [_pdo:sqlDB:private] => 1 [_handler:sqlDB:private] => PDO Object ( ) [_res:sqlDB:private] => [_req] => [_fetched:sqlDB:private] => [_curr_line:sqlDB:private] => 0 [_error:sqlDB:private] => errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] => [_ligne:errorClass:private] => [_objContext:errorClass:private] => [_message:errorClass:private] => ) ) [_use_bdd] => 1 [_title] => [_ariane] => [_titre] => [_h1] => [_description] => [_keywords] => [_template_admin] => archic [_template_admin_admin] => [_responsive] => 1 [_responsive_admin] => [_auto_scroll] => 1 [_auto_scroll_admin] => [_annee_creation_site] => 2015 [_annee_creation_site_admin] => [_id_google_anaytics] => UA-53704286-21 [_id_google_anaytics_admin] => [_id_client_analytics] => 520640658396-ljfr1f1bh5hk9hq7uhtc15h2ud6bq8q3.apps.googleusercontent.com [_id_client_analytics_admin] => [_limite_derniers_acces] => 10 [_limite_derniers_acces_admin] => [primary_params] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => redirections [admin] => [module] => Main ) ) [Contact] => Contact Object ( [_name] => Contact [_modules_root] => modules/Contact [_modulo] => Modulo Object *RECURSION* [_messenger] => Messenger Object ( [_index:Messenger:private] => Contact ) [_errorer] => errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] => [_ligne:errorClass:private] => [_objContext:errorClass:private] => [_message:errorClass:private] => ) [_mustache] => Mustache_Engine Object ( [templates:Mustache_Engine:private] => Array ( ) [templateClassPrefix:Mustache_Engine:private] => __Mustache_ [cache:Mustache_Engine:private] => [lambdaCache:Mustache_Engine:private] => [cacheLambdaTemplates:Mustache_Engine:private] => [loader:Mustache_Engine:private] => [partialsLoader:Mustache_Engine:private] => [helpers:Mustache_Engine:private] => [escape:Mustache_Engine:private] => [entityFlags:Mustache_Engine:private] => 2 [charset:Mustache_Engine:private] => UTF-8 [logger:Mustache_Engine:private] => [strictCallables:Mustache_Engine:private] => [pragmas:Mustache_Engine:private] => Array ( ) [tokenizer:Mustache_Engine:private] => [parser:Mustache_Engine:private] => [compiler:Mustache_Engine:private] => ) [tab_run] => Array ( ) [template] => archic [_template] => archic [template_admin] => archic [tab_lang] => Array ( [META_DESC_DEFAUT_CONTACT] => Nous contacter [TITRE_PAGE_CONTACT] => Nous contacter [PAGE_VIDE_CONTACT] => Aucune formulaire n'est disponible. [MESSAGE_INTROUVABLE_CONTACT] => Attention ! La page demandée est introuvable ou n'existe pas. [LIEN_RETOUR_FORMULAIRE] => <a href="./fr/contact/">Retour au formulaire de contact</a> [ERREUR_FLOOD] => Le nombre d'envoi de messages est limité sur une courte période (protection anti-flood) :<br /><br />Vous devez patienter avant de tenter d'envoyer un nouveau message. [ERREUR_CAPTCHA] => Notre système anti-robot a arrêté le traitement de ce formulaire. Veuillez recommencer. [ERREUR_FORMULAIRE] => Une erreur est survenue lors du traitement de votre demande.<br />Merci de réessayer plus tard ou d'écrire directement à <a href="mailto:contact@maison-ecologique-bois.com">contact@maison-ecologique-bois.com</a> [CONTACT_INTRO] => Pour toute demande de renseignements remplissez le formulaire de contact; Nous vous répondrons dans les meilleurs délais. [CHAMPS_OBLIGATOIRES] => Les champs marqués d'une <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-asterisk"></span> doivent être renseignés. [LABEL_TEL] => Téléphone [LABEL_FAX] => Fax [LABEL_MOB] => Mobile [LABEL_MEL] => Courriel [LABEL_WEB] => Web [LABEL_CIVILITE] => Civilité [LABEL_NOM] => Nom [LABEL_PRENOM] => Prénom [LABEL_SOCIETE] => Société [LABEL_ADRESSE] => Adresse [LABEL_CODE_POSTAL] => Code postal [LABEL_VILLE] => Ville [LABEL_MESSAGE] => Votre message [LABEL_ENVOYER] => Envoyer [MESSAGE_ENVOYE] => Votre message a bien été envoyé et sera traité dans les meilleurs délais. [TITLE_MENTIONS_LEGALES] => Mentions légales [H1_MENTIONS_LEGALES] => Mentions légales du site SPCME [TITRE_MENTIONS_LEGALES] => Mentions légales ) [_db] => sqlDB Object ( [_config:sqlDB:private] => Array ( [user] => maison-ecolo [pwd] => iR9&ni53H6mhu8^1 [db_name] => maison-ecolo [server] => localhost [type_db] => mysql ) [_pdo:sqlDB:private] => 1 [_handler:sqlDB:private] => PDO Object ( ) [_res:sqlDB:private] => [_req] => [_fetched:sqlDB:private] => [_curr_line:sqlDB:private] => 0 [_error:sqlDB:private] => errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] => [_ligne:errorClass:private] => [_objContext:errorClass:private] => [_message:errorClass:private] => ) ) [_use_bdd] => 1 [_title] => Nous contacter [_ariane] => Nous contacter [_titre] => Nous contacter [_h1] => Nous contacter [_description] => Nous contacter [_keywords] => Nous contacter [_rep_images] => ../images/interface/ [_rep_images_admin] => [__STRUCTURE] => SPCME [__STRUCTURE_admin] => [__SITE_URL] => maison-bois-economique.com [__SITE_URL_admin] => [__URL] => http://www.maison-ecologique-bois.com [__URL_admin] => [__SITE_NOM] => SPCME [__SITE_NOM_admin] => [__SIRET] => 5307343000001 [__SIRET_admin] => [__ADRESSE] => 7 route de Pinas [__ADRESSE_admin] => [__CODE_POSTAL] => 31580 [__CODE_POSTAL_admin] => [__VILLE] => BOUDRAC [__VILLE_admin] => [__TEL] => 05 61 88 95 38 [__TEL_admin] => [__FAX] => [__FAX_admin] => [__PORTABLE] => [__PORTABLE_admin] => [__EMAIL] => contact@maison-ecologique-bois.com [__EMAIL_admin] => [__REGION] => Midi-Pyrénées [__REGION_admin] => [__PAYS] => France [__PAYS_admin] => [__LAT] => 0 [__LAT_admin] => [__LONG] => 0 [__LONG_admin] => [_chps_civilite] => 1 [_chps_civilite_admin] => [_chps_nom] => 1 [_chps_nom_admin] => [_chps_prenom] => 1 [_chps_prenom_admin] => [_chps_societe] => 1 [_chps_societe_admin] => [_chps_adresse] => 1 [_chps_adresse_admin] => [_chps_cp] => 1 [_chps_cp_admin] => [_chps_ville] => 1 [_chps_ville_admin] => [_chps_mail] => 1 [_chps_mail_admin] => [_chps_tel] => 1 [_chps_tel_admin] => [_chps_fax] => 1 [_chps_fax_admin] => [_chps_mobile] => 1 [_chps_mobile_admin] => [_template_admin] => archic ) [Pages] => Pages Object *RECURSION* [Droits] => Droits Object ( [_name] => Droits [_modules_root] => modules/Droits [_modulo] => Modulo Object *RECURSION* [_messenger] => Messenger Object ( [_index:Messenger:private] => Droits ) [_errorer] => errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] => [_ligne:errorClass:private] => [_objContext:errorClass:private] => [_message:errorClass:private] => ) [_mustache] => Mustache_Engine Object ( [templates:Mustache_Engine:private] => Array ( ) [templateClassPrefix:Mustache_Engine:private] => __Mustache_ [cache:Mustache_Engine:private] => [lambdaCache:Mustache_Engine:private] => [cacheLambdaTemplates:Mustache_Engine:private] => [loader:Mustache_Engine:private] => [partialsLoader:Mustache_Engine:private] => [helpers:Mustache_Engine:private] => [escape:Mustache_Engine:private] => [entityFlags:Mustache_Engine:private] => 2 [charset:Mustache_Engine:private] => UTF-8 [logger:Mustache_Engine:private] => [strictCallables:Mustache_Engine:private] => [pragmas:Mustache_Engine:private] => Array ( ) [tokenizer:Mustache_Engine:private] => [parser:Mustache_Engine:private] => [compiler:Mustache_Engine:private] => ) [tab_run] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => ariane [admin] => [module] => Pages [id] => [query] => [titre] => residence-senior [lang] => en [params] => all ) [1] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => h1 [admin] => [module] => Pages [id] => [query] => [titre] => residence-senior [lang] => en [params] => all ) [2] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => affiche [admin] => [module] => Pages [id] => [query] => [titre] => residence-senior [lang] => en [params] => all ) ) [template] => archic [_template] => archic [template_admin] => archic [tab_lang] => Array ( ) [_db] => sqlDB Object ( [_config:sqlDB:private] => Array ( [user] => maison-ecolo [pwd] => iR9&ni53H6mhu8^1 [db_name] => maison-ecolo [server] => localhost [type_db] => mysql ) [_pdo:sqlDB:private] => 1 [_handler:sqlDB:private] => PDO Object ( ) [_res:sqlDB:private] => PDOStatement Object ( [queryString] => SHOW TABLES LIKE 'mod_droits_acces' ) [_req] => SHOW TABLES LIKE 'mod_droits_acces' [_fetched:sqlDB:private] => [_curr_line:sqlDB:private] => 0 [_error:sqlDB:private] => errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] => [_ligne:errorClass:private] => [_objContext:errorClass:private] => [_message:errorClass:private] => ) ) [_use_bdd] => 1 [_title] => [_ariane] => [_titre] => [_h1] => [_description] => [_keywords] => [_id_groupe_visiteurs] => 4 [_id_groupe_visiteurs_admin] => [_template_admin] => archic [primary_params] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => ariane [admin] => [module] => Pages [id] => [query] => [titre] => residence-senior [lang] => en [params] => all ) ) ) [_modules_root] => modules/ [_chaines] => chaines Object ( ) [_horloge] => horloge Object ( [_format] => [_tab] => Array ( [seconds] => 51 [minutes] => 28 [hours] => 12 [mday] => 13 [wday] => 4 [mon] => 2 [year] => 2025 [yday] => 43 [weekday] => Thursday [month] => February [0] => 1739446131 ) [_tab_jour] => Array ( [0] => Dimanche [1] => Lundi [2] => Mardi [3] => Mercredi [4] => Jeudi [5] => Vendredi [6] => Samedi ) [_tab_mois] => Array ( [0] => Msgn° [1] => Janvier [2] => Février [3] => Mars [4] => Avril [5] => Mai [6] => Juin [7] => Juillet [8] => Août [9] => Septembre [10] => Octobre [11] => Novembre [12] => Décembre ) [_datetime] => [format] => d/m/Y H:i:s ) [_lien] => Lien Object ( [_module] => [_id] => [_titre] => [_numpage] => [_objet] => [_action] => [_type] => [_id2] => [_id3] => [_option] => [_param] => [_admin] => ) ) [_messenger] => Messenger Object ( [_index:Messenger:private] => Pages ) [_errorer] => errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] => [_ligne:errorClass:private] => [_objContext:errorClass:private] => [_message:errorClass:private] => ) [_mustache] => Mustache_Engine Object ( [templates:Mustache_Engine:private] => Array ( ) [templateClassPrefix:Mustache_Engine:private] => __Mustache_ [cache:Mustache_Engine:private] => [lambdaCache:Mustache_Engine:private] => [cacheLambdaTemplates:Mustache_Engine:private] => [loader:Mustache_Engine:private] => [partialsLoader:Mustache_Engine:private] => [helpers:Mustache_Engine:private] => [escape:Mustache_Engine:private] => [entityFlags:Mustache_Engine:private] => 2 [charset:Mustache_Engine:private] => UTF-8 [logger:Mustache_Engine:private] => [strictCallables:Mustache_Engine:private] => [pragmas:Mustache_Engine:private] => Array ( ) [tokenizer:Mustache_Engine:private] => [parser:Mustache_Engine:private] => [compiler:Mustache_Engine:private] => ) [tab_run] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [titre] => residence-senior ) [1] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => description [admin] => [module] => Pages [titre] => residence-senior ) [2] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => ariane [admin] => [module] => Pages [id] => [query] => [titre] => residence-senior [lang] => en [params] => all ) [3] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => ariane [admin] => [module] => Pages [id] => [query] => [titre] => residence-senior [lang] => en [params] => all ) [4] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => h1 [admin] => [module] => Pages [id] => [query] => [titre] => residence-senior [lang] => en [params] => all ) [5] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => h1 [admin] => [module] => Pages [id] => [query] => [titre] => residence-senior [lang] => en [params] => all ) [6] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => affiche [admin] => [module] => Pages [id] => [query] => [titre] => residence-senior [lang] => en [params] => all ) [7] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => affiche [admin] => [module] => Pages [id] => [query] => [titre] => residence-senior [lang] => en [params] => all ) ) [template] => archic [_template] => archic [template_admin] => archic [tab_lang] => Array ( [META_DESC_DEFAUT] => Page dynamique [Metadesc] => Page dynamique [TITRE_PAGE_INTROUVABLE] => Page introuvable ! [titre_page] => Page introuvable ! [PAGE_VIDE] => Cette page ne comporte aucun contenu. [PAGE_INTROUVABLE] => Attention ! La page demandée est introuvable ou n'existe pas. [CHAINE_RETOUR_ACCUEIL] => Attention ! La page demandée est introuvable ou n'existe pas.<br /><a href="http://www.maison-ecologique-bois.com/" title="Retour a l'accueil">Retour &agrave; l'accueil</a> [SOMMAIRE] => Sommaire [PAGE_PRECEDENTE] => Page précédente [PAGE_SUIVANTE] => Page suivante [PAGER_STRING] => Page {current_page} sur {max_page} ) [_db] => sqlDB Object ( [_config:sqlDB:private] => Array ( [user] => maison-ecolo [pwd] => iR9&ni53H6mhu8^1 [db_name] => maison-ecolo [server] => localhost [type_db] => mysql ) [_pdo:sqlDB:private] => 1 [_handler:sqlDB:private] => PDO Object ( ) [_res:sqlDB:private] => PDOStatement Object ( [queryString] => SHOW TABLES LIKE 'mod_pages_contenu' ) [_req] => SHOW TABLES LIKE 'mod_pages_contenu' [_fetched:sqlDB:private] => [_curr_line:sqlDB:private] => 0 [_error:sqlDB:private] => errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] => [_ligne:errorClass:private] => [_objContext:errorClass:private] => [_message:errorClass:private] => ) ) [_use_bdd] => 1 [_title] => Résidence senior [_ariane] => Résidence senior [_titre] => Page introuvable ! [_h1] => Résidence senior [_description] => SPCME va construire pour vous suivant son savoir faire, 31 maisons à la norme handicapé, pour votre qualité de vie et en indépendance énergétique, c'est-à-dire des maisons n'ayant pas besoin de chauffage ni de climatisation, dont les besoins sont couvert par la production d'électricité photovoltaïque pour les économies. [_keywords] => Page dynamique [_template_admin] => archic [_rep_images] => images/pages/ [_rep_images_admin] => [_mini_lg_max] => 400 [_mini_lg_max_admin] => [_mini_ht_max] => 300 [_mini_ht_max_admin] => [_bandeau_lg_max] => 650 [_bandeau_lg_max_admin] => [_bandeau_ht_max] => 300 [_bandeau_ht_max_admin] => [_img_lg_max] => 1024 [_img_lg_max_admin] => [_img_ht_max] => 768 [_img_ht_max_admin] => [_nb_paragraphe_pages] => 50 [_nb_paragraphe_pages_admin] => [_action_Galerie] => affiche [_action_Galerie_admin] => [_action_CoreSlider] => slider [_action_CoreSlider_admin] => [_action_PrestationsCategorie] => affichecategorie [_action_PrestationsCategorie_admin] => [primary_params] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => description [admin] => [module] => Pages [titre] => residence-senior ) ) run(#sommaire#,##) on line 809 in file /var/www/vhosts/maison-ecologique-bois.com/httpdocs/core/module.class.php objet PagesPages Object ( [_id_cat] => 0 [_id_page] => 16 [_sommaire] => 1 [_chapeau] => [_nom_rewrite] => residence-senior [_name] => Pages [_modules_root] => modules/Pages [_modulo] => Modulo Object ( [_dbConnexion] => sqlDB Object ( [_config:sqlDB:private] => Array ( [user] => maison-ecolo [pwd] => iR9&ni53H6mhu8^1 [db_name] => maison-ecolo [server] => localhost [type_db] => mysql ) [_pdo:sqlDB:private] => 1 [_handler:sqlDB:private] => PDO Object ( ) [_res:sqlDB:private] => PDOStatement Object ( [queryString] => SELECT id FROM mod_langues WHERE code_langue='en' ) [_req] => SELECT id FROM mod_langues WHERE code_langue='en' [_fetched:sqlDB:private] => [_curr_line:sqlDB:private] => 1 [_error:sqlDB:private] => errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] => [_ligne:errorClass:private] => [_objContext:errorClass:private] => [_message:errorClass:private] => ) ) [_modules] => Modules Object ( [_root_modules] => modules/ [_mods] => Array ( [0] => Actualites [1] => Agenda [2] => Annuaires [3] => Cartes [4] => Contact [5] => Droits [6] => FluxRSS [7] => Galeries [8] => Geographie [9] => Langs [10] => LiensRef [11] => Mailing [12] => Main [13] => Menu [14] => Pages [15] => Panneaux [16] => Partenaires [17] => Plans [18] => Prestations [19] => Produits [20] => Realisations [21] => Referencement [22] => ReseauxSociaux [23] => Slider [24] => Temoignages ) [_modulo] => Modulo Object *RECURSION* [_nb] => 25 [url_repo:Modules:private] => http://modulol.pyreweb.com/getamodule.php ) [_modules_charges] => Array ( [Main] => Main Object ( [_name] => Main [_modules_root] => modules/Main [_modulo] => Modulo Object *RECURSION* [_messenger] => Messenger Object ( [_index:Messenger:private] => Main ) [_errorer] => errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] => [_ligne:errorClass:private] => [_objContext:errorClass:private] => [_message:errorClass:private] => ) [_mustache] => Mustache_Engine Object ( [templates:Mustache_Engine:private] => Array ( [__Mustache_5f56c851127defa716be869a0b94aa85] => __Mustache_5f56c851127defa716be869a0b94aa85 Object ( [lambdaHelper:__Mustache_5f56c851127defa716be869a0b94aa85:private] => Mustache_LambdaHelper Object ( [mustache:Mustache_LambdaHelper:private] => Mustache_Engine Object *RECURSION* [context:Mustache_LambdaHelper:private] => Mustache_Context Object ( [stack:Mustache_Context:private] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [etapes] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [titre] => Général [lien] => Lien Object ( [_module] => Pages [_id] => 1 [_titre] => [_numpage] => [_objet] => categorie [_action] => [_type] => [_id2] => [_id3] => [_option] => [_param] => [_admin] => ) ) [1] => Array ( [titre] => Résidence senior [lien] => Lien Object ( [_module] => Pages [_id] => 16 [_titre] => [_numpage] => [_objet] => page [_action] => [_type] => [_id2] => [_id3] => [_option] => [_param] => [_admin] => ) [last] => 1 [first] => 1 ) ) ) ) [blockStack:Mustache_Context:private] => Array ( ) ) ) [mustache:protected] => Mustache_Engine Object *RECURSION* [strictCallables:protected] => ) ) [templateClassPrefix:Mustache_Engine:private] => __Mustache_ [cache:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Cache_NoopCache Object ( [logger:Mustache_Cache_AbstractCache:private] => ) [lambdaCache:Mustache_Engine:private] => [cacheLambdaTemplates:Mustache_Engine:private] => [loader:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Loader_StringLoader Object ( ) [partialsLoader:Mustache_Engine:private] => [helpers:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_HelperCollection Object ( [helpers:Mustache_HelperCollection:private] => Array ( ) ) [escape:Mustache_Engine:private] => [entityFlags:Mustache_Engine:private] => 2 [charset:Mustache_Engine:private] => UTF-8 [logger:Mustache_Engine:private] => [strictCallables:Mustache_Engine:private] => [pragmas:Mustache_Engine:private] => Array ( ) [tokenizer:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Tokenizer Object ( [state:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => 0 [tagType:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => / [buffer:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => [tokens:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 0 [value] => <nav id="bloc_ariane"> ) [1] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 1 [value] => <ol class="breadcrumb"> ) [2] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 2 [value] => <li> ) [3] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 3 [value] => <em>Vous êtes ici : </em> ) [4] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 4 [value] => <span itemscope itemtype="http://data-vocabulary.org/Breadcrumb"> ) [5] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 5 [value] => <a href="http://www.maison-ecologique-bois.com/" itemprop="url"><span itemprop="title">SPCME</span></a> ) [6] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 6 [value] => </span> ) [7] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 7 [value] => </li> ) [8] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 8 [value] => ) [9] => Array ( [type] => # [name] => etapes [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 8 [index] => 294 ) [10] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 8 [value] => ) [11] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 9 [value] => <li ) [12] => Array ( [type] => # [name] => last [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 9 [index] => 309 ) [13] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 9 [value] => class="active" ) [14] => Array ( [type] => / [name] => last [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 9 [index] => 324 ) [15] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 9 [value] => > ) [16] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 10 [value] => <span itemscope itemtype="http://data-vocabulary.org/Breadcrumb" itemprop="child"> ) [17] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 11 [value] => <a href=" ) [18] => Array ( [type] => _v [name] => lien [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 11 [index] => 442 ) [19] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 11 [value] => " itemprop="url"><span itemprop="title"> ) [20] => Array ( [type] => _v [name] => titre [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 11 [index] => 491 ) [21] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 11 [value] => </span></a> ) [22] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 12 [value] => </span> ) [23] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 13 [value] => </li> ) [24] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 14 [value] => ) [25] => Array ( [type] => / [name] => etapes [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 14 [index] => 524 ) [26] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 14 [value] => ) [27] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 15 [value] => </ol> ) [28] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 16 [value] => </nav> ) ) [seenTag:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => 526 [line:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => 16 [otag:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => {{ [ctag:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => }} [otagLen:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => 2 [ctagLen:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => 2 ) [parser:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Parser Object ( [lineNum:Mustache_Parser:private] => 16 [lineTokens:Mustache_Parser:private] => 0 [pragmas:Mustache_Parser:private] => Array ( ) [defaultPragmas:Mustache_Parser:private] => Array ( ) [pragmaFilters:Mustache_Parser:private] => [pragmaBlocks:Mustache_Parser:private] => ) [compiler:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Compiler Object ( [pragmas:Mustache_Compiler:private] => Array ( ) [defaultPragmas:Mustache_Compiler:private] => Array ( ) [sections:Mustache_Compiler:private] => Array ( [A779d0e8be975469e74058d6ae113a3d] => private function sectionA779d0e8be975469e74058d6ae113a3d(Mustache_Context $context, $indent, $value) { $buffer = ''; if (!is_string($value) && is_callable($value)) { $source = ' class="active"'; $result = call_user_func($value, $source, $this->lambdaHelper); if (strpos($result, '{{') === false) { $buffer .= $result; } else { $buffer .= $this->mustache ->loadLambda((string) $result) ->renderInternal($context); } } elseif (!empty($value)) { $values = $this->isIterable($value) ? $value : array($value); foreach ($values as $value) { $context->push($value); $buffer .= ' class="active"'; $context->pop(); } } return $buffer; } [C2e4c5434e2e39fe39a6c51bf35aa05a] => private function sectionC2e4c5434e2e39fe39a6c51bf35aa05a(Mustache_Context $context, $indent, $value) { $buffer = ''; if (!is_string($value) && is_callable($value)) { $source = ' <li{{#last}} class="active"{{/last}}> <span itemscope itemtype="http://data-vocabulary.org/Breadcrumb" itemprop="child"> <a href="{{lien}}" itemprop="url"><span itemprop="title">{{titre}}</span></a> </span> </li> '; $result = call_user_func($value, $source, $this->lambdaHelper); if (strpos($result, '{{') === false) { $buffer .= $result; } else { $buffer .= $this->mustache ->loadLambda((string) $result) ->renderInternal($context); } } elseif (!empty($value)) { $values = $this->isIterable($value) ? $value : array($value); foreach ($values as $value) { $context->push($value); $buffer .= $indent . ' <li'; // 'last' section $value = $context->find('last'); $buffer .= $this->sectionA779d0e8be975469e74058d6ae113a3d($context, $indent, $value); $buffer .= '> '; $buffer .= $indent . ' <span itemscope itemtype="http://data-vocabulary.org/Breadcrumb" itemprop="child"> '; $buffer .= $indent . ' <a href="'; $value = $this->resolveValue($context->find('lien'), $context, $indent); $buffer .= htmlspecialchars($value, 2, 'UTF-8'); $buffer .= '" itemprop="url"><span itemprop="title">'; $value = $this->resolveValue($context->find('titre'), $context, $indent); $buffer .= htmlspecialchars($value, 2, 'UTF-8'); $buffer .= '</span></a> '; $buffer .= $indent . ' </span> '; $buffer .= $indent . ' </li> '; $context->pop(); } } return $buffer; } ) [source:Mustache_Compiler:private] => <nav id="bloc_ariane"> <ol class="breadcrumb"> <li> <em>Vous êtes ici : </em> <span itemscope itemtype="http://data-vocabulary.org/Breadcrumb"> <a href="http://www.maison-ecologique-bois.com/" itemprop="url"><span itemprop="title">SPCME</span></a> </span> </li> {{#etapes}} <li{{#last}} class="active"{{/last}}> <span itemscope itemtype="http://data-vocabulary.org/Breadcrumb" itemprop="child"> <a href="{{lien}}" itemprop="url"><span itemprop="title">{{titre}}</span></a> </span> </li> {{/etapes}} </ol> </nav> [indentNextLine:Mustache_Compiler:private] => [customEscape:Mustache_Compiler:private] => [entityFlags:Mustache_Compiler:private] => 2 [charset:Mustache_Compiler:private] => UTF-8 [strictCallables:Mustache_Compiler:private] => ) ) [tab_run] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => redirections [admin] => [module] => Main ) [1] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => front [admin] => [module] => Main ) [2] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => parse_mustaches [admin] => [module] => Main [moustache] => front [params_run] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => affiche [admin] => [module] => Pages [id] => [query] => [titre] => residence-senior [lang] => en ) ) [3] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => parse_mustaches [admin] => [module] => Main [moustache] => haut [params_run] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => affiche [admin] => [module] => Pages [id] => [query] => [titre] => residence-senior [lang] => en ) ) [4] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => parse_mustaches [admin] => [module] => Main [moustache] => bas [params_run] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => affiche [admin] => [module] => Pages [id] => [query] => [titre] => residence-senior [lang] => en ) ) [5] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => parse_mustaches [admin] => [module] => Main [moustache] => scripts [params_run] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => affiche [admin] => [module] => Pages [id] => [query] => [titre] => residence-senior [lang] => en ) ) ) [template] => archic [_template] => archic [template_admin] => archic [tab_lang] => Array ( [_LAST_ACCESS] => Derniers accès ) [_db] => sqlDB Object ( [_config:sqlDB:private] => Array ( [user] => maison-ecolo [pwd] => iR9&ni53H6mhu8^1 [db_name] => maison-ecolo [server] => localhost [type_db] => mysql ) [_pdo:sqlDB:private] => 1 [_handler:sqlDB:private] => PDO Object ( ) [_res:sqlDB:private] => [_req] => [_fetched:sqlDB:private] => [_curr_line:sqlDB:private] => 0 [_error:sqlDB:private] => errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] => [_ligne:errorClass:private] => [_objContext:errorClass:private] => [_message:errorClass:private] => ) ) [_use_bdd] => 1 [_title] => [_ariane] => [_titre] => [_h1] => [_description] => [_keywords] => [_template_admin] => archic [_template_admin_admin] => [_responsive] => 1 [_responsive_admin] => [_auto_scroll] => 1 [_auto_scroll_admin] => [_annee_creation_site] => 2015 [_annee_creation_site_admin] => [_id_google_anaytics] => UA-53704286-21 [_id_google_anaytics_admin] => [_id_client_analytics] => 520640658396-ljfr1f1bh5hk9hq7uhtc15h2ud6bq8q3.apps.googleusercontent.com [_id_client_analytics_admin] => [_limite_derniers_acces] => 10 [_limite_derniers_acces_admin] => [primary_params] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => redirections [admin] => [module] => Main ) ) [Contact] => Contact Object ( [_name] => Contact [_modules_root] => modules/Contact [_modulo] => Modulo Object *RECURSION* [_messenger] => Messenger Object ( [_index:Messenger:private] => Contact ) [_errorer] => errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] => [_ligne:errorClass:private] => [_objContext:errorClass:private] => [_message:errorClass:private] => ) [_mustache] => Mustache_Engine Object ( [templates:Mustache_Engine:private] => Array ( ) [templateClassPrefix:Mustache_Engine:private] => __Mustache_ [cache:Mustache_Engine:private] => [lambdaCache:Mustache_Engine:private] => [cacheLambdaTemplates:Mustache_Engine:private] => [loader:Mustache_Engine:private] => [partialsLoader:Mustache_Engine:private] => [helpers:Mustache_Engine:private] => [escape:Mustache_Engine:private] => [entityFlags:Mustache_Engine:private] => 2 [charset:Mustache_Engine:private] => UTF-8 [logger:Mustache_Engine:private] => [strictCallables:Mustache_Engine:private] => [pragmas:Mustache_Engine:private] => Array ( ) [tokenizer:Mustache_Engine:private] => [parser:Mustache_Engine:private] => [compiler:Mustache_Engine:private] => ) [tab_run] => Array ( ) [template] => archic [_template] => archic [template_admin] => archic [tab_lang] => Array ( [META_DESC_DEFAUT_CONTACT] => Nous contacter [TITRE_PAGE_CONTACT] => Nous contacter [PAGE_VIDE_CONTACT] => Aucune formulaire n'est disponible. [MESSAGE_INTROUVABLE_CONTACT] => Attention ! La page demandée est introuvable ou n'existe pas. [LIEN_RETOUR_FORMULAIRE] => <a href="./fr/contact/">Retour au formulaire de contact</a> [ERREUR_FLOOD] => Le nombre d'envoi de messages est limité sur une courte période (protection anti-flood) :<br /><br />Vous devez patienter avant de tenter d'envoyer un nouveau message. [ERREUR_CAPTCHA] => Notre système anti-robot a arrêté le traitement de ce formulaire. Veuillez recommencer. [ERREUR_FORMULAIRE] => Une erreur est survenue lors du traitement de votre demande.<br />Merci de réessayer plus tard ou d'écrire directement à <a href="mailto:contact@maison-ecologique-bois.com">contact@maison-ecologique-bois.com</a> [CONTACT_INTRO] => Pour toute demande de renseignements remplissez le formulaire de contact; Nous vous répondrons dans les meilleurs délais. [CHAMPS_OBLIGATOIRES] => Les champs marqués d'une <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-asterisk"></span> doivent être renseignés. [LABEL_TEL] => Téléphone [LABEL_FAX] => Fax [LABEL_MOB] => Mobile [LABEL_MEL] => Courriel [LABEL_WEB] => Web [LABEL_CIVILITE] => Civilité [LABEL_NOM] => Nom [LABEL_PRENOM] => Prénom [LABEL_SOCIETE] => Société [LABEL_ADRESSE] => Adresse [LABEL_CODE_POSTAL] => Code postal [LABEL_VILLE] => Ville [LABEL_MESSAGE] => Votre message [LABEL_ENVOYER] => Envoyer [MESSAGE_ENVOYE] => Votre message a bien été envoyé et sera traité dans les meilleurs délais. [TITLE_MENTIONS_LEGALES] => Mentions légales [H1_MENTIONS_LEGALES] => Mentions légales du site SPCME [TITRE_MENTIONS_LEGALES] => Mentions légales ) [_db] => sqlDB Object ( [_config:sqlDB:private] => Array ( [user] => maison-ecolo [pwd] => iR9&ni53H6mhu8^1 [db_name] => maison-ecolo [server] => localhost [type_db] => mysql ) [_pdo:sqlDB:private] => 1 [_handler:sqlDB:private] => PDO Object ( ) [_res:sqlDB:private] => [_req] => [_fetched:sqlDB:private] => [_curr_line:sqlDB:private] => 0 [_error:sqlDB:private] => errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] => [_ligne:errorClass:private] => [_objContext:errorClass:private] => [_message:errorClass:private] => ) ) [_use_bdd] => 1 [_title] => Nous contacter [_ariane] => Nous contacter [_titre] => Nous contacter [_h1] => Nous contacter [_description] => Nous contacter [_keywords] => Nous contacter [_rep_images] => ../images/interface/ [_rep_images_admin] => [__STRUCTURE] => SPCME [__STRUCTURE_admin] => [__SITE_URL] => maison-bois-economique.com [__SITE_URL_admin] => [__URL] => http://www.maison-ecologique-bois.com [__URL_admin] => [__SITE_NOM] => SPCME [__SITE_NOM_admin] => [__SIRET] => 5307343000001 [__SIRET_admin] => [__ADRESSE] => 7 route de Pinas [__ADRESSE_admin] => [__CODE_POSTAL] => 31580 [__CODE_POSTAL_admin] => [__VILLE] => BOUDRAC [__VILLE_admin] => [__TEL] => 05 61 88 95 38 [__TEL_admin] => [__FAX] => [__FAX_admin] => [__PORTABLE] => [__PORTABLE_admin] => [__EMAIL] => contact@maison-ecologique-bois.com [__EMAIL_admin] => [__REGION] => Midi-Pyrénées [__REGION_admin] => [__PAYS] => France [__PAYS_admin] => [__LAT] => 0 [__LAT_admin] => [__LONG] => 0 [__LONG_admin] => [_chps_civilite] => 1 [_chps_civilite_admin] => [_chps_nom] => 1 [_chps_nom_admin] => [_chps_prenom] => 1 [_chps_prenom_admin] => [_chps_societe] => 1 [_chps_societe_admin] => [_chps_adresse] => 1 [_chps_adresse_admin] => [_chps_cp] => 1 [_chps_cp_admin] => [_chps_ville] => 1 [_chps_ville_admin] => [_chps_mail] => 1 [_chps_mail_admin] => [_chps_tel] => 1 [_chps_tel_admin] => [_chps_fax] => 1 [_chps_fax_admin] => [_chps_mobile] => 1 [_chps_mobile_admin] => [_template_admin] => archic ) [Pages] => Pages Object *RECURSION* [Droits] => Droits Object ( [_name] => Droits [_modules_root] => modules/Droits [_modulo] => Modulo Object *RECURSION* [_messenger] => Messenger Object ( [_index:Messenger:private] => Droits ) [_errorer] => errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] => [_ligne:errorClass:private] => [_objContext:errorClass:private] => [_message:errorClass:private] => ) [_mustache] => Mustache_Engine Object ( [templates:Mustache_Engine:private] => Array ( ) [templateClassPrefix:Mustache_Engine:private] => __Mustache_ [cache:Mustache_Engine:private] => [lambdaCache:Mustache_Engine:private] => [cacheLambdaTemplates:Mustache_Engine:private] => [loader:Mustache_Engine:private] => [partialsLoader:Mustache_Engine:private] => [helpers:Mustache_Engine:private] => [escape:Mustache_Engine:private] => [entityFlags:Mustache_Engine:private] => 2 [charset:Mustache_Engine:private] => UTF-8 [logger:Mustache_Engine:private] => [strictCallables:Mustache_Engine:private] => [pragmas:Mustache_Engine:private] => Array ( ) [tokenizer:Mustache_Engine:private] => [parser:Mustache_Engine:private] => [compiler:Mustache_Engine:private] => ) [tab_run] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => ariane [admin] => [module] => Pages [id] => [query] => [titre] => residence-senior [lang] => en [params] => all ) [1] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => h1 [admin] => [module] => Pages [id] => [query] => [titre] => residence-senior [lang] => en [params] => all ) [2] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => affiche [admin] => [module] => Pages [id] => [query] => [titre] => residence-senior [lang] => en [params] => all ) ) [template] => archic [_template] => archic [template_admin] => archic [tab_lang] => Array ( ) [_db] => sqlDB Object ( [_config:sqlDB:private] => Array ( [user] => maison-ecolo [pwd] => iR9&ni53H6mhu8^1 [db_name] => maison-ecolo [server] => localhost [type_db] => mysql ) [_pdo:sqlDB:private] => 1 [_handler:sqlDB:private] => PDO Object ( ) [_res:sqlDB:private] => PDOStatement Object ( [queryString] => SHOW TABLES LIKE 'mod_droits_acces' ) [_req] => SHOW TABLES LIKE 'mod_droits_acces' [_fetched:sqlDB:private] => [_curr_line:sqlDB:private] => 0 [_error:sqlDB:private] => errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] => [_ligne:errorClass:private] => [_objContext:errorClass:private] => [_message:errorClass:private] => ) ) [_use_bdd] => 1 [_title] => [_ariane] => [_titre] => [_h1] => [_description] => [_keywords] => [_id_groupe_visiteurs] => 4 [_id_groupe_visiteurs_admin] => [_template_admin] => archic [primary_params] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => ariane [admin] => [module] => Pages [id] => [query] => [titre] => residence-senior [lang] => en [params] => all ) ) ) [_modules_root] => modules/ [_chaines] => chaines Object ( ) [_horloge] => horloge Object ( [_format] => [_tab] => Array ( [seconds] => 51 [minutes] => 28 [hours] => 12 [mday] => 13 [wday] => 4 [mon] => 2 [year] => 2025 [yday] => 43 [weekday] => Thursday [month] => February [0] => 1739446131 ) [_tab_jour] => Array ( [0] => Dimanche [1] => Lundi [2] => Mardi [3] => Mercredi [4] => Jeudi [5] => Vendredi [6] => Samedi ) [_tab_mois] => Array ( [0] => Msgn° [1] => Janvier [2] => Février [3] => Mars [4] => Avril [5] => Mai [6] => Juin [7] => Juillet [8] => Août [9] => Septembre [10] => Octobre [11] => Novembre [12] => Décembre ) [_datetime] => [format] => d/m/Y H:i:s ) [_lien] => Lien Object ( [_module] => [_id] => [_titre] => [_numpage] => [_objet] => [_action] => [_type] => [_id2] => [_id3] => [_option] => [_param] => [_admin] => ) ) [_messenger] => Messenger Object ( [_index:Messenger:private] => Pages ) [_errorer] => errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] => [_ligne:errorClass:private] => [_objContext:errorClass:private] => [_message:errorClass:private] => ) [_mustache] => Mustache_Engine Object ( [templates:Mustache_Engine:private] => Array ( ) [templateClassPrefix:Mustache_Engine:private] => __Mustache_ [cache:Mustache_Engine:private] => [lambdaCache:Mustache_Engine:private] => [cacheLambdaTemplates:Mustache_Engine:private] => [loader:Mustache_Engine:private] => [partialsLoader:Mustache_Engine:private] => [helpers:Mustache_Engine:private] => [escape:Mustache_Engine:private] => [entityFlags:Mustache_Engine:private] => 2 [charset:Mustache_Engine:private] => UTF-8 [logger:Mustache_Engine:private] => [strictCallables:Mustache_Engine:private] => [pragmas:Mustache_Engine:private] => Array ( ) [tokenizer:Mustache_Engine:private] => [parser:Mustache_Engine:private] => [compiler:Mustache_Engine:private] => ) [tab_run] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [titre] => residence-senior ) [1] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => description [admin] => [module] => Pages [titre] => residence-senior ) [2] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => ariane [admin] => [module] => Pages [id] => [query] => [titre] => residence-senior [lang] => en [params] => all ) [3] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => ariane [admin] => [module] => Pages [id] => [query] => [titre] => residence-senior [lang] => en [params] => all ) [4] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => h1 [admin] => [module] => Pages [id] => [query] => [titre] => residence-senior [lang] => en [params] => all ) [5] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => h1 [admin] => [module] => Pages [id] => [query] => [titre] => residence-senior [lang] => en [params] => all ) [6] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => affiche [admin] => [module] => Pages [id] => [query] => [titre] => residence-senior [lang] => en [params] => all ) [7] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => affiche [admin] => [module] => Pages [id] => [query] => [titre] => residence-senior [lang] => en [params] => all ) ) [template] => archic [_template] => archic [template_admin] => archic [tab_lang] => Array ( [META_DESC_DEFAUT] => Page dynamique [Metadesc] => Page dynamique [TITRE_PAGE_INTROUVABLE] => Page introuvable ! [titre_page] => Page introuvable ! [PAGE_VIDE] => Cette page ne comporte aucun contenu. [PAGE_INTROUVABLE] => Attention ! La page demandée est introuvable ou n'existe pas. [CHAINE_RETOUR_ACCUEIL] => Attention ! La page demandée est introuvable ou n'existe pas.<br /><a href="http://www.maison-ecologique-bois.com/" title="Retour a l'accueil">Retour &agrave; l'accueil</a> [SOMMAIRE] => Sommaire [PAGE_PRECEDENTE] => Page précédente [PAGE_SUIVANTE] => Page suivante [PAGER_STRING] => Page {current_page} sur {max_page} ) [_db] => sqlDB Object ( [_config:sqlDB:private] => Array ( [user] => maison-ecolo [pwd] => iR9&ni53H6mhu8^1 [db_name] => maison-ecolo [server] => localhost [type_db] => mysql ) [_pdo:sqlDB:private] => 1 [_handler:sqlDB:private] => PDO Object ( ) [_res:sqlDB:private] => PDOStatement Object ( [queryString] => SHOW TABLES LIKE 'mod_pages_contenu' ) [_req] => SHOW TABLES LIKE 'mod_pages_contenu' [_fetched:sqlDB:private] => [_curr_line:sqlDB:private] => 0 [_error:sqlDB:private] => errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] => [_ligne:errorClass:private] => [_objContext:errorClass:private] => [_message:errorClass:private] => ) ) [_use_bdd] => 1 [_title] => Résidence senior [_ariane] => Résidence senior [_titre] => Page introuvable ! [_h1] => Résidence senior [_description] => SPCME va construire pour vous suivant son savoir faire, 31 maisons à la norme handicapé, pour votre qualité de vie et en indépendance énergétique, c'est-à-dire des maisons n'ayant pas besoin de chauffage ni de climatisation, dont les besoins sont couvert par la production d'électricité photovoltaïque pour les économies. [_keywords] => Page dynamique [_template_admin] => archic [_rep_images] => images/pages/ [_rep_images_admin] => [_mini_lg_max] => 400 [_mini_lg_max_admin] => [_mini_ht_max] => 300 [_mini_ht_max_admin] => [_bandeau_lg_max] => 650 [_bandeau_lg_max_admin] => [_bandeau_ht_max] => 300 [_bandeau_ht_max_admin] => [_img_lg_max] => 1024 [_img_lg_max_admin] => [_img_ht_max] => 768 [_img_ht_max_admin] => [_nb_paragraphe_pages] => 50 [_nb_paragraphe_pages_admin] => [_action_Galerie] => affiche [_action_Galerie_admin] => [_action_CoreSlider] => slider [_action_CoreSlider_admin] => [_action_PrestationsCategorie] => affichecategorie [_action_PrestationsCategorie_admin] => [primary_params] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => description [admin] => [module] => Pages [titre] => residence-senior ) ) run_and_merge(#sommaire#,tableau 8#Array ( [state] => 00 [template] => [templates] => Array ( ) [corps] => [donnees] => Array ( ) [javascript] => Array ( ) [notification] => [debug] => ) #) on line 7 in file /var/www/vhosts/maison-ecologique-bois.com/httpdocs/modules/Pages/run/affiche.php objet PagesPages Object ( [_id_cat] => 0 [_id_page] => 16 [_sommaire] => 1 [_chapeau] => [_nom_rewrite] => residence-senior [_name] => Pages [_modules_root] => modules/Pages [_modulo] => Modulo Object ( [_dbConnexion] => sqlDB Object ( [_config:sqlDB:private] => Array ( [user] => maison-ecolo [pwd] => iR9&ni53H6mhu8^1 [db_name] => maison-ecolo [server] => localhost [type_db] => mysql ) [_pdo:sqlDB:private] => 1 [_handler:sqlDB:private] => PDO Object ( ) [_res:sqlDB:private] => PDOStatement Object ( [queryString] => SELECT id FROM mod_langues WHERE code_langue='en' ) [_req] => SELECT id FROM mod_langues WHERE code_langue='en' [_fetched:sqlDB:private] => [_curr_line:sqlDB:private] => 1 [_error:sqlDB:private] => errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] => [_ligne:errorClass:private] => [_objContext:errorClass:private] => [_message:errorClass:private] => ) ) [_modules] => Modules Object ( [_root_modules] => modules/ [_mods] => Array ( [0] => Actualites [1] => Agenda [2] => Annuaires [3] => Cartes [4] => Contact [5] => Droits [6] => FluxRSS [7] => Galeries [8] => Geographie [9] => Langs [10] => LiensRef [11] => Mailing [12] => Main [13] => Menu [14] => Pages [15] => Panneaux [16] => Partenaires [17] => Plans [18] => Prestations [19] => Produits [20] => Realisations [21] => Referencement [22] => ReseauxSociaux [23] => Slider [24] => Temoignages ) [_modulo] => Modulo Object *RECURSION* [_nb] => 25 [url_repo:Modules:private] => http://modulol.pyreweb.com/getamodule.php ) [_modules_charges] => Array ( [Main] => Main Object ( [_name] => Main [_modules_root] => modules/Main [_modulo] => Modulo Object *RECURSION* [_messenger] => Messenger Object ( [_index:Messenger:private] => Main ) [_errorer] => errorClass Object ( [_fichier:errorClass:private] => [_ligne:errorClass:private] => [_objContext:errorClass:private] => [_message:errorClass:private] => ) [_mustache] => Mustache_Engine Object ( [templates:Mustache_Engine:private] => Array ( [__Mustache_5f56c851127defa716be869a0b94aa85] => __Mustache_5f56c851127defa716be869a0b94aa85 Object ( [lambdaHelper:__Mustache_5f56c851127defa716be869a0b94aa85:private] => Mustache_LambdaHelper Object ( [mustache:Mustache_LambdaHelper:private] => Mustache_Engine Object *RECURSION* [context:Mustache_LambdaHelper:private] => Mustache_Context Object ( [stack:Mustache_Context:private] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [etapes] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [titre] => Général [lien] => Lien Object ( [_module] => Pages [_id] => 1 [_titre] => [_numpage] => [_objet] => categorie [_action] => [_type] => [_id2] => [_id3] => [_option] => [_param] => [_admin] => ) ) [1] => Array ( [titre] => Résidence senior [lien] => Lien Object ( [_module] => Pages [_id] => 16 [_titre] => [_numpage] => [_objet] => page [_action] => [_type] => [_id2] => [_id3] => [_option] => [_param] => [_admin] => ) [last] => 1 [first] => 1 ) ) ) ) [blockStack:Mustache_Context:private] => Array ( ) ) ) [mustache:protected] => Mustache_Engine Object *RECURSION* [strictCallables:protected] => ) ) [templateClassPrefix:Mustache_Engine:private] => __Mustache_ [cache:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Cache_NoopCache Object ( [logger:Mustache_Cache_AbstractCache:private] => ) [lambdaCache:Mustache_Engine:private] => [cacheLambdaTemplates:Mustache_Engine:private] => [loader:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Loader_StringLoader Object ( ) [partialsLoader:Mustache_Engine:private] => [helpers:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_HelperCollection Object ( [helpers:Mustache_HelperCollection:private] => Array ( ) ) [escape:Mustache_Engine:private] => [entityFlags:Mustache_Engine:private] => 2 [charset:Mustache_Engine:private] => UTF-8 [logger:Mustache_Engine:private] => [strictCallables:Mustache_Engine:private] => [pragmas:Mustache_Engine:private] => Array ( ) [tokenizer:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Tokenizer Object ( [state:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => 0 [tagType:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => / [buffer:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => [tokens:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 0 [value] => <nav id="bloc_ariane"> ) [1] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 1 [value] => <ol class="breadcrumb"> ) [2] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 2 [value] => <li> ) [3] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 3 [value] => <em>Vous êtes ici : </em> ) [4] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 4 [value] => <span itemscope itemtype="http://data-vocabulary.org/Breadcrumb"> ) [5] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 5 [value] => <a href="http://www.maison-ecologique-bois.com/" itemprop="url"><span itemprop="title">SPCME</span></a> ) [6] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 6 [value] => </span> ) [7] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 7 [value] => </li> ) [8] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 8 [value] => ) [9] => Array ( [type] => # [name] => etapes [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 8 [index] => 294 ) [10] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 8 [value] => ) [11] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 9 [value] => <li ) [12] => Array ( [type] => # [name] => last [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 9 [index] => 309 ) [13] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 9 [value] => class="active" ) [14] => Array ( [type] => / [name] => last [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 9 [index] => 324 ) [15] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 9 [value] => > ) [16] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 10 [value] => <span itemscope itemtype="http://data-vocabulary.org/Breadcrumb" itemprop="child"> ) [17] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 11 [value] => <a href=" ) [18] => Array ( [type] => _v [name] => lien [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 11 [index] => 442 ) [19] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 11 [value] => " itemprop="url"><span itemprop="title"> ) [20] => Array ( [type] => _v [name] => titre [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 11 [index] => 491 ) [21] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 11 [value] => </span></a> ) [22] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 12 [value] => </span> ) [23] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 13 [value] => </li> ) [24] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 14 [value] => ) [25] => Array ( [type] => / [name] => etapes [otag] => {{ [ctag] => }} [line] => 14 [index] => 524 ) [26] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 14 [value] => ) [27] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 15 [value] => </ol> ) [28] => Array ( [type] => _t [line] => 16 [value] => </nav> ) ) [seenTag:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => 526 [line:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => 16 [otag:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => {{ [ctag:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => }} [otagLen:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => 2 [ctagLen:Mustache_Tokenizer:private] => 2 ) [parser:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Parser Object ( [lineNum:Mustache_Parser:private] => 16 [lineTokens:Mustache_Parser:private] => 0 [pragmas:Mustache_Parser:private] => Array ( ) [defaultPragmas:Mustache_Parser:private] => Array ( ) [pragmaFilters:Mustache_Parser:private] => [pragmaBlocks:Mustache_Parser:private] => ) [compiler:Mustache_Engine:private] => Mustache_Compiler Object ( [pragmas:Mustache_Compiler:private] => Array ( ) [defaultPragmas:Mustache_Compiler:private] => Array ( ) [sections:Mustache_Compiler:private] => Array ( [A779d0e8be975469e74058d6ae113a3d] => private function sectionA779d0e8be975469e74058d6ae113a3d(Mustache_Context $context, $indent, $value) { $buffer = ''; if (!is_string($value) && is_callable($value)) { $source = ' class="active"'; $result = call_user_func($value, $source, $this->lambdaHelper); if (strpos($result, '{{') === false) { $buffer .= $result; } else { $buffer .= $this->mustache ->loadLambda((string) $result) ->renderInternal($context); } } elseif (!empty($value)) { $values = $this->isIterable($value) ? $value : array($value); foreach ($values as $value) { $context->push($value); $buffer .= ' class="active"'; $context->pop(); } } return $buffer; } [C2e4c5434e2e39fe39a6c51bf35aa05a] => private function sectionC2e4c5434e2e39fe39a6c51bf35aa05a(Mustache_Context $context, $indent, $value) { $buffer = ''; if (!is_string($value) && is_callable($value)) { $source = ' <li{{#last}} class="active"{{/last}}> <span itemscope itemtype="http://data-vocabulary.org/Breadcrumb" itemprop="child"> <a href="{{lien}}" itemprop="url"><span itemprop="title">{{titre}}</span></a> </span> </li> '; $result = call_user_func($value, $source, $this->lambdaHelper); if (strpos($result, '{{') === false) { $buffer .= $result; } else { $buffer .= $this->mustache ->loadLambda((string) $result) ->renderInternal($context); } } elseif (!empty($value)) { $values = $this->isIterable($value) ? $value : array($value); foreach ($values as $value) { $context->push($value); $buffer .= $indent . ' <li'; // 'last' section $value = $context->find('last'); $buffer .= $this->sectionA779d0e8be975469e74058d6ae113a3d($context, $indent, $value); $buffer .= '> '; $buffer .= $indent . ' <span itemscope itemtype="http://data-vocabulary.org/Breadcrumb" itemprop="child"> '; $buffer .= $indent . ' <a href="'; $value = $this->resolveValue($context->find('lien'), $context, $indent); $buffer .= htmlspecialchars($value, 2, 'UTF-8'); $buffer .= '" itemprop="url"><span itemprop="title">'; $value = $this->resolveValue($context->find('titre'), $context, $indent); $buffer .= htmlspecialchars($value, 2, 'UTF-8'); $buffer .= '</span></a> '; $buffer .= $indent . ' </span> '; $buffer .= $indent . ' </li> '; $context->pop(); } } return $buffer; } ) [source:Mustache_Compiler:private] => <nav id="bloc_ariane"> <ol class="breadcrumb"> <li> <em>Vous êtes ici : </em> <span itemscope itemtype="http://data-vocabulary.org/Breadcrumb"> <a href="http://www.maison-ecologique-bois.com/" itemprop="url"><span itemprop="title">SPCME</span></a> </span> </li> {{#etapes}} <li{{#last}} class="active"{{/last}}> <span itemscope itemtype="http://data-vocabulary.org/Breadcrumb" itemprop="child"> <a href="{{lien}}" itemprop="url"><span itemprop="title">{{titre}}</span></a> </span> </li> {{/etapes}} </ol> </nav> [indentNextLine:Mustache_Compiler:private] => [customEscape:Mustache_Compiler:private] => [entityFlags:Mustache_Compiler:private] => 2 [charset:Mustache_Compiler:private] => UTF-8 [strictCallables:Mustache_Compiler:private] => ) ) [tab_run] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => redirections [admin] => [module] => Main ) [1] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => front [admin] => [module] => Main ) [2] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => parse_mustaches [admin] => [module] => Main [moustache] => front [params_run] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => affiche [admin] => [module] => Pages [id] => [query] => [titre] => residence-senior [lang] => en ) ) [3] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => parse_mustaches [admin] => [module] => Main [moustache] => haut [params_run] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => affiche [admin] => [module] => Pages [id] => [query] => [titre] => residence-senior [lang] => en ) ) [4] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => parse_mustaches [admin] => [module] => Main [moustache] => bas [params_run] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => affiche [admin] => [module] => Pages [id] => [query] => [titre] => residence-senior [lang] => en ) ) [5] => Array ( [objet] => [type] => [option] => [action] => parse_mustaches [admin] => [module] => Main [moustache] => scripts [params_ru